
The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

author:Shuangshuang Guiyang Shugu Gui'an

Gui'an in the middle of summer is a vibrant and moving scene. Investment promotion is in full swing, project construction is speeding up, and enterprise service guarantee is meticulous and intimate, and party members can be seen taking the lead in setting an example in each high-quality development post and scene, and the bright party flags are flying high. Insisting on promoting high-quality development with high-quality party building has become the most distinctive background color of Gui'an New Area's pursuit of dreams of "one thing a year and three years of great changes".

The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

At the end of June, the reporter went deep into a number of high-quality development sites to witness that many units and enterprises such as Gui'an New Area Investment Promotion Bureau and Gui'an Development Group have always insisted on building branches on projects, planting party flags on construction sites, and shining their identities on their posts, which is creating a good situation in which the high-quality development of party building work and high-quality economic and social development are integrated and promoted.

Party building empowers new achievements in attracting investment

88 projects were signed, with a contract amount of 49.215 billion yuan, and a total of 17.635 billion yuan of funds in place for industrial projects were completed...... This is the achievement of Gui'an New Area in attracting investment for a whole year since the high-quality development conference of Gui'an New Area was held on June 17 last year. Behind this heavy report card, it is inseparable from the strong guidance of party building work, and the courage of the majority of party members to take responsibility and take the lead in setting an example.

In recent years, the Investment Promotion Bureau of Gui'an New Area has always adhered to the guidance of party building as the "main engine" to boost the work of investment promotion, giving full play to the exemplary role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard of party members, and leading cadres to "be pioneers and set an example", and constantly promote the deep integration of party building and investment promotion, resonate at the same frequency, and create a new situation.

High-quality development is inseparable from the support of large projects and good projects. Since last year, the Investment Promotion Bureau of Gui'an New Area has closely focused on the "three major industries" of big data electronic information manufacturing, new energy vehicles, batteries and materials, and advanced equipment manufacturing, taking industrial investment promotion as the "number one project" to promote the development of the new area, compacting the responsibility of investment promotion, increasing investment promotion efforts, and building an "8+3+3+N" investment promotion system. Give full play to the investment advantages of the three park management committees, three state-owned platform companies, and third-party industrial parks and other investment promotion entities, and continue to gather investment promotion efforts.

The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

In the past year since the high-quality development conference of Gui'an New Area was held, 8 investment promotion teams have "gone global" 95 times and inspected 325 enterprises; A total of 180 times were "invited in", and a total of 628 enterprises were received and inspected. At present, 75 key projects are being discussed, with a total investment of 29.95 billion yuan, and 126 project clues are explored. It has successively introduced a number of high-quality leading projects with strong driving ability, good development prospects and large scale, such as Tencent Intelligent Computing, Huawei Intelligent Computing, and China Merchants Bank Data Center. Among them, a number of large projects and good projects have been successfully implemented.

The investment promotion work has been fruitful, and the party building work has become more and more powerful. In terms of insisting on party members and cadres taking the lead, since last year, the Investment Promotion Bureau of Gui'an New Area has given full play to the leading role of party members, and has continuously increased the external publicity and promotion of the new area by strengthening the investment promotion of the industrial chain, fund investment, standard factory building investment and major activities, and actively promoted the signing and implementation of projects. In terms of adhering to the guidance of party building, the Investment Promotion Bureau of Gui'an New Area focuses on "taking the project as the big and the project as the priority", promotes the combination of investment promotion tasks and branch construction tasks, formulates the inverted schedule for project signing and landing, and implements wall chart operations to ensure that the project is signed and landed early.

In terms of enterprise investment promotion, since last year, Gui'an Development Group has selected party member representatives and outstanding young talents to form two "red strong enterprise teams" in combination with the actual work of building the "Five Ones", and has attracted investment in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions. Thanks to the strong empowerment of investment promotion, up to now, Gui'an Development Group has built a new infrastructure development layout of "one network", "one park", "one base" and "one scene", setting off a boom in an all-round way.

Red leads the acceleration of project construction

On June 27, the reporter came to the urban village reconstruction project site of the first phase of the middle 8th phase of the Gui'an New District, located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Jing'an Avenue and Zhongba Road, Huchao Township, Gui'an New District.

