
62 days! The summer transportation of the railway has begun

author:Rushing News

Rushing News (correspondent Wang Guanghui, reporter Xuan Siyu, intern Li Peiyun) This year's summer transportation, railway transportation began on July 1 and ended on August 31, a period of 62 days. On the basis of the implementation of the new map in the third quarter, according to the changes in passenger flow, the Lanzhou Railway Bureau has taken measures such as increasing the number of trains, reconnecting the marshalling, running at full capacity and accurately implementing the "one map per day" to meet the travel needs of summer passengers to the greatest extent.

62 days! The summer transportation of the railway has begun
62 days! The summer transportation of the railway has begun

This year's summer transportation, the passenger flow in the Lanzhou Railway Bureau is mainly to Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi'an, Jiayuguan, Dunhuang and other places tourist and student passenger flow, which is expected to send 17.08 million passengers, with an average daily of 275,000 passengers, an increase of 285,000 over the same period in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 1.7%; The peak period is expected to occur between August 10 and 20, with 360,000 passengers expected to be sent on the peak day.

62 days! The summer transportation of the railway has begun
62 days! The summer transportation of the railway has begun

On the basis of organizing the operation of the scheduled trains, the Lanzhou Railway Bureau further optimized the transportation structure and improved the efficiency of high-speed rail and general-speed operation. 4 additional passenger trains from Lanzhou West to Dunhuang and Yinchuan to Beijing West to Beijing; Add 8 trains from Lanzhou to Urumqi, Beijing Fengtai, Kunshan, and Chengdu West Summer General Express Passenger Trains; 14 EMU trains on the peak lines of Lanzhou West to Lianyungang and Lanzhou West to Xi'an North in the direction of Baolan High-speed Railway, Lanzhou to Longnan, Lanzhou to Minxian, Yinchuan to Xi'an North in the direction of Lanyu and Yinxi High-speed Railway; In the direction of Lanzhou-Singapore high-speed railway, 2 EMU trains from Lanzhou West to Urumqi will be resumed; There are 28 EMU trains from Lanzhou West to Beijing West, Hangzhou East, Shanghai Hongqiao, Guangzhou South, Jiayuguan South and Yumen, Lanzhou to Chengdu East, Guiyang North and Minxian, Yinchuan to Shanghai and Lanzhou West to Dunhuang; The G669/8 train from Yinchuan to Beijing and the G667/70 train from Beijing to Yinchuan will be added to Wuzhong Station. In addition, the Lanwu section of the Lanzhang high-speed railway, which was newly opened on June 29, will be put into summer transportation for the first time.

The railway department reminds that the details of the additional trains during the summer transportation period should be subject to the station announcement and the announcement on the 12306 website of the China Railway Customer Service Center.

62 days! The summer transportation of the railway has begun