
【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

author:Jiyang District Procuratorate











【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party branches of the Jiyang District Procuratorate carried out various theme activities to educate and guide Party members and police officers to practice their original intentions and take on their missions.

Office Branch

Branch of the Fourth Procuratorial Department

【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!
【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

The Party Branch of the Office, the Party Branch of the Fourth Procuratorate Department and the Third Party Branch of the Jiyang District River Affairs Bureau jointly carried out the "Theme Party Day - Branch Co-construction" activity, focusing on learning the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the enterprise and expert symposium and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Shandong. Zhang Chuanwen, secretary of the party group and chief procurator of the district procuratorate, participated in the event as an ordinary party member. Wang Zhaochun, secretary of the Party branch of the office, gave a special party course on discipline around the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China".

After the study, all party members visited the construction of the main bridge of the Yellow River Bridge of the Jinan Great North Ring Project, the largest single-tower double-span self-anchored suspension bridge in the world, and reviewed the oath of joining the party in front of the bridge. All party members said that they will continue to fulfill their responsibilities and contribute their greatest strength to the in-depth implementation of the major national strategy of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.

【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!
【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

Political Branch

Branch of the Fifth Procuratorial Department

【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

Liu Chongming, secretary of the general party branch of the organ, sent a "political birthday" greeting card to party members, talked with party members, and emphasized the need to strengthen the sense of identity of party members and enhance the sense of honor and mission of party members; All party members collectively reviewed the oath of joining the party.

Subsequently, the participating comrades had a warm and full exchange on the current procuratorial work atmosphere, how young cadres and policemen can exercise and improve their work skills, and the problems existing in the integration of party building and business, and talked freely about their thoughts and thoughts.

【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!
【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!
【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

Branch of the First Prosecutor's Department

Branch of the Procuratorial Business Management Department

【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

The branch of the First Procuratorial Department and the branch of the Procuratorial Business Management Department jointly built and learned, and collectively watched and studied the "Lighthouse Classroom" "Please Rest Assured that the Party is Strong and the Country Has Me - Young Party Members Study and Seminar", and conducted a special seminar.

Party members and police officers shared their feelings and experiences: The great Communist Party of China has gone through more than 100 glorious years with sonorous steps, and the magnificent party history is exciting, moving and enthusiastic. As a procuratorial officer and police officer in the new era, on the road of "catching up with the exam", I am willing to swear by youth and enthusiasm, what the party wants, what I will do, life will not stop, struggle will not stop, and I will unswervingly contribute to the new journey.

Branch of the Second Procuratorial Department

Branch of the Third Procuratorial Department

【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

The branch of the second procuratorial department and the branch of the third procuratorial department carried out the theme party day co-construction activities, and all party members and police officers collectively reviewed the oath of joining the party, reread the willingness to join the party, and shared their experience and insights in the party. In the sonorous oath, the hearts of party members and police officers were baptized again, and their ideals and beliefs were firmer; In the warm blessings of each other, feel the power of the warmth and unity of the party organization.

Party members and police officers have expressed that they must not forget their original intentions, move forward bravely, always maintain the political nature and noble pursuit of communists, practice the oath of joining the party with practical actions, and make positive contributions to writing a new chapter in the high-quality development of procuratorial work.


Text: Political Department

Pictured: New Propaganda Office

Editor: Liu Guanyun and Zhang Xiaotong

(Issue 1329)

【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!


【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!


【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!


【July 1st Special】Jiyang Procuratorate: A variety of theme activities to celebrate the party's birthday!

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