
The way to get along with the family: open one eye, close one eye, and build a harmonious and happy home



The way to get along with the family: open one eye, close one eye, and build a harmonious and happy home

Family, the basic unit that plays a vital role in human society, is not only a physical space that provides us with shelter from the wind and rain, but also a warm harbor for our emotional communication. In this harbor, we experience the bits and pieces of life with our closest people, our families, and share our joys, sorrows, and sorrows. However, as with any complex social system, family life is not always uneventful. In the process of getting along day after day, it is inevitable that there will be friction and disputes between family members over various trivial matters. These seemingly insignificant contradictions, if not properly handled, can easily become a stumbling block that hinders the harmonious development of the family. So, how to create an effective mechanism between family members that can maintain individual independence and achieve overall harmonious coexistence? The answer is: open one eye, close one eye, based on tolerance and understanding, and work together to create a warm and harmonious happy home.

The way to get along with the family: open one eye, close one eye, and build a harmonious and happy home

1. Open one eye and close one eye to resolve family disputes

The French writer Moloya once profoundly pointed out: "It is the most absurd idea to think that two people have the same thoughts, the same judgment, and the same desires, which is impossible and unavoidable." The same applies to family relationships. Each family member is an individual who has their own thoughts, emotions, and needs. Therefore, in family life, we should not expect or force our family members to be completely consistent with ourselves. Instead, we should learn to respect each other's differences and understand our family's perspectives and feelings. When disagreements arise between family members, we can selectively ignore the unimportant details and focus on the essence of the problem and the solution. This "one eye open, one eye closed" attitude not only helps to resolve immediate conflicts, but also promotes mutual understanding and trust between family members in the long run.

In real life, many family conflicts often arise from excessive attention to detail. For example, a parent may be furious over the occasional late return of a child, and a couple may be in a cold war for days because a meal is not cooked to the taste. In these cases, if we can learn to empathize and understand the reasons and feelings behind the other person's behavior, then many unnecessary arguments can be avoided. Through the "open one eye, close one eye" approach, we can be more tolerant of the small faults of the family, so as to maintain the harmonious atmosphere of the family.

The way to get along with the family: open one eye, close one eye, and build a harmonious and happy home

2. Praise in a timely manner, be humble everywhere, and enhance family affection

In family relationships, appropriate praise and encouragement can greatly enhance family affection. When we find that our family members are doing well in something, we may wish to give timely recognition and praise. This positive feedback not only boosts family members' self-esteem and confidence, but also motivates them to contribute more to the family. At the same time, we should also learn to maintain a humble attitude in the family. Whether it is between parents and children, or between husband and wife, unnecessary competition should be avoided. When we encounter problems, we can take the initiative to take a step back to maintain the harmony and stability of the family.

The family of my friend Richie is a prime example. His parents often quarreled over trivial matters because of differences in personality and concepts. However, at critical moments, they can always adjust their attitudes in time and choose to put the interests of their families and children first. This spirit of mutual humility not only allowed their family to avoid more conflict, but also made Richie feel the warmth and support of his family as he grew up.

The way to get along with the family: open one eye, close one eye, and build a harmonious and happy home

3. Be considerate of everything, and pay equal attention to understanding and respect

Married life is not always smooth, and it is inevitable that there will be difficulties and challenges. On days like these, mutual understanding between husband and wife is especially important. When one partner is busy for work or other reasons, the other partner should take the initiative to take on the responsibilities of the family and give the other party enough support and understanding. This tacit cooperation can not only make family life smoother, but also deepen the relationship between husband and wife.

The married life of the poet Yu Guangzhong and his wife Fan Wucun is such a model. Despite the many challenges they faced after marriage, they always maintained a considerate attitude towards each other. No matter what difficulties they encounter, they can work together and face them together. This deep emotional foundation has made their marriage stronger and stronger through ups and downs.

The way to get along with the family: open one eye, close one eye, and build a harmonious and happy home

Fourth, half accept, half operate, and build a happy marriage together

Marriage is a long-term cooperation that requires the joint efforts and dedication of both parties. In this process, acceptance is just as important as management. We need to learn to accept each other's strengths and weaknesses, and to understand and respect each other's individuality and choices. At the same time, we must also manage this marriage with our hearts and take care of this family with love and care.

Lao Zhang and his wife successfully survived the difficulties in the face of business difficulties with this attitude of mutual acceptance and management. Not only did they regain the happiness of their family, but they also strengthened the relationship between husband and wife. This experience made them deeply realize that a truly happy marriage requires the joint dedication and efforts of both parties.

The way to get along with the family: open one eye, close one eye, and build a harmonious and happy home

Fifth, the wise man pretends to be stupid, it is rare to be confused, and the family is more harmonious

In family life, sometimes "playing dumb" is also a kind of wisdom. When we are faced with the small mistakes or shortcomings of our family members, we choose not to worry about them, but to face them with a tolerant and understanding attitude, which can not only reduce family conflicts, but also enhance the feelings between each other. This kind of "rare confusion" is actually a manifestation of maturity and wisdom.

Mr. Yang Jiang mentioned in his book: "A good marriage should be acted in, the drama should be played, the confusion should be pretended, and the reconciliation should be reconciled." This tells us that in marriage, we need to learn to play different roles at the right time, both with a clear sense of right and wrong, and with a moderate amount of tolerance and understanding. Only in this way can we find true happiness and harmony in our family life.

The way to get along with the family: open one eye, close one eye, and build a harmonious and happy home

The way of getting along with the family is not an esoteric knowledge, but a wisdom of life that we need to experience and practice with our hearts. Through the inclusive attitude of "open one eye, close one eye", timely praise and humility, understanding and respect for everything, and the joint efforts of half acceptance and half management, we will be able to create a warm and harmonious happy home. In this home, we are closer to our families and our lives are better and more fulfilling. May we all cherish every moment with our families and feel the most sincere emotions with our hearts!

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