
The pension plans of all provinces have been announced, what is the ranking of the quota adjustment, and the amount of 6 places has risen instead of falling!

author:Stream thunder and lightning

Up to now, the pension adjustment plans of 31 provinces in the mainland have been announced, and according to the arrangement of the plan, the pensions of retirees will be adjusted in place before the end of July. This year, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security will adjust the overall adjustment level of pensions by 3% from 3.8% last year, a decrease of up to 0.8%, so most provinces have lowered the amount of fixed adjustments, but there are still 6 regions where the amount of fixed adjustments does not fall but rises, which is good news for low pension groups. So, what is the ranking of the quota adjustment amount of each province after the adjustment, and which 6 places have increased the quota adjustment amount?

Let's first take a look at the amount of pension adjustments and rankings in each province in 2023.

In 2023, the three regions with the highest quota adjustment amounts are the Tibet Autonomous Region, Shanghai Municipality and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with the amounts of 70 yuan, 61 yuan and 60 yuan respectively, and they are also the only three regions in the country with quota adjustment amounts of 60 yuan and above.

The three regions with the lowest quota adjustment amount are Yunnan Province, Guangdong Province and Jiangsu Province, with amounts of 15 yuan, 22 yuan and 26 yuan respectively, and the low amount of quota adjustment in Yunnan Province is understandable, and Guangdong Province and Jiangsu Province, as the two most economically developed regions on the mainland, rank second and third in the bottom of the quota adjustment, which is really a bit surprising. Most of the remaining provinces have a quota adjustment amount of between 30 yuan and 45 yuan.

The pension plans of all provinces have been announced, what is the ranking of the quota adjustment, and the amount of 6 places has risen instead of falling!

After the announcement of the pension adjustment plan in 2024, the author sorted out the data of 31 provinces and cities, as shown in the figure below.

As you can see from the chart below, the top three regions this year are the Tibet Autonomous Region, Shanghai and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. However, because Shanghai's quota adjustment this year has not changed compared with the previous year, while the quota adjustment amount in Tibet has dropped by 19 yuan, the rankings of Tibet and Shanghai have been reversed, with the highest amount being 61 yuan in Shanghai, 51 yuan in Tibet, and 45 yuan in Ningxia in third place.

The penultimate place is 25 yuan in Heilongjiang Province, the second to last is 26.5 yuan in Jiangxi Province, and Jilin Province and Sichuan Province are tied for the third from the bottom, with an adjustment amount of 27 yuan.

The pension plans of all provinces have been announced, what is the ranking of the quota adjustment, and the amount of 6 places has risen instead of falling!

So how does the quota adjustment of the 31 provinces and cities compare with 2023?

In 2024, in the case of a large decline in the national pension adjustment level, 23 provinces have lowered the fixed adjustment level, and the three regions with the largest pension reduction are Tibet Autonomous Region, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Guizhou Province, with a reduction of 19 yuan, 15 yuan and 13 yuan respectively. The quota adjustment amount in Shanghai and Hainan Province remained the same as last year. The six regions where pensions rose against the trend were Yunnan Province, Qinghai Province, Guangdong Province, Jiangsu Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Zhejiang Province, which rose by 19 yuan, 11 yuan, 8 yuan, 5 yuan, 1.3 yuan and 1 yuan respectively.

The pension plans of all provinces have been announced, what is the ranking of the quota adjustment, and the amount of 6 places has risen instead of falling!

Let's take a look at the impact of the reduction and increase in the level of fixed adjustment on retirees with low pensions.

If the pension of the retiree Uncle Ma is 3,000 yuan, the payment period is 25 years, and he is 62 years old this year.

If Uncle Ma retires in Yunnan Province, according to the adjustment plan of Yunnan Province in 2023, the fixed amount will be adjusted by 15 yuan, the payment period will be adjusted by 30 yuan, and the basic pension will be adjusted by 57.9 yuan, and the total adjustment amount will be 15 + 30 + 57.9 = 102.9, and the adjustment level will be 3.43%, which is 0.37% lower than the average pension adjustment level of 3.8% in 2023.

If according to the pension adjustment plan of Yunnan Province in 2024, the fixed amount will be adjusted by 34 yuan, the payment period will be adjusted by 25 yuan, and the basic pension will be adjusted by 30 yuan, and the total adjustment amount will be 34 + 25 + 30 = 89, and the adjustment level will be 2.97%, which is only 0.03% lower than the average pension adjustment level of 3% in 2024.

It can be seen that after Yunnan Province raised the fixed amount of adjustment, the gap between the pension adjustment level of the low pension group and the average pension adjustment level has narrowed, which means that the adjustment level of the low pension group has been significantly improved.

If Uncle Ma retires in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, according to Ningxia's adjustment plan in 2023, the fixed amount will be adjusted by 60 yuan, the payment period will be adjusted by 35 yuan, and the basic pension will be adjusted by 28.5 yuan, and the total adjustment amount will be 60 + 35 + 28.5 = 123.5, and the adjustment level will be 4.12%, which is 0.32% higher than the average pension adjustment level of 3.8% in 2023.

If according to the pension adjustment plan of Ningxia Autonomous Region in 2024, the fixed amount will be adjusted by 45 yuan, the payment period will be adjusted by 30 yuan, and the basic pension will be adjusted by 22.5 yuan, and the total adjustment amount will be 45 + 30 + 22.5 = 97.5, and the adjustment level will be 3.25%, which is 0.25% higher than the average pension adjustment level of 3% in 2024.

It can be seen that after Ningxia lowered the fixed amount of adjustment, the percentage of the pension adjustment level of the low pension group higher than the average pension adjustment level decreased, which means that the adjustment level of the low pension group has decreased.

The pension plans of all provinces have been announced, what is the ranking of the quota adjustment, and the amount of 6 places has risen instead of falling!

To sum up, in 2024, all provinces have announced this year's pension adjustment plan, in the case of this year's pension adjustment level fell by 0.8%, 23 provinces have lowered the fixed amount of adjustment, 2 provinces remain unchanged, and 6 provinces have grown against the trend, namely Yunnan Province, Qinghai Province, Guangdong Province, Jiangsu Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Zhejiang Province.