
How to get back the chat history deleted by WeChat

author:Xiaojun's technology sharing

WeChat, as a bridge for our daily communication, can be said to carry too many of our good memories, as well as save a large number of our important chat information, but we often find such a phenomenon, when we want to check our chat records with a friend in WeChat again, but find that these chat records have disappeared without a trace, at this time I can't help but feel a little sad and lost, especially for some salaried people, If you lose the chat records with some bosses and customers in WeChat, this will not only bring losses to yourself, but also cause irreparable losses to the entire company, so what is going on? How can we prevent this phenomenon from happening? In fact, the main reason for this phenomenon is that WeChat chat history is lost or accidentally deleted, so how can we retrieve WeChat deleted chat history? I'm going to share the method with you today!

How to get back the chat history deleted by WeChat

1. The reason why WeChat chat history is lost!

The reason why our WeChat chat history is lost is that there are generally two situations that will lead to, one is due to the abnormal flashback, black screen, and stuck when our mobile phone is in use, resulting in the automatic restart of WeChat, then it will also cause the abnormal loss of WeChat chat history, and the other is due to the user's own operation, accidentally deleted the WeChat chat history, or when cleaning up the mobile phone cache and garbage, the WeChat chat history was cleaned up, which will also cause the loss of WeChat chat history!

2. How to get back lost WeChat chat history!

In WeChat, in fact, it comes with a very user-friendly function, that is, the chat history repair function, when our WeChat chat history is incomplete, or some important chat records are lost, we can use this function to quickly repair WeChat chat records and get back the lost chat records!

At this time, we just need to open the WeChat settings, and then select Help and Feedback to open, and then there is a small wrench icon in the upper right corner, after clicking on the small wrench, there will be an option to repair the chat history

How to get back the chat history deleted by WeChat

We only need to click on the green Repair Chat History, you can quickly repair the chat history back, after the repair is completed, WeChat will restart, wait for the restart, you will find that the lost chat history has been displayed in front of our eyes!

How to get back the chat history deleted by WeChat

At this time, we can only retrieve the WeChat chat history with the help of the cloud backup in the mobile phone, and now most of the mobile phones have cloud service functions, so we only need to open the cloud backup on the mobile phone, and then check WeChat, then the mobile phone will automatically help us back up the data in WeChat, such as videos, files, and chat history and other important data!

Therefore, when we find that the chat history is lost, we only need to open the backup and restore on the phone, then select the phone recovery, then find the WeChat data we backed up, and then click on the restore now below, you can quickly restore the chat history back!

How to get back the chat history deleted by WeChat

Of course, you need to pay attention to one thing when restoring, the WeChat chat history recovered here is the chat history you backed up before, not the latest chat history, so when you are restoring, you need to check some of the time of this WeChat backup, so as not to cause the original record to be restored, and the current record is lost!

In addition to using mobile phone backup and restore restoration, we can also use the computer version of WeChat to recover, after all, many people will have the habit of logging in to WeChat on the computer, so we only need to log in when logging in, check the option of syncing recent messages on the mobile phone, at this time, the chat history on the mobile phone will be synchronized to the computer WeChat, therefore, when we find that the WeChat chat history on the mobile phone is accidentally lost, we can open WeChat on the computer, and then get the WeChat chat history back!

How to get back the chat history deleted by WeChat

3. Regularly back up WeChat data to prevent problems before they happen!

In fact, no matter who is using WeChat and mobile phones, they can't be foolproof, after all, there will always be such a casual moment, and even some unavoidable external factors, such as the phone suddenly can't turn on, viruses and other reasons, will also cause us irreparable losses, so in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, we can only regularly back up our WeChat data, in order to prevent trouble, in order to avoid the trouble caused to us by the loss of WeChat chat records!

At this time, we can open the WeChat chat history migration and backup in the mobile phone, and then select backup and restore, and back up all the WeChat chat history to the computer, so that as long as we find that the WeChat chat history is lost, we can restore all these data through the computer!

How to get back the chat history deleted by WeChat

Well, the above is the knowledge that Xiaojun shared with you today, I hope it can help you, of course, if you have any questions or better methods, you are also welcome to leave a message in the comment area, thank you, we will see you next time!