
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

author:Dacheng rhythm

Original title: Gathering Thousands of Sails, Accepting Hundreds of Rivers, and Achieving Together-Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

The tide comes and goes, and the waves are magnificent.

From June 28 to June 30, 2024, Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was held in Qingdao, Shandong Province. Qingdao, a coastal city where elegance and modernity complement each other, leads the vast torrent of the northern economy with its constantly beating pulse of innovation. The soul of Dacheng is also like this, which is not only rooted in a profound heritage, but also has the courage to pioneer and innovate, promote change with wisdom and courage, and write a new chapter of courage and continuous breakthroughs.

Set the momentum of thousands of sails

In the context of the new era, we focused on the challenges and emerging opportunities faced by the industry, gathered consensus in the collision and integration of ideas, stimulated the spirit of partnership, jointly drew a new development plan, and joined hands to enter a new era of innovation and growth.

On June 28, accompanied by the solemn national anthem, the five-star red flag fluttered at the venue, and the conference officially kicked off.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/Director Yuan Huazhi

Yuan Huazhi, director of Dentons Law Offices and chairman of the board of directors of Dentons in China, gave a report on the work of the firm with the theme of "Why "Dacheng": Jin Shengyuzhen, Harmony and Success". Director Yuan Huazhi first analyzed the current development trend of the lawyer industry, introduced the work measures of the current management body since its establishment two years ago, and put forward the future development strategy and goals of Dentons.

In the face of the intensification of competition in the lawyer industry, Dentons has continuously improved its service quality and efficiency through strategic measures such as professional reform, digital transformation and international development, and continued to consolidate its leading position in the legal service industry. When looking forward to the future development, Director Yuan clearly put forward the strategic goal of "creating a world-class law firm", and elaborated on the development plan of Dentons in terms of strategic capabilities, professional capabilities, governance capabilities, talent team, innovation capabilities and brand influence around this goal. Mr. Yuan emphasized the importance of partnership spirit, and proposed that partners should share risks and development responsibilities, and realize the long-term development of Dentons and the common prosperity of partners through resource sharing, knowledge sharing, benefit sharing and career achievement sharing.

Director Yuan Huazhi summarized Dentons' work measures in the past two years in the report. Under the leadership of the new management, Dentons has achieved remarkable results in organizational construction, strategy formulation, and professional reform. In addition, Dentons has also made breakthroughs in digital transformation, improving service efficiency and quality through platformization and intelligent tool applications.

The report concludes by emphasizing that Dentons will continue to uphold the spirit of "Dentons", with the spirit of partnership as the link and innovation as the driving force, and continue to promote Dentons' goal of becoming a world-class law firm.

The excellent work of the management organization has formed a solid foundation for Dentons. On the afternoon of the 28th, the meeting listened to the work report of the management agency in China.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/Chairman Wang Jun

On behalf of the Advisory Board, Jun Wang, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Dentons China, reviewed the overall work of the Advisory Committee since its establishment with all the participating partners, and elaborated and shared the current implementation and future work vision around the firm's moderate, high-quality and large-scale development strategy.

Chairman Wang Jun emphasized that in the past two years, the Advisory Committee has actively played its work functions, and with the strong support of all members and local offices, it has successfully passed various important proposals, ensuring the normal operation of various institutions and the smooth development of daily work, and playing an important role in "setting the direction and stabilizing the voyage" of the big ship of Dacheng. At the same time, a special working group has been set up in combination with the development goals of Dentons' "Fifth Five-Year Plan" to gradually promote the establishment of Dentons' domestic branches by studying the construction layout of the branches, improving the institutional system of the branches, and going to various places for inspection, research and guidance, so as to ensure the steady, moderate and high-quality development of the new branches, and do a good job in the construction, management and comprehensive improvement of the existing branches. In the future, Dentons will also build a multi-level and all-round legal service cooperation ecosystem centered on Dentons in accordance with the principles of co-construction, sharing, symbiosis and co-prosperity, make full use of global resources, give full play to local wisdom, and develop law firms in China's own way.

Looking forward to the future, the Advisory Committee will continue to play a staff role in the decision-making of the firm, take a good pulse for Dentons' large-scale construction, communicate and coordinate with local offices, and build consensus and work together to enable Dentons to continue to lead the development of China's legal industry.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/Director Jiang Rongqing

Jiang Rongqing, director of the Supervisory Committee of Dentons China, made a report on the work of the Supervisory Committee to all partners. The report of the JISC is based on "focusing on the performance of duties and supervision, on the basis of standardization and integration, and focusing on the four tasks", and comprehensively summarizes the work and achievements of the JISC.

