
The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting

author:Tongguan District People's Procuratorate
The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting
The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting
The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting
The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting
The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting
The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting

Tongguan District Procuratorate held "July 1st"

Don't forget the original intention and forge ahead

Commendation Conference and Party Class Report Meeting

In order to warmly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the afternoon of July 1, the Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting to carry out a series of activities such as reviewing the oath of joining the party and learning the advanced deeds of heroes and models. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Qingwen, a member of the party group of the hospital, and attended by all cadres and policemen.

01Review the oath of joining the party

The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting

At the beginning of the meeting, He Wendou, secretary of the party group and procurator general of the court, led all the cadres and police officers to review the oath of joining the party: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China...... We are ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time, and never betray the party." In the Zheng Zheng oath, every party member has constantly strengthened his ideals and beliefs and absorbed the strength of struggle.

02Learn advanced deeds

The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting

The meeting learned the deeds of Comrade Han Xuhui's advanced heroic models, and called on all cadres and police officers to transform the power of role models into a powerful driving force for forging ahead, to integrate the spirit of heroic models into daily case handling, to constantly temper political loyalty, strengthen the spirit of responsibility, and improve their ability to perform their duties.

03Commend outstanding Communist Party members and outstanding party workers

The meeting commended 6 "outstanding Communist Party members" such as Tang Jiang and 3 "outstanding party workers" such as Sun Xuecong.



The Tongguan District Procuratorate held the "July 1st" commendation meeting and party class report meeting

At the end of the meeting, He Wendou made a party class report entitled "Learning Party Discipline, Knowing and Awe, and Promoting Promotion" for all cadres and police. He Wendou emphasized that the study and education of party discipline is not only for the purpose of learning discipline, knowing discipline, understanding discipline, and abiding by discipline, but also to always maintain strong cohesion and combat effectiveness, and to be loyal, clean and responsible. First, we must firmly shoulder the "political responsibility" and always maintain our true character of loyalty. Deeply understand the importance and goal requirements of party discipline study and education, strengthen ideals and beliefs, enhance the sense of discipline, and effectively change the style of work in the process of in-depth study and practice. Second, we must always have a "heart of awe" and abide by discipline in an exemplary manner. Comprehensively compare the "six disciplines", "three regulations", "ten strict prohibitions" and the requirements of the high-quality development of the Tongguan Procuratorate, dare to self-analyze and self-dissect, and promptly correct deviations in thought and action. Third, we must always have a "pragmatic way" and strive to improve performance. Closely follow the goals and tasks, transform the results of party discipline study and education into a powerful starting point for improving the work style ability and work quality and efficiency of the procuratorial team, and constantly promote the improvement of procuratorial work.

Text: Xiao Yin

Typesetting: Huang Hui

Review: Li Huayuan


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