
When a woman starts buying clothes for you

author:Dreamy and enthusiastic bean curd

The picture comes from the Internet, and the picture and text have nothing to do with it

When a woman starts buying clothes for you

When a woman starts buying clothes for you, it is a good sign that she is really willing to be with you for a long time.

We usually have these for our families, for the people we care about.

A woman is willing to do this, at least it proves that she has accepted you from the heart.

When a woman starts buying clothes for you

If you want to know if the other party really cares about you, from this point, you can probably get a little idea.

When two people are together, it is not okay to rely on feelings alone.

Feeling that the other person loves you is very subjective.

So we have to look at the actual behavior of the other party.

A woman who loves you and always wants to do more for you.

A woman who doesn't love you, but feels like you're asking too much.

When a woman starts buying clothes for you

That's the difference.

In return, we also need to do something for women often, so that positive interactions can be formed.

The progression of love is in which it happens step by step.

Look at the action, look at the performance, look at the behavior, these can see whether a woman has true feelings or false feelings for you.