The report begins by emphasizing the key role of the Supervisory Committee in Dentons' unique "Decision-Making" management structure, which is an important guarantee of trust between partners and the rule of law in the firm. The Supervisory Committee has ensured the compliance of decision-making and execution through performance supervision, and has established a whole-process supervision mechanism, from version 1.0 of daring to supervise, to version 2.0 of ex-ante, during, and post-event supervision, and then to version 3.0 of the management debriefing and appraisal system, the Supervisory Committee has continuously optimized its working mode and achieved effective supervision. The report also mentions that the JISC has strengthened the expectation and confidence of internal cooperation through the standardization and integration of oversight work, which has played a key role in the transformation of Dentons from large to strong. In addition, according to the work priorities of the year, the Supervisory Committee formulated the work priorities including self-construction, risk control supervision, professional supervision and financial supervision, ensuring the smooth progress of Dacheng's professional reform and the bottom line of risk control. The report concluded by pointing out that the Supervisory Committee has strictly enforced work discipline and ensured the orderly and democratic work through the establishment of a system of regular meetings, a system of work lists, a shift system, and a system of counterpart responsibility. In terms of financial supervision, the Supervisory Committee has improved the working mechanism to ensure the rational formulation and implementation of the budget, and improved the trust of partners in the management body.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/Director Dai Xin

On behalf of the Management Committee, Dai Xin, head of the China Management Committee, reviewed the main work achievements of the past two years and put forward the next work goals of the Management Committee.

The report of the management committee first focuses on the establishment of an operation management system with financial accounting as the core, which can not only improve the firm's scientific decision-making ability, but also provide help for optimizing resource allocation and effectively preventing operational risks. Through the promotion of the integration of business and finance, it provides strong data support for the professional construction and business development of the firm. The report pointed out that the current management committee will manage and serve, strive to implement the firm's new development strategy of "three, six, eight and ten", and help improve the profession and enhance the core competitiveness of the firm by focusing on several tasks of specialization, digitalization and platform construction, as well as assisting in the establishment of new professional institutions, optimizing digital platforms, and establishing talent linkage mechanisms. At the same time, we actively promote the construction of branches, help the firm develop on a moderate scale, and expand the legal service market. Actively do a good job in brand promotion, through the new version of the website upgrade, ESG report release and the effective use of new media platforms, the firm's brand attention and influence have been enhanced.

Finally, the report puts forward the next work priorities of the management committee, including the deep integration of business and finance, the two-wheel drive of specialization and digitalization, the balance between commonality and individuality in the implementation of work, and the smooth flow of communication and feedback, aiming to promote the refined operation and service management of the firm, and promote Dentons to move towards the goal of "creating a world-class law firm".

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Picture/meeting site

The work report of the management organization is not only a review and summary of the past work, but also a mobilization and commitment to the future development of Dentons. All the partners applauded Dentons' efforts in promoting the development of the firm, strengthening internal management, ensuring service quality, and planning for long-term development.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/Dean Wang Zhongde

Wang Zhongde, Lifetime Honorary Chairman of the Dentons Global Legal Services Network Joint Conference, Lifetime Honorary Managing Partner of Dentons, and President of Dentons International Legal Services Institute, was specially invited to deliver a speech at the Dentons.

President Wang Zhongde's speech spoke highly of Director Yuan Huazhi's work report. He believes that this report comprehensively, objectively and scientifically summarizes the experience of Dacheng, highly summarizes the ten advantages of Dacheng in the industry, and depicts a grand blueprint for Dacheng's future development. The report reveals the development of China's lawyer industry and future trends from the trajectory of Dentons' development. President Wang Zhongde emphasized that Dentons has created a unique ecological management model that integrates democracy, rule of law and high technology, which has built a strategic basic platform for every Dentons lawyer to realize his life value and professional ideals, and provided a superior ecological environment for lawyers to grow into strong individuals and expert lawyers. The Dacheng model has strong vitality and unlimited space for the free growth of lawyers, and what Dacheng needs most at present is to establish a scientific and reasonable cooperation mechanism between strong individuals. Dean Wang Zhongde highly appreciated Director Yuan Huazhi's assertion that "without a digital operation platform, Dentons' overall strategy will be a castle in the air". Dean Wang Zhongde believes that the digital operation platform is the starting point for the implementation of Dentons' overall strategy, the general carrier of Dentons' operation and management, the place for Dentons to integrate online and offline activities, and the only way for Dentons to achieve integration. Dean Wang Zhongde emphasized that Dentons' top priority is to accelerate the construction of a digital operation platform.

