
Bi Yuan is not the most talented candidate, how did he get the top prize

author:Chopin talks about history

Bi Yuan was an official and scholar of the Qing Dynasty, and he studied under Shen Deqian since he was a child, so he had a good knowledge of classics and history. In the twenty-fifth year of Qianlong, Bi Yuan won the top prize and entered the Hanlin Academy as an editor.

We know that it is very difficult to win the top prize, and it is impossible to win the top prize with Bi Yuan's ability and level, so how did Bi Yuan win the top prize? There are two reasons for this.

Bi Yuan is not the most talented candidate, how did he get the top prize

1. Skillful integration

A coincidence made Bi Yuan bet on the exam question.

The day before the palace examination, Bi Yuan was on duty at the Military Aircraft Department, and there were originally three people on duty, but the other two wanted to go back to their residences to prepare for the exam, so that Bi Yuan was the only one on duty in the Military Aircraft Department.

Coincidentally, at this time, Huang Tinggui, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, transferred the twist and turn of Tuntian in Xinjiang to the Military Aircraft Department, so that Bi Yuan studied this twist and turn in detail.

Bi Yuan is not the most talented candidate, how did he get the top prize

As a result, the next day's palace examination question was about Tuntian, Xinjiang. After Bi Yuan saw the exam questions, he immediately felt confident and successfully completed the palace exam.

Bi Yuan happened to bet on the exam questions, which gave him a chance to win the top prize.

Bi Yuan is not the most talented candidate, how did he get the top prize

2. Qianlong Feng Point

Although Bi Yuan bet on the question, no one was sure that he would win the champion, because the champion must be hand-picked by the emperor. After the palace examination, Qianlong read Bi Yuan's answer sheet and was very satisfied with Bi Yuan's article.

The views and measures embodied in Bi Yuan's article are very much in line with Qianlong's ideas, so Qianlong appointed Bi Yuan as the champion.

Bi Yuan is not the most talented candidate, how did he get the top prize

After reading Bi Yuan's experience of winning the championship, everyone may think that Bi Yuan's luck is good, not only betting on the exam questions, but also the content of the article is in line with Qianlong's mind, so he won the championship.

In fact, it is not necessarily, although Bi Yuan won the top prize, although there is an element of luck, but his own strength cannot be ignored.

Bi Yuan is not the most talented candidate, how did he get the top prize

A person's achievements are due to both luck and strength, so we usually say: "Luck is for those who are prepared".


Manuscripts of the History of the Qing Dynasty

Records of the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Volume 1345

History of the Qing Dynasty