
The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

author:There is no snow in winter

There is a good saying: "Men chase women's compartment mountains, women chase men's compartment yarn", but in reality, when a woman pursues the guy, not only is she rejected by the other party, but the guy even called the police in the end, what is going on?

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

The woman's surname is Peng, she is 36 years old, and the guy's surname is Liu, she is only 21 years old, the difference between the two is 15 years old, Peng can be each other's aunt, but for some reason, she wants to pursue Xiao Liu. However, the way she pursued was a bit frightening, not only sending messages to confess, but also blocking Xiao Liu's door, and even often going to Xiao Liu's place of work to harass her.

Of course, there is something even more devastating, that is, Peng also went around preaching that he had a 5-year-old child with Xiao Liu.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

I don't know if it was because I was annoyed and angry after Xiao Liu's refusal, so Peng went to the police station to call the police, saying that Xiao Liu beat her with an iron rod, and even the stick was broken.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

Peng's depiction of the painting was beaten with an iron rod and interrupted, how serious the beating must be, but when Peng showed his wounds to the police, a surprising scene appeared, only to see Peng stretched out a hand, and there were a few red dots on the back of the hand, in a funny sentence: "If you don't deal with it, it should heal." "Where is this like being beaten with an iron rod?

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

This is not enough, Peng said that the other party monitored him, and the police at this time had already felt abnormal, so he asked her how others monitored you? Peng said that the other party logged in to his social account on his tablet, and then monitored his own software to spy on his privacy.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected
The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

In the face of Peng's lies, the guy couldn't listen to it anymore, so he took out his mobile phone and prepared to provide evidence to the police, saying that it was he who was really being monitored, and Peng had been harassing him. At this time, when Peng saw that the other party wanted to take evidence, he instantly confessed and hurriedly said: "Okay, I didn't hit me, I was wrong, I won't call the police." ”

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

If you think that this is the end of the matter, then you are wrong, because the next day, the guy called the police. It turned out that Peng did not give up, and came to the place where the guy worked early in the morning to block the door.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

At this time, Peng still insisted that he had a 5-year-old child with the other party, but when the police proposed to do DNA for the child, Peng resolutely disagreed, and said that the child had a cold. The police told her that she could do it if she had a cold, but Peng still did not agree to do a paternity test.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

At this time, the guy told the police about the bitterness in his heart, it turned out that he had been harassed by Peng for more than three months, during which he kept blocking his door, and often spread the word that he had a 5-year-old child in the group, and even spread rumors that the guy didn't care about the child and was irresponsible.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

You must know that the guy at that time was only 21 years old, and he was just 16 years old 5 years ago, just a high school student, which is really nonsense.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

After coming to the police station, Peng still did not change his previous words and deeds, one would say that he had a child with the other party, and the other would say that he was harassed, and when the police asked: "What is the reason for monitoring you?" Unexpectedly, Peng blurted out: "Like me." The guy almost fainted out of breath after hearing this.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

And when the police asked the guy if he liked her or not, before the guy could speak, Peng explained: "He will definitely not admit it, he is so young, it is very shameless to spy on old women." ”

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

I have to say that Peng's words made people cry and laugh, and even the female policemen on the side couldn't help laughing.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

Even at the police station, Peng still kept confessing to the guy, and said to the guy: "I won't do anything stupid, I will think about our children." "The guy was crazy when he heard it.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected
The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

During this period, the guy kept asking Peng to bring the child over, and then do a DNA test, if it was his own child, he would immediately go to get a marriage certificate.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected
The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

This was originally a young man's angry words, but who would have thought that Peng would laugh heartily after hearing it.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

Things have developed to this point, maybe many people think that it is a woman's unilateral infatuation, to be honest, if it is really infatuation and wants to be with the guy, it may be understandable, but in fact, Liu is not the first object of her pursuit. At first, she pursued an employee in the guy's store, and she also harassed the other party twice for three days, and the other party was unbearable, and finally changed her phone number.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected
The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

After finding no one, Peng began to contact Liu's important person, but Liu refused. At this time, Liu may never have dreamed that he simply rejected Peng's pursuit for the employees in the store, but he didn't expect to get himself into big trouble, that is, Peng transferred the target to him again.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

Peng also pretended to be an employee to send a message to the guy at first, and then he simply confessed boldly, and after the chat record was made public by the guy, netizens called it too explicit:

"I miss you, I miss you, I miss your tenderness, I have relied on it unconsciously, come to me."

"Miss you! I miss you like a tractor climbing a hill, so I can't sleep, and my mind is full of you. ”

I have to say that Peng is still very literate, just sending such a message to a stranger, anyone will collapse.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

However, fortunately, under the questioning of the police, Peng finally admitted that the child was not a guy, and also wrote a letter of guarantee, promising not to harass the other party in the future, which can be regarded as returning the guy's innocence.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

However, in the follow-up investigation, it was learned that Peng's emotional experience was not simple, it turned out that she had been married twice and had two children, but these two children were different fathers.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected
The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected
The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

Not only that, Peng was also found to have a criminal record, and he had stalked and harassed others like this before.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

Facing Peng in front of her, the police told her that feelings are forced, and you have to make the other party like you and accept you. It was originally a well-intentioned persuasion, but the next scene made everyone at the scene look stupid, it turned out that after the police finished speaking, Peng suddenly raised his head and said to the police: "Are you willing to marry me?" The policeman hurriedly explained: "I'm already married!" ”

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

I don't know if I'm afraid that I will be harassed, when Peng left the police station, the police also specially instructed: "I'm already married, don't come to me in the future, do you hear?" I'm so scared of you. ”

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

To be honest, although I don't know what Peng has experienced, judging from the fact that she has had two marriages and has two children with different surnames, she should have been hurt emotionally, maybe she was stimulated by something to become like this. But what is puzzling is why she likes all the small fresh meat smaller than herself? And judging from the words alone, it doesn't seem that there is anything wrong, and it is even very literary.

The 36-year-old divorced aunt pursued the 21-year-old guy, and the chat records were too explicit, and she turned around to confess to the police after being rejected

I don't know if Peng is continuing to harass the guy now, or has he shifted the target again? I hope she can wake up and don't see one and love one, love one and chase another, so not only will she not get love, but she will create trouble for others. I also hope that she can find her true love, take care of her two children, and live the second half of her life happily.