Dean Wang Zhongde's speech was not only a review of Dentons' past achievements, but also a deep insight into the future, providing strategic ideas for Dentons' next development.

The wisdom of all rivers

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

图/Elliott Portnoy先生

Dentons' open development strategy of "global resources, local wisdom" has established a priority partnership with international law firm Dentons. Mr. Elliott Portnoy, CEO of Dentons, delivered a video address to the Dentons Partner Conference. In his speech, Mr. Portnoy expressed his appreciation for the long-standing relationship between the two companies. He briefed Dentons' partners on the latest developments of Dentons' extensive network of legal services in 167 locations in 82 countries around the world, and looked forward to Dentons' use of this network to further expand its global business and better serve its clients. At the same time, Mr. Portnoy mentioned that under the new cooperation framework, the two parties will work closely together to ensure seamless integration of services and continuous business growth.

Mr. Portnoy is confident in the prospects of the partnership between Dentons and Dentons and looks forward to continuing to strengthen the relationship in the future. He looked forward to the new opportunities for Dentons and Dentons in the future cooperation, expressed his firm confidence in the continued development of the relationship between the two sides, and looked forward to the two sides continuing to deepen their cooperation and jointly open up a more brilliant future.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/Representatives of some partners in the Dentons office

Dentons India, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Vietnam, Hong Kong and other offices sent some partners to attend the meeting as representatives and deliver speeches. The participation of several Dentons offices in Qingdao not only participated in the grand event with Dentons' partners, but also further deepened communication, exchange and cooperation. Both sides said that in the future, they will strengthen cooperation in more fields, complement each other's advantages, and achieve win-win cooperation.

Dentons has always regarded talent building as the core pillar and driving force of the law firm's development, and the professionalism, professionalism and innovation ability of every lawyer are the driving force behind Dentons' bravery. The partnership meeting officially announced the good news of the new joining and promotion of 87 partners and consultants in China. For more information, please click on the link: Dentons Welcomes 87 Senior Partners and Senior Consultants to Join.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/Mr. Shi Yigong

On June 29, Mr. Shi Yigong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was invited to give a keynote speech on "Life Science and Future Development" for Dentons' partners.

Academician Shi delved into the importance of life sciences and their far-reaching impact on the future of mankind. From the macro perspective of scientific and technological development, he introduced food science, biology and other research fields, and emphasized their important role in promoting human health. Academician Shi also looked forward to the development prospects of gene editing technology and stem cell therapy, as well as the application potential of artificial intelligence in the field of life sciences.

In his speech, Academician Shi not only shared scientific knowledge, but also stimulated the participants to think about the future development of life sciences. Academician Shi emphasized the development path of the trinity of education, science and technology, and talents, as well as the role of scientific and technological innovation in promoting social development. He pointed out that technological progress and innovative thinking are key forces to move society forward, and this is also true for the legal profession.

The partners of Dentons gave warm applause to Academician Shi's wonderful speech.

A great success

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/ESG Report Release Ceremony

In the wave of globalization, ESG has become a key indicator to measure corporate social responsibility and long-term value. As a pioneer in the field of legal services, Dentons has always adhered to a deep understanding and strong commitment to environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG), integrated ESG concepts into the law firm's culture and business practices, and is committed to becoming a model for sustainable development in the legal services field. At this partner meeting, the "2021-2023 Dentons ESG Report" was officially released!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Photo/ESG Report Release Ceremony

The report illustrates Dentons' forward-looking concepts and solid measures in environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance, and demonstrates Dentons' strong commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility in the field of global legal services. For details, please click the link: Dentons officially released its ESG report (2021-2023).

Dentons' ability to ride the wind and waves in the voyage of legal services is inseparable from the hard work of every colleague. It is the efforts of all colleagues that have gathered into the surging driving force for Dentons' vigorous development. In order to commend the advanced and set up a model, the 2023 Dentons Head Office and Branch Awards, and the 2024 Dentons China Outstanding Young Lawyers Award Ceremony were grandly opened.

