
【Health Science】To change children's "heavy taste", parents should do these two things

author:Healthy Linyi
【Health Science】To change children's "heavy taste", parents should do these two things

Recently, the Office of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee issued the "Core Information of "Reducing Oil, Increasing Beans, and Adding Milk". In terms of "oil reduction", the "Core Message" makes it clear that long-term excessive fat intake can lead to obesity and increase the risk of chronic diseases such as dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Children and adolescents should cultivate light and non-greasy healthy eating habits from an early age, and people with overweight, obesity and hyperlipidemia should control fat intake and achieve a variety of foods and a reasonable diet.

Therefore, parents and children should pay attention to the intake of fats, so as to have a correct understanding of fats and fats and consume them reasonably.

【Health Science】To change children's "heavy taste", parents should do these two things

Don't fall into the mistake of oil reduction

The amount and type of fat intake are very important for the growth and development of children and adolescents, however, due to some parents and children's misunderstandings about fat, their fat intake is often unscientific.

Myth 1.

All vegetable oils are healthy

Some parents believe that animal fats and fats such as lard and butter contain saturated fatty acids that are unhealthy, while vegetable oils are generally healthier. In fact, not all vegetable oils are healthy. Some vegetable oils may be oxidized or undergo other chemical changes during processing, thus losing their original nutritional value. In addition, some vegetable oils such as coconut oil and palm oil also contain high levels of saturated fatty acids. Therefore, when choosing oils and fats, parents should pay attention to the types of oils and fats, and try to choose fresh, unoxidized vegetable oils that are low in saturated fatty acids.

Myth 2.

High-heat cooking is more nutritious

Many families are accustomed to high-heat cooking, believing that this will cook the food faster and make the food more delicious. However, high-temperature cooking can cause oxidation of the grease and produce harmful substances, which can reduce the quality of the grease. In the cooking process, parents should try to use low-temperature slow cooking, steaming, boiling, roasting and other cooking methods to reduce the production of harmful substances and retain the nutritional value of oil.

Myth 3.

Only one type of oil is used

Some parents often choose only one type of oil for convenience. However, different oils have different nutrient profiles and properties, and if only one oil is used, it can lead to nutritional imbalances. Parents should choose different oils to use in combination according to different cooking methods and nutritional needs, for example, olive oil can be used for cold and low-temperature cooking, and peanut oil or canola oil can be used for stir-frying.

【Health Science】To change children's "heavy taste", parents should do these two things

Myth 4.

Ignoring the "invisible oil"

The focus of oil reduction is to reduce cooking oil, but "invisible oil" also needs to be paid attention to, and many children's favorite snacks are actually "oil-containing households".

For example, to make 1 serving of 75 grams of fries, you need 120 grams of potatoes and 10 grams of oil; A 75g pack of plain potato chips will use 160 grams of potatoes and 26 grams of oil; 8 spicy strips are equivalent to 40 grams of flour and 16 grams of oil; Steamed cakes that look light and healthy, eating 4 of them is equivalent to ingesting 1 tablespoon of oil; Soft and delicious Internet celebrity snack waffles, 2 packets of 4 slices have 20 grams of oil; Some chips that claim to be "non-fried" may sound healthier, but if you look closely at the ingredient list, there are 30 grams of fat per 100 grams.

Get the right thing to do

Children and adolescents can try the following practices to change their greasy eating habits and develop healthy eating concepts.


Use an oil control pot for healthy cooking

Households should reduce the amount of cooking oil used daily. Use a graduated oil control pot to dose the oil to help control the total amount. Choosing less frying methods and cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and stewing can effectively reduce the intake of fat. This type of cooking not only preserves the nutrient content of the food, but also avoids the harmful substances produced by high-temperature frying.

【Health Science】To change children's "heavy taste", parents should do these two things


Increase your intake of legumes and dairy products

For children and adolescents, legumes and dairy products are very important sources of nutrition. Soybeans and their products are rich in high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, potassium and other nutrients, and regular consumption is conducive to the growth and development of children and adolescents. Milk and dairy products are a good source of calcium, and adequate calcium intake is essential for healthy bones and teeth. A moderate daily intake of soy and dairy products can help children and adolescents maintain a balanced diet.


Choose takeaway and restaurant food wisely

When eating out, children and adolescents should learn to choose dishes with low oil and take the initiative to ask restaurants for less oil. You can choose low-oil vegetables such as steamed, boiled, and cold salad, and avoid high-oil foods such as fried. When ordering takeout, try to choose some healthy set menus that can satisfy your cravings while maintaining a balanced diet.


Cultivate a light diet from an early age

Eating habits are often developed from an early age. Parents should encourage their children to eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and low-fat foods, and less fried, puffed and high-sugar foods. Schools and communities should also carry out publicity and education activities on healthy eating, so as to help children and adolescents establish correct dietary concepts and cultivate light eating habits from an early age.

Source: Student Health News

【Health Science】To change children's "heavy taste", parents should do these two things

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【Health Science】To change children's "heavy taste", parents should do these two things

Editor: Zhu Yiying Reviewer: Liu Zhiguo

Editor-in-Chief: Liu Dong