
The winning rate of the pinnacle Saibaili is over 55%, and it has become a popular version

author:The little driver said the game

In the previous version, Hundred Mile Shou was a particularly disgusting hero, with a low win rate of 45%. Whether it's a low or high segment, not many people play anymore. But by the S36 season, Baili Shoujo became the hottest shooter in the current version, with a high win rate and a high appearance rate in almost all segments.

The winning rate of the pinnacle Saibaili is over 55%, and it has become a popular version

The reason why the previous 100-mile Shoujo was disliked was because it relied too much on sniper skills, and the aiming time was long, taking about two seconds each time. During the team battle, if Baili Shou is hiding behind and aiming, after three shots, the team battle is almost over, and it is good to be able to hit the C position in the back row, but if you can't hit, there will be almost no contribution in the team battle. However, if you take the general offensive stream, you will lose the biggest feature of the Baili Shouyu, and many players feel that it is better to play Luban and Houyi than to play the Baili Shouyu of the general offensive stream.

The winning rate of the pinnacle Saibaili is over 55%, and it has become a popular version

After the adjustment, Baili Shoujo is more fragrant than before, whether it is a general attack stream or a sniper stream.

In the past, if you go to the sniper stream, you are most afraid of those players with a low hit rate, who will not be able to hit, and will delay time, and there will be no output at all. Especially the kind that pursues high attack power, even if it is a basic attack, it is not good without attack speed, and it is too slow to fight tanks. Nowadays, the attack speed of Baili Shoujo can reduce the aiming time of snipers by up to one second, so when fighting in a group, even if you are sniping in the back row, it will not delay too much time. In addition, the attack speed can reduce the aiming time, which means that everyone will have some attack speed equipment appropriately in the way of loading, and after the bullet is finished, there is also a good output for the general attack.

The winning rate of the pinnacle Saibaili is over 55%, and it has become a popular version

And for the players who like basic attacks, the revision of the ultimate has improved their survivability. Because the CD of the ultimate, the hero of Baili Shouyue is stronger than the general dull shot due to the displacement of the ultimate, and after the ultimate CD is reduced, it can be used for a second time in a short time.

The winning rate of the pinnacle Saibaili is over 55%, and it has become a popular version

Compared to the average shooter, the ability to defend the tower is stronger

Generally speaking, it is very difficult to defend the tower with a pair of shooters, it is easy to be consumed, and even if you don't die, after returning to the city, the defense tower will be knocked out little by little. Baili Shou Covenant can be sniped from a distance due to the second skill, only hitting the line, if you don't hit the hero, three shots can easily harvest a line, so that the opposite side can't consume the defense tower. If it drags on all the time, it must be a panic on the other side, because your own auxiliary goes to other lines to bring rhythm, and the opposite auxiliary is with the shooter, if you can't break the tower quickly, the other roads will collapse.

The winning rate of the pinnacle Saibaili is over 55%, and it has become a popular version

Moreover, the Hundred Miles Covenant can be placed with a vision device, and the opposite jungler or mid lane can be known in advance as soon as it comes, and it will not be easily killed under the tower. Therefore, it is very fragrant to use today's Baili Shou Covenant to score points, but the Ban rate is too high, and it is not easy to get it.

The winning rate of the pinnacle Saibaili is over 55%, and it has become a popular version

In the experience server, Baili Shouyo has been cut off the attack distance, and it will be too early to score points, and after a while, it will not be so strong.