Dentons' 2023 head office and branches were awarded

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

2023 Excellence Award for Party Building Work

Kunming Branch, Chongqing Branch, Shanghai Branch, Nanning Branch, Beijing Head Office, Urumqi Branch, Harbin Branch, Hangzhou Branch, Fuzhou Branch, Guangzhou Branch

What the party flag refers to, where the heart goes,

They take party building as their soul,

Forge the foundation of faith,

Lead Dacheng to break the waves in the tide of the times;

With sincerity and selfless dedication,

Contribute to the glorious cause of the party,

Write a magnificent chapter of loyalty and responsibility!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

2023 Advanced Grassroots Party Organization

Jilin Branch, Nanjing Branch, Qingdao Branch, Xiamen Branch, Shenzhen Branch, Shenyang Branch, Shijiazhuang Branch, Changchun Branch, Changsha Branch, Zhuhai Branch

The spark ignites the prairie and illuminates the way forward;

Faith is like a rock, creating a monument of the times.

They are the vanguard of the new era,

Forge ahead under the banner of the party,

is the magnetic field of the condensing force,

It is the engine of development and innovation,

It is a beacon that leads the way.

On the magnificent career journey,

They are distinguished by their achievements,

It shows the advanced nature and combat effectiveness of the party organization!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Excellence Award for Supervisory Work

Beijing Head Office, Fuzhou Office, Guangzhou Office, Harbin Office, Haikou Office, Nanjing Office, Shanghai Office, Shenzhen Office, Shenyang Office, Wuhan Office

Green bamboo and pine enduring strength,

Curling autumn moon and the breeze.

They are right-minded,

Do not take refuge, do not evade responsibility,

Guarding the rules with action,

Defend justice with responsibility.

They serve as overseers,

It has built an impregnable line of defense for Dacheng's management system.

To ensure that the foundation of the building is as solid as a rock,

Justice is clear and unimpeded.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Excellence Award for Professional Construction

Beijing Head Office, Dalian Branch, Fuzhou Branch, Guangzhou Branch, Shanghai Branch

Work is expensive for a long time, industry is expensive for its fine,

They sharpen their expertise with concentration,

With the blade of professionalism, open up the frontier and expand the universe.

Broad view and about to take, thick accumulation and thin hair,

Dacheng's professional golden signboard,

Meticulously engraved by them, stroke by stroke;

The peak of the industry,

Because of their climbing, they never stop at the top.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Excellence Award for Revenue Generation Growth

Nanjing Branch, Inner Mongolia Branch, Xi'an Branch, Xining Branch, Yichang Branch

Accumulate steps, and reach thousands of miles;

Convergence of small streams, into rivers and seas,

Solid accumulation day after day,

Achievements have been made today.

Behind the impressive growth curve,

Condensed with countless attempts and breakthroughs,

Interpreting the unremitting pursuit of excellence,

Witnessing the gorgeous transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

HR Excellence Award

Changchun Branch, Chengdu Branch, Guangzhou Branch, Nanjing Branch, Nantong Branch

Achievements are made by talents, and the industry is talented.

Those who do great things must be people-oriented.

They have a discerning eye for talents, and they nurture talents carefully.

Carefully use talents, good recipes gather talents,

Only then can people make the best use of their talents and do everything.

Dacheng Jiji Toshi,

Use to achieve, success gains,

Talents rise, create a great success!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Digital Construction Excellence Award

Changchun Branch, Fuzhou Branch, Kunming Branch, Xi'an Branch, Yinchuan Branch

Those who seek innovation win, and those who think about change are through.

In the wave of digitalization, they are brave to be pioneers in chasing waves.

Grasp the pulse of the times, insight into the opportunity of transformation,

They accurately unlock the core key of law firm digitalization.

With the pen of the vanguard,

Paint a magnificent picture of innovation-driven development,

Leading the boat of the industry to the infinite possibilities of the future.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Merit in Marketing Excellence

Chengdu Branch, Nanjing Branch, Shanghai Branch, Suzhou Branch, Zhengzhou Branch

The south and the north have their own colors,

They are ingenious, finely carved and carved in different colors;

The market is changing rapidly,

They are passionate and sensitive to the general trend of development.

Holding a long sword and riding a horse, holding a wonderful pen to produce flowers,

The actual performance reflects Danqing, and the ink dance paints the brocade.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Excellence Award for Risk Prevention and Control

Beijing Head Office, Hefei Branch, Shenzhen Branch, Taiyuan Branch, Xiamen Branch

It is advisable to keep the unswerving will,

In order to achieve great success.

