
What is "Digital Literacy for All"? It is tied → your life

author:The summer capital is Xining
What is "Digital Literacy for All"? It is tied → your life

This year, May and June 2024 is the 2024 National Digital Literacy and Skills Enhancement Month, with the theme of "Digital Empowerment for All". On June 3, the launching ceremony of the 2024 National Digital Literacy and Skills Improvement Month in Shanxi Province was held at the Provincial Science and Technology Museum. Not long ago, the 7th Digital China Construction Summit "officially announced" a blockbuster news - the National Data Bureau released a list of cities undertaking the construction of data labeling bases, and Datong City was among them. Datong is multiplying the "number" and moving forward in the wave of digitalization.

In daily work and study

How we experience

Convenience and wisdom brought by digitalization

Digital life is in its own unique way

Lead us into one

A whole new world of possibilities

The future is no longer a distant dream

It's a reality at your fingertips

What is "Digital Literacy for All"? It is tied → your life

Source: Datong Daily

Producer: Liu Xinghai Editor: Kou Rong Editor: Feng Lichen, Zhang Ping

What is "Digital Literacy for All"? It is tied → your life

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