The project plans to build a total of 1,571 residential units, 2,038 parking spaces, 13 new high-rise residential buildings, 2-storey commercial buildings along the street, and 1 kindergarten expansion. This is one of the key urban village transformation projects implemented by the new area in order to lay out the key industries of "three cities and two groups".

Tang Hongbo, Secretary of the Party Branch of Gui'an Urban Investment Project Management Co., Ltd., introduced: "In order to ensure that the task of ensuring the delivery of the building will be completed as scheduled, Gui'an Urban Investment Group has established the construction headquarters of the guaranteed delivery building and the temporary party branch of the guaranteed delivery building, and insisted on strengthening the leadership of party building in an important position. ”

The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

As early as 2022, during the first phase of the construction project of the new campus of Guizhou Medical University, the company joined forces with all participating units to actively explore the formation of the "Project Chain-Party Building Alliance", focusing on the quality and safety of the construction of the project, the construction period and the efficiency of the project, adhering to the guidance of party building, giving full play to the "two roles" of grassroots party branches and party members, and building a work pattern of "double promotion, double integration, and double promotion" between party building and production and operation, and achieved positive results.

"In order to build the urban village reconstruction project of Lot B of the first phase of Zhongba into a modern community integrating residential, commercial and educational properties as soon as possible, we rely on the construction of the 'Party Building Alliance' to make use of the resources, professionalism and technology advantages of the participating units to build a 'Party Building Alliance +' working model of 'Party Building and Co-construction, Affairs and Consultation, Problem Solving, Resource Complementarity, and Achievement Sharing', so as to create a warm harbor for the masses to live and work in peace and contentment." Tang Hongbo said.

Xie Songzuo, deputy general manager of Gui'an Urban Investment Project Management Co., Ltd., said that at present, the overall progress of the project has been completed by 53%, and the construction of the main and secondary structures of the residence is underway. Under the guidance of the party building work such as the "Red Strong Enterprise Team", all participating units are united and confident that they will be delivered separately from March 2025, and the construction period is expected to be completed 3 months ahead of schedule.

On the basis of promoting the construction of the "Red Strong Enterprise Team", Gui'an City Real Estate Company has set up 6 "Guaranteed Delivery Building (Housing) Project Attack Team" on the basis of strengthening the leadership of party building, and preliminarily formulated the management mode and assessment plan of the "Guaranteed Delivery Building (Housing) Project Attack Team" in 2024.

The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

According to reports, the establishment of the "Red Strong Enterprise Team" by Gui'an Development Group is a pragmatic measure to implement "good people and good people immediately in Gui'an" and encourage "good people to be on the front line", and it is also a key move to strive to achieve the goal of "strong provincial capital" in the new era and "one thing a year, three years of great changes" in Gui'an New Area. This year, Gui'an Development Group has set up 10 "Red Strong Enterprise Teams" to play a leading role in various high-quality development fields such as project construction.

Since the start of the construction of the Xingyue Bay resettlement housing project, the party branch of the construction management company of Gui'an Industrial Control Group has adhered to the party building to lead the project, high-standard design, high-quality construction and high-efficiency promotion, actively mobilized and deployed party organizations and party members to play a demonstrative and leading role in the construction of resettlement housing, and effectively installed a "red engine" for the construction of resettlement housing, and went all out to promote the construction of resettlement housing and resettlement work, so that the masses can realize the "dream of living in peace" as soon as possible.

In the process of project construction, the party branch of Gui'an Industrial Control Group Construction Management Company further promoted the deep integration of party building and business, played a leading role in party building, promoted the quality and efficiency of project construction, and set up a "party member attack team" with the party branch secretary as the captain and other party members as members. There are party members in the key links and party members at the critical moments".

Key experiences include:

The first is to move the party organization activity position to the project construction site, change the project construction site to the learning position, and move the party building position to the first-line project, and turn the first-line project into a learning position, so that everyone can feel the hot scene of the project construction at close range, comprehensively stimulate the enthusiasm of the company's party members and cadres to start a business, further enhance the ability of party members to serve the project, and promote party members to play a vanguard and exemplary role.

The second is to strengthen the joint construction of party building with the participating units, explore the implementation of the "party building + security" model, further stimulate the role of party organizations and party members in the construction of service projects, and further stimulate the role of party organizations and party members in the construction of service projects.

At present, since the launch of the housing selection on February 28, the Gui'an Xingyue Bay resettlement housing project has completed 646 online signatures, with a total price of about 349 million yuan and an overall sales rate of 81%.