With their keen insight,

Identify potential risks,

With a rigorous attitude,

Build a series of safety barriers.

Stability can go far,

Their strength is like a mountain, and their strategy is like the sea.

If you are afraid of the wind and waves, you will be invincible!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Excellence Award in Financial Management

Guiyang Branch, Shenzhen Branch, Yichang Branch, Zhengzhou Branch

The nine-story platform begins with the earth.

Calculate again and again, accurately;

A sum of money, prudent and nuanced.

They take good care of the financial context,

Let every point of growth be solid and reliable,

Every step of expansion is steady and powerful,

Let the source of the economy spring and grow.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Pro Bono Legal Service Excellence Award

Changzhou Branch, Harbin Branch, Hangzhou Branch, Nanning Branch, Zhoushan Branch

"Do good with the law, and carry virtue with the law",

They are walking on the journey of pro bono legal services.

Sowing the seeds of the rule of law,

Nourishes the soil of justice.

Every drop of sweat,

It's all an affectionate irrigation of fairness and justice.

They use the law as a plowshare,

The most sincere recognition of cultivating the field of social justice!

2024 Dentons China Outstanding Young Lawyer Awards

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Dacheng Youth, Shining Star

The sprout of a hundred flowers, the new hair of a sharp blade,

Responsibility is given to the youth, and glory belongs to the youth.

Negative blue sky and suitable for the south of the underworld, hanging clouds and sails and helping the sea,

They are in their prime, shining brightly.

Picking the stars and the moon, chasing the light day by day,

Top Gun, soar into the sky!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Dacheng Youth, Future Star

The edge of the sword is sharpened.

They with the arms of youth,

Carrying the high hopes of the times,

It shows the greatness of youth.

They cut through the waves, blaze the trail forward,

Forge a new path in the midst of high winds and waves.

Dacheng youth has a lot to offer;

Dacheng Future, Infinite Possibilities!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Dacheng Youth Pilot Star

Those who do always succeed, those who do often come,

Not in fantasy, not in vain.

They stand up and take responsibility, and move forward with high spirits,

With extraordinary intellect,

Depicting the outline of the future.

With the voice of youth and the struggle of me,

Go to the appointment of the times and create the future together!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

Dacheng Youth Public Welfare Star

They are full of sincerity, helping the weak and the needy,

The creed of "Righteousness and Love",

Transformed into the warmest footnote of society.

Although the great love is silent, it is loud and loud,

They are in the name of youth,

Compose a movement of hope and ignite the light of the rule of law!

With the announcement of the list of winners, the applause was as warm and inspiring as the summer waves. Immediately afterwards, a series of wonderful theatrical performances pushed this joy to a new climax.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

The dancers of "Skirt Flying" instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the scene with their cheerful rhythm and gorgeous dancing posture, like a summer sea breeze. The reciter of "Dacheng Dragon Chapter" used his eloquent interpretation to convey his infinite love for Dacheng and his beautiful vision for the future.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

The three joint songs of "Waiting", "Lotus Margin" and the Italian song "Soft Voice" lead us through the ocean of music with melodious melodies, and feel the yearning for a better life in our hearts. The graceful dance steps of "Qingping Tune", accompanied by the poetic recitation of "Traveling to Wuchang East Lake", the integrated art performance vividly expresses the deep love and attachment to the homeland. The dance of "Praise of the Tianshan Mountains" takes us into the mysterious world at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains with unique ethnic customs, and feels the grandeur and mystery. The passionate melody of "The Song of Dacheng" makes people's hearts surge and they feel the ambition and pride of adults.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

The two songs, "Laughing at the Wind and Cloud" and "Fishing for the Wind", show the diversity of Dacheng culture with regional characteristics and make people feel the customs of different regional cultures. The singing and dancing performance of "Try Everything" brought the energetic youth to every audience. The programs of "I Am a Dentons" and "Da Yi Jingcheng" perfectly integrate traditional culture and modern professionalism, showing the professionalism and deep feelings of adults. The chorus of "Love Fights to Win" and "The King of Lawyers" sings the fighting spirit and kingly demeanor of adults, and makes people feel the indomitable and courageous spirit of Dacheng. The cheongsam show and the national style costume display "Drunken Yunnan Ethnic Style" uses costumes as a medium to show the profoundness and unique charm of traditional Chinese culture.

