
True strength comes from inner peace: Lin Qingxuan's wisdom in life



"Tranquility and far-reaching", this is not only Zhuge Liang's teachings to his son, but also a supreme state of life.

"Be a man and be quiet in everything", as the writer Yishu said, "come quietly, go quietly, work hard quietly, and harvest quietly." ”

This statement speaks to the true meaning of life: in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the world, holding a quiet heart is the secret path to inner peace and wisdom.

Stillness is a purifier of the soul.

It gives us the ability to sweep away the dust from our hearts and see the true nature of life in the chaotic world.

Just as the ancients said: "The heart is quiet and naturally cool", only the heart can filter out the impetuousness and leave the clarity.

"If the water is deep, it will flow slowly, and if people are expensive, they will speak late."

This sentence in the Book of Rites reminds us that true maturity and dignity are reflected in the calmness and impatience in the face of the world.

In the fast-paced modern society, learn to slow down and not be trapped by fame and fortune, in order to appreciate the profundity and richness of life.

Calmness is the best posture to face life.

When we learn to accept everything that life gives, whether it is good or bad, we can deal with it with an indifferent attitude, just like Su Shi's "There is no wind and rain and no sunshine".

This attitude makes our hearts more resilient and open-minded.

True strength comes from inner peace.

As Lin Qingxuan said, "See the world with a pure heart and live life with a happy heart." ”

When we reach a transcendent tranquility in our hearts, the fluctuations of the outside world will not be able to shake us in the slightest. This inner strength enables us to walk gracefully and smile calmly at every sunrise and moon setting in the journey of life.

In the end, happiness and contentment lie in the adjustment of mentality and self-realization.

As Rabindranath Tagore said, "The sky has left no trace, but I have flown through." ”

True happiness does not lie in how much wealth and fame you have, but in your inner abundance and profound experience of life.

When you learn to meditate, you will find that every moment in your life is full of beauty to cherish.

A quiet state of mind is not only an elegant response to life, but also the only way to inner happiness and contentment.

On this path, we learn not only how to live peacefully with the world, but more importantly, how to live in harmony with ourselves and live the truest texture of life.

True strength comes from inner peace: Lin Qingxuan's wisdom in life

Hold a serene mind

In a moment of tranquility, the chaos fades away, and the truth of all things is revealed.

As the old saying goes, "When the water is quiet, it is clear, and when the heart is quiet, it is wise." "Inner peace is like a clear pool of water, allowing the world to be reflected more clearly. This is because, in the quietness, the mind can be precipitated, and wisdom is born spontaneously, so that we can maintain a precious calmness and indifference in the face of mutations and challenges.

"If the heart does not move, the wind will not be able to do anything." This is the wisdom of the ancients.

Under meditation, the thoughts are no longer scattered, the mind is in order, and it is no longer disturbed by distracting thoughts. On the other hand, those who have a lot of thoughts all day long, their thinking is like a mess, and when they encounter problems, they are the first to mess up and panic.

Only those who are calm can steadily improve in the daily tranquility and find a pure land in the hustle and bustle of the world.

Wang Yangming's teachings are profound: "Cultivate the mind in silence and break the lock of anxiety; Sharpen things and get rid of the disease of panic. "Only by constantly refining in practice and refining insights in every detail can we make our state of mind like an ancient well without waves, have a deep view of the world, and be fearless in the face of danger and have no distractions.

Tao Yuanming's philosophy of life in his "Self-Sacrifice Text" is just like a quiet and far-reaching picture: "Spring planting and autumn harvest, the joy of the countryside, sowing hope between cultivation, and witnessing prosperity in harvest."

The book is accompanied, the sound of the piano and the heart, leisurely under the warm sun in winter, and washed in the spring in summer.

Industrious and unrepentant, the heart is always leisurely. He showed how to find peace and balance in the soul between work and leisure.

Therefore, cultivating inner peace is a bridge to wisdom and strength.

The more critical the moment, the more we need this "Mount Tai collapses in front and the color remains unchanged", calm down, and calmly.

