
Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club丨In the "Red Army Village", see the hot land "rejuvenated"

author:Rushing News

Listen to the stories of the Red Army, go to the fields to pick fruits and vegetables, and taste authentic farm dishes...... On June 28th, media experts who participated in the "Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club" walked into the "Red Army Village" on the outskirts of Huining County to visit the "new look" of this "hot land".

Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club丨In the "Red Army Village", see the hot land "rejuvenated"

After a light rain, the air in the "Red Army Village" is exceptionally fresh, the sparkling river is located on both sides of the courtyard with blue bricks, gray tiles and white walls, there are trees in front of the door, there is a river at the edge of the village, and the new scenery of the courtyard attracts many tourists.

Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club丨In the "Red Army Village", see the hot land "rejuvenated"

The "Red Army Village" is the place where the headquarters of the Red Army, the main leaders of the Red Second and Fourth Front Armies, and the large units of the Red Fourth Front Army passed through during the Long March. It is 3.5 kilometers away from Huining County, with rich cultural heritage and rich red relics, and the development of cultural and tourism integration to promote rural revitalization, which has unique advantages.

After the unveiling of the "Red Army Village" scenic spot focusing on red leisure tourism, supporting the development of modern facility agriculture and building rural pastoral community as the highlight, earth-shaking changes have taken place here, and the surrounding farmers have also opened a "new life" with flowers in three seasons and scenery in four seasons, with trees in front of the door, rivers at the edge of the village, and flowers in the yard.

Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club丨In the "Red Army Village", see the hot land "rejuvenated"

The "Red Army Village" project covers a total area of 10,088 acres, with a planned total investment of 2.05 billion yuan, and will be divided into three phases: red cultural tourism, ecological agriculture and modern health care, with a planned construction period of 5-8 years. "The first and second phases of the project have now been completed, and after the park opens and is put into use in May 2023, it will receive more than 380,000 visitors." Feng Yanzhuo, director of the office of the "Red Army Village", told reporters, "We are tourists from other places and want to make an appointment for the explanation of the scenic spot. During the interview, some tourists asked Feng Yanzhuo how to make group reservations in the scenic spot.

Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club丨In the "Red Army Village", see the hot land "rejuvenated"
Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club丨In the "Red Army Village", see the hot land "rejuvenated"

The village has become more beautiful and life has become better. The "Red Army Village" increases farmers' income through four ways: land transfer, work in the park, incubation and entrepreneurship, and village collective dividends. Among them, the land transfer fee is 500 yuan/mu, and the average household income is more than 4,000 yuan; It can incubate and cultivate 30 farmer cooperatives, 26 college student cooperatives, and develop 82 characteristic commercial stores, which is expected to achieve an output value of 20 million yuan/year; It can absorb about 1,500 jobs, 3,500 yuan/month for general workers and 4,500 yuan/month for technicians, achieving an increase of more than 50,000 yuan per capita.

Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club丨In the "Red Army Village", see the hot land "rejuvenated"

In the evening, in the "Military Flavor Fang" restaurant in the "Red Army Village" scenic area, there is an endless stream of tourists who come to dine. Gao Yongfeng, 40 years old this year, is a villager in the "Red Army Village" who contracted to open a special restaurant in Junweifang in April last year. "The restaurant has been renovated for two months, and it opened in June last year, and now the business is okay, and the employees are all villagers in the village, with a salary of 3,000 yuan a month for food and accommodation, and they can also take care of the family." Gao Yongfeng said that he plans to run the restaurant in the village in the past two years.

Text & Picture丨Rushing News Reporter Cai Duan

Passing on the Torch - Huining Poetry Club丨In the "Red Army Village", see the hot land "rejuvenated"