
The movie "I'm Waiting for You in the Sea of Gesang Flowers" was launched to tell the story of Don't Young teaching

author:Rushing News
The movie "I'm Waiting for You in the Sea of Gesang Flowers" was launched to tell the story of Don't Young teaching

The movie "I'm Waiting for You in the Sea of Gesang Flowers" was launched

On July 1, the opening ceremony of the movie "I'm Waiting for You in the Sea of Gesang Flowers" was held in the primary school of Zengqi Township, Sangri County, Shannan City, Tibet Autonomous Region. The film vividly records the story of the ten-year perseverance and dedication of the "Gesang Flower" teaching team, and pays tribute to the 30th anniversary of Hubei's aid to Tibet. The film is expected to be released next year, and will lead the audience to feel the true feelings and warmth of aiding Tibet, understanding the hardships and greatness of Tibet's aid work, as well as the innovation and responsibility of young filmmakers.

The movie "I'm Waiting for You in the Sea of Gesang Flowers" was launched to tell the story of Don't Young teaching

Ma Ru, the chief producer of the movie "I'm Waiting for You in Gesang Flower Sea", presided over the opening ceremony

Ma Ru, the chief producer, introduced the background and significance of the movie "I'm Waiting for You in the Sea of Gesang Flowers". She said that the film plays an important role in recording the mark of the times and conveying positive energy to society, and the project has taken two years of preparation since its inception in 2022.

The movie "I'm Waiting for You in the Sea of Gesang Flowers" was launched to tell the story of Don't Young teaching

The "Gesang Flower" teaching team appeared at the opening ceremony of the movie "I am waiting for you in the Gesang Flower Sea".

At the opening ceremony, Jiang Nan, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shannan Municipal Party Committee, introduced the natural scenery and humanistic feelings of Shannan City, the "cradle of Tibetan culture", and warmly invited guests to travel and shoot locally. Liu Chuannan, vice president and secretary general of the Children's Committee of the China Canton Federation, spoke highly of the direction of the movie "I'm Waiting for You in Gesang Flower Sea" to pay attention to teenagers and children and shoot the theme of teenagers and children with love.

It is understood that the movie "I'm Waiting for You in Gesang Flower Sea" is produced by Yingyou Xingchen Pictures (Hubei) Co., Ltd., and jointly produced by the Propaganda Department of the Shannan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Propaganda Department of the Xiangyang Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Hubei University of Arts and Sciences.

Source丨Phoenix Network Gansu Channel (the copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

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