
Let me tell you a secret: after the age of 50, close the four doors, otherwise the family will be restless

author:The world is sober and woody
Let me tell you a secret: after the age of 50, close the four doors, otherwise the family will be restless

Let me tell you a secret, after the age of 50, if you want to live a good life, you must remember to close these four doors, otherwise the family will be restless.

Makes sense.

First, keep your door

In this life, if you don't talk about it, it's a blessing.

It is thankless to meddle in affairs, and gossip will provoke right and wrong; Don't care about other people's affairs, it's not ruthless, but wisdom, children have their own life, they manage too much, they are annoying, and they are not happy, so why bother? Everyone keeps a certain distance and is comfortable with each other.

Don't expose people's scars at will, talk about people's strengths and weaknesses, be cautious in your words and deeds, even among your children, don't say that your children are not. You can't get used to it, you can't change it, people learn to shut up when they get old, you have to believe that your children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and I will do what I should do, but I shouldn't care, I will never talk too much.

Second, close your own door

After people are over 50 years old, they must learn to give up, give up meaningless circles, meaningless socialization, not many friends, but fine, one or two confidants are enough. Life is a hundred years, come and go in a hurry, don't waste your life for those vain things.

Put some hypocritical people, unfriendly relatives, and unenthusiastic friends, close the door when it is time to close the door, and thank the guest when it is time to thank the customer. Look down on people's feelings and sophistication, stay away from bad people and bad things, keep the rest of your time and energy for yourself, and treat yourself well from now on.

Let me tell you a secret: after the age of 50, close the four doors, otherwise the family will be restless

Third, close the door of the unit

Fifty or sixty years old, when the age is up, take off the burden on your body, and stop thinking about returning to the unit. Most of the workplace is about profits, retire when you should retire, take a good rest when you should rest, stay away from pain and trouble, learn to let go, and be willing to leave the unit.

It's time to retire, just enjoy your retirement life, don't embarrass yourself, don't find things for yourself, do something you like, and regain your old hobbies and dreams, why not?

Fourth, guard your property

When people are old, they must be financially independent, and don't hand over their economic power to anyone until the moment their lives stop.

In old age, if there is no money, then life will definitely be miserable. As the saying goes, there is no filial son in front of the bed for a long time, with money, you can solve 95% of the problems, you can be tough, you don't have to look at other people's faces, and you can live a decent life for the rest of your life.

People live to be kind to themselves, do you agree with the above four points?

Let me tell you a secret: after the age of 50, close the four doors, otherwise the family will be restless