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held
Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

The chorus of "The Same Song" and "Sunny Road" brought the atmosphere to a climax, and the chorus of all the staff "Singing the Motherland" pushed the party to the climax, expressing the deep love of adults for the motherland.

In the laughter, the night gradually fell, the brilliant lights and the stars were intertwined, and the participating partners entered the dream moment of the "Dacheng Midsummer Night's Dream" exchange reception with the gentle evening breeze, surrounded by wine and delicacies, in the flow of music and singing, talking about the poetry and distance of legal people.

On the third day of the conference, 13 fruitful parallel special meetings were held. The parallel special meeting focused on several key aspects of the construction and development of the firm. The 13 parallel sessions were selected by the partners according to the theme of the conference.

The 15th anniversary celebration of Qingdao Office reviewed the development process of Qingdao Branch, and proposed to continue to pay attention to the construction of talents and professional teams to match market development and customer needs, make continuous progress in the industry competition, and improve Jinzhi.

The convening of the 2024 Professional Construction Summit will ensure that a blueprint for professional reform is drawn to the end, timely evaluate the performance of the new professional institutions, summarize the results, exchange experience, and improve relevant work in a targeted manner.

In order to comprehensively strengthen the work of Dacheng's party building work, encourage the party organizations in all offices and the majority of party members to strive for the first and make contributions, the joint party committee enlarged meeting commended the advanced grassroots party organizations, outstanding communist party members, and outstanding party workers, and hoped that the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and party workers at Dacheng would take the advanced as an example, adhere to the party's overall leadership over the work of lawyers, adhere to the correct political direction, and enthusiastically devote themselves to the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law.

The strategy and development seminar focused on Dacheng's "Fifth Five-Year Plan". The meeting was chaired by Li Shoushuang, the leader of the Strategy and Development Committee, and invited Wang Zhongde, President of Dentons Research Institute, to announce and implement the "Fifth Five-Year Plan".

During the digital construction communication meeting, the partners had fruitful communication and exchanges, offered suggestions, and reached an effective consensus on the future strategic development of Dentons.

The China Young Lawyers Work Exchange Seminar aims to promote the exchange and cooperation of young lawyers at Dentons, listen to the voices of young lawyers, promote the development of young lawyers, and provide a platform for learning and growth.

The China Professional Institution Exchange Salon was held on the outdoor lawn of Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis Conference Center, and was open to all partners on June 30.

With the theme of "Gathering Innovation Power, Attracting the Future of the Market", the China Market Summit conducted intensive exchanges and discussions on the development, reform and innovation of market brand building.

At the China Risk Control & Finance Conference, the participating partners conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on how to improve financial management and prevent and control lawyers' practice risks under the new situation, and put forward many valuable suggestions, providing ideas and paths for the professional development and improvement of risk control compliance and industry-finance integration of law firms in the digital intelligence era.

On the afternoon of June 30, the China Human Resources Planning and Assessment Committee held a China Human Resources Work Conference, and invited the Nanjing Branch and Nantong Branch, which won the 2023 "Human Resources Excellence Award", to share the advanced practices and experiences of human resources construction and development, and to listen to and discuss the main contents, design ideas and directions of China's top-level human resources strategy and planning.

The internationalization work conference was open to all Dentons' partners, and the meeting listened to the review of the firm's internationalization work by the directors in charge of internationalization, as well as the current work content and the next stage of work arrangement, and then discussed the firm's international management and development strategy.

At the China Executive Work Conference, the participants fully exchanged and discussed how to improve the implementation effect and do a good job in the daily service and management of the firm, which gathered consensus for the follow-up implementation of the firm's "Eight Modernizations" construction task and the improvement of the integration of the implementation work.

The road is like a stone, and the walker is boundless;

The sea is boundless, and the sailors are fearless.

After 32 years of forging ahead, Dentons has not only made remarkable achievements, but also injected new impetus into the future development in continuous inheritance and innovation. Now, in the tide of the new era, all partners of Dentons will continue to carry forward the spirit of "Dacheng", gather the momentum of thousands of sails, embrace the wisdom of all rivers, ride the wind and waves to start a new chapter, take this partner meeting as a new starting point, set sail, march towards a broader sea area, work together to write a brilliant and magnificent future chapter in the legal industry, and jointly create a brilliant peak of the legal career!

Dentons' 2024 China Partner Conference was grandly held

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