
In summer, eat less water spinach and more of it! The whole body is a treasure Many people only eat roots and leaves, but they don't know that the stem is a baby.

author:Longnan Danchang released

As summer approaches, the scorching sun shines on the earth, and the air is filled with a scorching smell that makes people sweat. During these seasons, the appetite seems to be picky, always looking for something cool and tasty to quench your thirst. As a result, cucumbers, bitter gourds and other cool vegetables have been put on the table and have become the darlings of summer.

However, among these common seasonal vegetables, there is one treasure that is often overlooked by us – sweet potato stalks. Its existence may not be as dazzling as cucumber and bitter gourd, but it contains rich nutrients and is known as the "queen of vegetables". Sweet potato stalks, not only tender and delicious, but also the whole body is a treasure, especially its stem, which has high nutritional value, but is often ignored by people. Today, let's unveil the mystery of sweet potato stalks and discuss how to bring this delicious dish to the table.

In summer, eat less water spinach and more of it! The whole body is a treasure Many people only eat roots and leaves, but they don't know that the stem is a baby.

Sweet potato stalks not only have a unique taste, but also have rich and diverse nutritional value. Sweet potato stalks are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. In addition, it is rich in vitamin C and potassium, which help to strengthen immunity and maintain cardiovascular health. In contrast, although other vegetables such as cucumbers and water spinach also have their own unique nutritional composition, in terms of comprehensive nutritional value, sweet potato stalks can be said to stand out, and it is not an exaggeration to be known as the "queen of vegetables".

Prepare the ingredients

To make this delicious dish, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of fresh sweet potato stalks
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • One red pepper
  • Cooking oil to taste
  • Salt to taste


In summer, eat less water spinach and more of it! The whole body is a treasure Many people only eat roots and leaves, but they don't know that the stem is a baby.

Step 1: Prepare the ingredients

First, peel off the outer skin of the sweet potato stalks. This step is very important because the skin of the sweet potato stalk is hard and not easy to digest. You can place the sweet potato stalks on a cutting board and gently tear them off with your fingers, and the skin will be easily peeled off. Then clean the sweet potato stalks and cut them into small pieces of about 5 cm for later use. Next, peel and crush the garlic and cut the red pepper into small rings for later use.

Step 2: Blanch

Before cooking, blanch the water. This step removes some of the astringency from the sweet potato stalks, making them more tender in the mouth. Put the sliced sweet potato stalks into boiling water, blanch for 1-2 minutes, then quickly remove them, soak them in cold water for a while, drain and set aside.

Step 3: Heat the pan with cool oil

Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the wok, and when the oil temperature rises to 70% hot, add the crushed garlic and stir-fry over medium-low heat to bring out the fragrance. The aroma of garlic is one of the important seasonings of this dish, so pay attention to the heat when stir-frying and don't burn it.

Step 4: Stir-fry sweet potato stalks

Put the blanched sweet potato stalks into a pot and stir-fry over high heat. When stir-frying, pay attention to the technique and gently turn with a spatula to ensure that each section of sweet potato stalks can be evenly heated. Stir-frying over high heat can maintain the crisp texture of the sweet potato stalks.

Step 5: Season to taste

Add salt and chopped red pepper rings and continue to stir-fry for 2-3 minutes. Red peppers not only add color to the dish, but also give the sweet potato stalks a slightly spicy taste, which is very appetizing. When seasoning, the amount of salt can be adjusted according to personal taste.

Step 6: Thicken (optional)

To add consistency and shine to the dish, add a little starch to the sautéed sweet potato stalks. Mix a small amount of starch with water, pour it into a pot and stir-fry quickly. The thickened sweet potato stems are more attractive in color and richer in taste.

Step 7: Remove from the pot

Finally, put the fried sweet potato stalks on a plate and enjoy. This delicious dish is simply done.

Health Tips:

In summer, eat less water spinach and more of it! The whole body is a treasure Many people only eat roots and leaves, but they don't know that the stem is a baby.
  1. Choose fresh sweet potato stems: Fresh sweet potato stems are emerald green in color and crisp in texture. When buying, you should choose fresh sweet potato stems with a smooth surface and no spots.
  2. Cooking time control: The cooking time of sweet potato stalks should not be too long, as too long will cause the taste to become old and lose the original crispness.
  3. Reasonable matching: Sweet potato stalks can be fried with other vegetables, such as green peppers, carrots, etc., which not only enriches the color of the dish, but also enhances the nutritional value.

On a hot summer day, it's a good idea to choose cool vegetables. And sweet potato stalks, as a healthy vegetable that is a treasure all over the body, deserve more attention and consumption. It is not only nutritious and has a unique taste, but also contributes to our health. Whether it's a simple stir-fry or a clever combination with other ingredients, sweet potato stalks can bring a different kind of delicious experience.

Source: What is the world to ask

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