In the next step, the party branch of Gui'an Industrial Control Group Construction Management Company will continue to innovate its work ideas, promote the deep integration of party building and production and operation around the party building work system of "'specialized' casting high-quality products and five-heart construction", and integrate party building work into the whole process and all links of the company's development, so as to ensure that the party building work and the company's central work resonate at the same frequency and in the same direction.

Front-line service, be a good enterprise development intimate person

"Is there a need for employment in the near future? We can help with talent acquisition. In the past few days, the vanguard team of party members of Gui'an Industrial Investment Company is shuttling between the enterprises in the advanced equipment manufacturing industry cluster in Gui'an, while publicizing safety production and understanding the production and operation of enterprises in detail, they have carefully listened to the difficulties and problems encountered in the development of enterprises and helped to solve them, and be a good intimate person for enterprise development.

Guided by party building, in recent years, Gui'an Industrial Investment Company has continuously deepened the service guarantee work of the enterprise, giving full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and providing all-round and efficient service guarantee for enterprises in the park through a number of measures such as the establishment of a pioneer post guarantee enterprise for party members and the establishment of a commando team in the service park, so as to help the development of enterprises.

The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

Taking Guizhou Hanggu Power Technology Co., Ltd. as an example, since the company settled in the Gui'an advanced equipment manufacturing industry cluster in 2016, Gui'an Industrial Investment Company has established a party member pioneer post guarantee enterprise for the first time to understand the needs of the enterprise in a timely manner, and actively help the enterprise to connect with Guizhou Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College and the townships (towns and streets) in Gui'an New Area to solve practical problems such as employment and talent recruitment, and also create a good development environment for the enterprise by regularly entering the enterprise to carry out policy publicity and safety production publicity.

"Gui'an Industrial Investment Company is guided by party building and provides the best quality 'noble service' for the enterprises in the park, which is obvious to all and is very grateful." According to the relevant person in charge of Guizhou Hanggu Power Technology Co., Ltd., from talent recruitment to policy interpretation, the park can always understand the needs of enterprises at the first time, provide timely and effective help, and is a "good helper" and "caring person" for the high-quality development of enterprises.

The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

Interpret the spirit of "noble service" under the leadership of party building with practical actions, and bloom everywhere in the major industrial parks in Gui'an. In Guiyang Big Data Science and Technology Innovation City, many enterprises have personally felt the "noble service".

Recently, Guizhou Jiahuida Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., which has newly landed in Dake City, is in urgent need of attracting talents. "If you go through the social recruitment process, the cycle will be longer and the cost will be higher." Peng Tao, general manager of the company, said that in order to allow people to play a role in a timely manner, the company will send the recruitment brochure to the Dake City Enterprise Talent Service Center, the center through the "four cities" linkage mechanism, to the relevant colleges and universities to push the recruitment brochure, only 3 days, the company received more than 40 job resumes, and then there are talents to apply, and finally the company successfully recruited 55 talents.

The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

Helping enterprises attract talents is just one of the examples of Dakecheng practicing party building to lead and promote park services. On March 22 this year, in order to better serve the front service and ensure the "last mile" of service enterprises, the Dakecheng Enterprise Talent Service Center was officially completed and put into use.

In the Gui'an Comprehensive Bonded Zone, the vanguard of party members is also active. They go deep into enterprises to understand the various needs of enterprises in import and export trade, provide "one-stop" nanny services, promote multi-departmental coordination, optimize the business environment, and effectively solve problems for enterprises.

The party flag is floating on the industrial chain! Gui'an New Area promotes high-quality development with high-quality party building

Where the party flag flutters, the horn sounds, and the heat surges.

In the fiery land of Gui'an New Area, where high-quality development is promoted, the party's organizations will be covered, and the party's work will be followed up.

Adhering to the leadership of party building, the "noble service" of "the party flag fluttering on the industrial chain" has become a beautiful business card of Gui'an New Area, which is promoting industrial parks, investment promotion scenes, and production lines to burst out of high-quality development, attracting more enterprises to invest here, and is turning the beautiful picture of "one thing a year, three years of great changes" into a vivid reality step by step.

Source: Gui'an New Area Financial Media Center Pan Chaoxuan, Tang Xinjian, Xie Menghang, Liang Junpeng

Image: Shi Zhaochang