
The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

author:Boos at Camp Nou
The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

European Cup 1/8 finals, England vs. Slovakia, in the 95th minute, England player Bellingham scored a barb, there is no doubt that this is a golden goal, Bellingham saved the England team with a flash of inspiration, what is called drama, that is, Slovak fans are ready to embrace passionately, indulge in carnival, tragedy suddenly came, England fans feel completely different, an elevator makes them go straight from hell to heaven in an instant, Bellingham is the one who pressed the elevator button.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

Since the start of this European Cup, the favorite England team has been repeatedly criticized and questioned, most fans think that this England team is playing without passion and bloodlessness, and people have even put an ugly hat on this favorite team, and the same is true for the game against Slovakia, England's performance is no longer satisfactory to describe as inappropriate, and their performance makes fans no longer disappointed, but desperate.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

England in a mess throughout the game, except for Bellingham's flash of inspiration, this England team almost did not leave any shining moments for the fans, the dignified England team was openly surrounded by Slovakia, 6 Slovak players swaggered in England's half of the field to chase and intercept, making England players embarrassed, don't you feel embarrassed, really don't want to face.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

I thought England's poor performance in the group game was reserved, but after the game against Slovakia, we have to admit that we blamed England wrongly, they didn't have reservations, they were so unbearable, didn't they, even a team like Slovakia could make England a lot of noise in front of the goal, and if it wasn't for the poor finishing ability of the Slovak players, they could have sent the English home in the first half.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

The question is, why is the England team, which is full of big names and stars, so unbearable? It's really inflated, it's not that we really overestimate these players, no, Foden, Kane, Saka, Bellingham are all quite talented, each of them is the absolute main force of each club, it can be said that you have to be capable, experienced.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

What is England's problem? I think there are two aspects, one is that this England team lacks cohesion and can't see that kind of unity, and the second is England manager Gareth Southgate, and it's really no wonder that the fans told him to get out, he has a lot of problems with the use of players, simply put, he can't play cards if he has cards.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

First of all, we talked about the cohesion of this team, don't think that a little skill can be invincible in the world, football is not an individual event, football needs teamwork and cooperation, Argentina won the Qatar World Cup is a good example, is the Argentina led by Messi the strongest Argentina in history? Obviously not, but they are the most united Argentina in history, all players are willing to take Messi as the core, even old players like Angel Di Maria are willing to help Messi win the World Cup, and it is this united power that makes Argentina reach the top of football.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

On the other hand, who is the core of this England team? It's very vague, Messi is the successor of the football king Maradona in Argentina, he is talented and talented, and with the blessing of the football king's torch, it is natural to gain the respect of his teammates, but what about England? Although there is no shortage of talented players, there are probably no players who can achieve Messi's status in the team, Kane is at best older and has more goals, and as a champion insulator, it is difficult to convince everyone.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

As a result, the England team that appeared in front of us had no cohesion at all, a game of scattered sand and fighting on their own, you couldn't understand what they wanted to do on the field, they probably didn't know what they should do, a team of luxury played in no order, it was difficult to even have a decent direct pass throughout the game, all that could be done was stumbling dribbling and unthreatening side passes.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

Next, let's talk about England coach Southgate, many times we have to admit that we don't understand the world of Southgate, and we really can't blame the fans for letting him go, he is indeed debatable in the use of players many times, there is no shortage of talented players in this team in England, how to use it is indeed a problem, if you use it well, you will harm yourself if you don't use it well, and now in the current situation, England is on the way to self-harm.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

Isn't it? England had already chosen to hang themselves in last night's game against Slovakia, and Bellingham cut that rope in the last minute, the question is, will Bellingham rush out to save England at a crucial moment in every game? I don't think so, Bellingham's goal is not just talent, it's also an element of luck.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

Moreover, the England manager Southgate is too dependent on Bellingham, how Bellingham and Foden are compatible is obviously a problem, from the overall situation, passing and receiving ability, and even dribbling to break through the ball, Foden is better than Bellingham, there is no doubt about this, fans who have watched these England games must have a feeling that this England team is too muddy and watery, and the speed cannot be improved, as if the sports car has the wrong oil.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

Bellingham has an unshirkable responsibility for this bad rhythm, this Real Madrid player has probably regarded himself as a big name, even if he can't be compared with Messi, he probably feels that he is not inferior to Neymar, so the camera will always capture Bellingham who tries to dribble, Messi's dribbling is like a rabbit, Neymar's passing is full of scenes, and Bellingham's passing is slightly embarrassing, often stealed, put down, and then his complaining eyes, the speed is too low, just like his side pass, The ball is too slow to pose any threat.

What's even more confusing is that the England coach's stubbornness is not only manifested in the use of Bellingham, such as last night's game against Slovakia, he has fallen behind, but he has not made changes to the lineup, England is not without substitutes, even if you change your luck, you should change people, after adjusting a Palmer, Southgate did not move, as if it was not England who was behind.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

It wasn't until the 94th minute of the game that Ivan Toney was replaced, it is obvious that in this game with Slovakia, the Slovaks just want to take the lead through physical confrontation, especially in the first half of the game, their physical advantage is extremely obvious, although Saka is very hard, and the pass success rate is also very high, but it must be admitted that Saka played very hard, and Saka's body could not compete with the hardness of the Slovak players, which made Saka play very aggrieved and careful throughout the game, Slovakia players have always been able to use their bodies to break the ball at Saka's feet, but it may not be so easy to steal from Ivan Toney, who is black and hard.

The face is gone, England is less than a minute away from death, and the fans are angry: South Gate get out

What's even more interesting is that in the extra time stage, Ivan Toney slapped Southgate in the face just after the start of the game, and Ivan Toney, who made his debut in this European Championship, assisted Kane to help the team overtake the score, and it was this goal that made England have the last laugh, and it was this goal that made England lucky to advance. There are cards that don't come out, that's how people define England manager Gareth Southgate.


It is unclear how far the English will go, but it is certain that the course of the game was ugly, but the ending made England fans happy, and London became a sea of joy after Kane's goal, and England fans set off fireworks and indulged in revelry, and they seemed to forget how ugly England games were.