As Su Shi said: "Looking back at the bleak place, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine when I return." ”

With inner meditation and solid strength, we can not only cope with the ups and downs of life alone, but also achieve self-transcendence in a steady pace, walk steadily and far, and embrace a broader landscape of life.

True strength comes from inner peace: Lin Qingxuan's wisdom in life

Be tranquil

The ancients had a saying: "Whenever you encounter a major event, your heart is as calm as water, and you believe that the ancient sages are also born in the present dynasty." ”

This statement reveals that when the mind returns to tranquility, the surrounding disturbances turn into a breeze, and the horizons and thoughts suddenly open up.

A true wise man is good at creating a secluded place in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the world, nourishing inner peace. They are not confused by the trivialities of life, but forge the inner "tranquility" with a detached state.

It is this tranquility that enables them to steer forward in the torrent of reality, not lose their way, and deal with the challenges and tribulations of the world with a calm heart.

In the face of the ups and downs of life, hold a normal heart, smile indifferently, and wait quietly, so that the soul can return to tranquility, breathe freely, and the soul tends to be calm and tenacious.

Zeng Wenzhenggong once emphasized: "If the heart can be calm, even if all kinds of changes are changing, the heart will be clear." ”

On the other hand, if the mind is not quiet, even in leisure time, the mind will be chaotic and restless. Tranquility comes from the heart, not limited to the outside world.

People with peace of mind often harbor an invisible but powerful force, just like those quiet and steady figures in life.

No matter what kind of wind and rain they encounter, they can stay calm, not rushed, and follow the steps to respond to all changes. Their presence is like a mirror, reflecting the depth and power of tranquility.

There is a cloud in "Caigen Tan": "If life is too leisurely, there will be distracting thoughts; If you're too busy, you'll never see yourself. ”

Therefore, the pursuit of inner tranquility and calmness, let the tranquility grow naturally, in a quiet state of mind, down-to-earth, peaceful, in order to spend this life leisurely.

In short, tranquility is not only a haven, but also a source of inner strength.

In the complex world, with a peaceful heart, you can move forward steadily in the journey of life with the same rhythm and live your truest self.

True strength comes from inner peace: Lin Qingxuan's wisdom in life

Tranquility is the cure for all diseases

In Zhuge Liang's wise words, there is such a profound insight: "The way of a gentleman is to nourish the soul with tranquility and cultivate virtue through frugality." Only by not being moved by fame and fortune can we recognize the truth of our hearts; Only by staying away from the hustle and bustle can we reach far-reaching realms. ”

These words are like the brightest star in the night sky, quietly illuminating the path of wisdom, and its true meaning reaches the hearts of people, teaching people to experience inner purity and value, and feeling a state of freedom and leisure.

In this understanding, one not only gains inner peace and satisfaction, but also embarks on a path to nobility.

Zhuangzi also said, profoundly revealing the inner connection between loneliness and nobility: "To walk alone without being a group is to be a maverick; Those who can be independent of the world will show the supreme nobility. ”

He reminds us of the importance of having a normal heart, reverence for all things, tenderness in the heart, and purity and joy in our hearts.

In this way, our lives will bloom in the ordinary, the simplicity will contain abundance, happiness will naturally fill every day, regrets will be diluted, and the light of hope will be ignited again.

Looking at the wisdom of the two sages, we can refine such a philosophy of life: in the journey of life, you might as well take the initiative to embrace a peaceful and deep heart.

Find yourself in silence and comprehend the true meaning of life in simplicity.

Don't be moved by the hustle and bustle of the outside world, don't be burdened by flashy fame and fortune, learn to discover your unique value in solitude, and witness the immortality of life in the ordinary.

Such an attitude to life is not only the ultimate pursuit of personal cultivation, but also a bridge to the nobility and freedom of the heart.

Let us take this insight and consciousness and walk through the rest of our lives at a more relaxed pace, so that every moment is full of meaning, and every second is shining with the light of wisdom and tranquility.