
The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

author:Explorer of literature and history


When we were children, there was a children's song that sang: "Only mothers are good in the world, and mothers' children are like treasures."

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

The mother is the one who gives us life, and we are the part of her body that she has stripped from the body, and the relationship between mother and child should be inseparable.

But in reality, there is such a mother, who is called the most vicious mother by the majority of netizens.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

abandoned his husband and son, turned a deaf ear to his son for 30 years, and when he learned that his son earned one million a year, he knelt down and begged for recognition. So what's all this all about?

Origin of the story:

In this world, there are wounds that time does not heal. For Yang Yang, the scar of his childhood is like an eternal thorn in his heart, even if the years go by, it still hurts faintly.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

The story begins 32 years ago. At that time, Xiang Chunli was young and beautiful, married to the honest Yang Qiang. It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and after marriage, Xiang Chunli seemed to be a different person, and often moved the family's money and things to her parents' house.

Yang Qiang swallowed his anger, but after a long time, he couldn't help it.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

"Can't you think about this home?" Yang Qiang asked with red eyes.

"Why didn't I think about this family? I worked so hard to get pregnant, didn't I want to give you a son? Xiang Chunli fought back with confidence.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

Quarrels became commonplace, and the bitterness in Yang Qiang's heart accumulated more and more. Finally, one day, he chose the most extreme way to end his life. Xiang Chunli, who was 5 months pregnant, and two old people were left behind.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

Forcing her husband to death and abandoning her children:

"At that time, we all thought that Xiang Chunli would stay and raise the child well." Yang Yang's grandfather recalled, his eyes full of helplessness, "Who knew that the child was only 6 months old, and she would remarry." "

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

In this way, Xiao Yang Yang became a motherless child. The grandparents were old and couldn't take care of them, so they had to send 5-year-old Yang Yang to his cousin's house in Guangzhou.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

"At that time, I was always laughed at by my classmates as a 'wild child without a father and mother'." Many years later, Yang Yang recalled his childhood, and his eyes still unconsciously filled with tears, "How I hope that one day, my mother can come to pick me up." "

Fate seems to have played a joke on Yang Yang. When he was 8 years old, Xiang Chunli really came to see him. With her new husband Deng Sheng. Xiao Yang Yang was very excited, thinking that he could finally go home with his mother. But Xiang Chunli just looked, touched his head, and left.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

"After that, I couldn't sleep well for a whole month." Yang Yang said, "I always dream that my mother comes to pick me up.


No one to rely on, work hard:

During the summer vacation when I was 13 years old, my thoughts came flooding back. Yang Yang plucked up the courage and secretly ran away from home, wanting to find his mother. He relied on picking up rags and ran all the way from Guangzhou to his hometown in Yunnan.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

But what awaits him is the empty old house and the strange eyes of the neighbors.

"Since then, I've understood that I'm on my own." When Yang Yang said this, his eyes were firm, "I vowed to study hard and get ahead in the future." "

Yang Yang proved his determination with his actions. He was admitted to Southern Medical University with a high score of 650 points, and after graduation, he entered a tertiary hospital in Guangzhou.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

Today, at the age of 32, he is the chief physician of the hospital, has his own house and car in Guangzhou, and has married a beautiful wife and gave birth to a lovely daughter.

"I finally have my own home and someone who loves me." Yang Yang said with a smile, his eyes full of happiness.

Mother knelt down and begged for recognition:

However, fate played a joke on Yang Yang again. When he was successful in his career, his mother, Xiang Chunli, who had disappeared for 32 years, suddenly appeared.

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

"I know it's wrong, I want to give him motherly love!" Xiang Chunli cried and said to reporters, "I've been looking for him all these years!" "

But is that really the case? Yang Yang's cousin Yang Dalin shook his head: "Over the years, Xiang Chunli has never taken the initiative to contact Yang Yang. However, when Yang Yang was a child, we often sent her letters and photos, but she never responded. "

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

With the help of the mediator, the mother and son finally meet. But this time we met, there was no imaginary warmth.

"Mom, I know your life may not be good right now." Yang Yang said calmly, "However, I think it's better for us to maintain the status quo." You have your family, and I have mine. "

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

Xiang Chunli was stunned when she heard this, she didn't expect her son to react like this. "But I'm your mother! Don't you want your mother's love? "

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

Yang Yang smiled bitterly: "Mom, do you know? How much I wanted my mother's love when I was a kid. But now, I've learned that I can live without this love. "

Aroused heated discussions from all walks of life:

The incident quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Most netizens supported Yang Yang's decision. Someone said: "What kind of mother's love is this, it is clearly to see that her son has a future and wants to get light." Some people also said: "Blood relationship does not mean everything, and true family affection needs to be managed with heart." "

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

Psychological experts pointed out that children like Yang Yang, who have been lacking family affection and care for a long time, often have psychological problems such as low self-esteem and insecurity. "Yang Yang's ability to overcome these difficulties and achieve today's achievements is really commendable."

"But we also need to understand that his alienation from his mother is the result of years of lack of affection and will take time and patience to repair." "

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet


Today's Yang Yang is already the pillar of a happy small family. His wife knew about his past and gave him full understanding and support. "Our daughter is the most important thing," Yang said, "and I want to give her all the love I didn't get in my childhood." "

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

This story, perhaps, does not have a perfect ending. But it makes us think: what exactly is family affection? Is it the bond of blood, or is it the companionship of day after day? Is it an instinctive responsibility, or is it a willing effort?

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

Perhaps, the answer is in everyone's heart. As Yang Yang said: "Life always has to look forward." The pain of the past is over, and it is important to cherish the happiness you have now. "

The woman forced her husband to abandon her young son, and 32 years later learned that her son earned one million a year: I want to give him maternal love

Originated from the Internet

In this world, there are wounds that may never heal. But we can choose how to live with it, how to grow through the pain, and ultimately become a better version of ourselves. This may be the biggest inspiration Yang Yang gave us.