
He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

author:Quack Entertainment

Text/Gaga Entertainment

(All content in this article has official and reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed at the end of the article)

He is the youngest full professor of Zhejiang University, the vice president of Zhejiang University, and one of the founders of Zhejiang University Industrial Automation Company......

On the contrary, he is also an iconic figure in the theme of "anti-corruption in colleges and universities", who will use his power to embezzle public funds, bribes, and embezzlement......

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

After being exposed, I thought that my life would have nothing to do with scientific research, but after serving three years in prison, I turned around and received 27.58 million yuan of financial support from the state, and once again provoked the beam, and the rollercoaster-like trajectory reflected his wonderful life.

Why would the state reuse a "grafter" again? Could it be that there is some ulterior secret behind it?

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?
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The first half of the life of "Infinite Scenery".

He is an expert in the field of domestic industrial automation - Chu Jian, Chu Jian's life resume in the first half of his life, can be described as "open", born in 1963, because of his outstanding performance, at the age of 15, he entered the Department of Chemical Engineering of Zhejiang University to study industrial automation.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

According to the article published by the overseas network on January 22, 2014, it can be learned that in 1986, Chu Jian graduated with a master's degree at that time, and happened to catch up with the chemical production process automation and instrumentation major, and the first doctoral joint training course of Jingdong University in Japan.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

In 1992, Chu Jian, who was 29 years old at the time, had been studying chemical production automation for many years, so he was appointed as the deputy director of the first engineering center in China, the National Engineering Research Center for Industrial Automation.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

After a year of tempering, at the age of 30, he became the youngest full professor of Zhejiang University, according to the information released by the Daily Economic News on May 17, 2018, at the same time, the Automation Research Center of Zhejiang University decided to create a professional automation research enterprise, Chu Jian, as a key figure at that time, is naturally inseparable!

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

In 1994, Chu Jian was promoted to doctoral supervisor again, and in the following 20 years, Chu Jian's contributions to industrial automation are obvious to all.

In 1999, he won the first batch of distinguished professors of the "Changjiang Scholars Award Program" and won the National Science and Technology Progress Award many times.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

In 2005, Chu Jian, who was 42 years old at the time, directly became a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and vice president of Zhejiang University, engaged in scientific research and education with one hand.

At that time, Chu Jian engaged in scientific research projects, and basically as long as the leaders of the central government came to Zhejiang to inspect high-tech enterprises, his central control technology was a must-visit stop.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

Some people even commented: "Except for uncontrollable things like longevity, Chu Jian can be said to have basically gotten everything", at that time, some successful people who did business in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were proud to know Chu Jian.

Most of the characters like this will think that he will be high and not easy to get close to, but in fact, on the contrary, according to a colleague from the Personnel Department of Zhejiang University at that time, Chu Jian is very affinity in ordinary life, and there are not so many leaders.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

After the "Chu Jian incident" was arrested, the alumni of Zhejiang University will post everywhere to feel sorry, and some teachers and students, as well as some employees of the company's subsidiaries of the company, almost more than 800 people, have signed for Chu Jian's release on bail pending trial.

Why was a person who has such a good evaluation of the upper and lower levels investigated and arrested by the relevant departments?

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

The event is primitive

It can be said that if Chu Jian was at the top of the "roller coaster" before 2012, then he would start to go downhill after that, which is an important dividing line in his life!

According to an article published by Sina Finance on June 3, 2020, it can be learned that in 2012, the central inspection team was stationed at Zhejiang University, and at this time, a large number of report letters against Chu Jian began to appear, with content ranging from professional to personal life accusations.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

After Chu Jian was "joined", the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection sent a special team to Zhejiang University to investigate Chu Jian as a key investigation object, mainly focusing on the content of the report: plagiarism of papers, corruption, transfer of state-owned assets, and messing with the relationship between men and women......

After an investigation, in the following year, the relevant departments investigated the charges against Chu Jian, and it didn't take long for the arrest and detention to be carried out.

The reason is that it is suspected of infringing on hundreds of millions of yuan of state-owned assets, and the "Chu Jian incident" is also known as "the first case in China's science and technology circles".

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

After Chu Jian's arrest, the turnover rate of the Central Control Group once reached one-fifth, and the situation at that time was quite critical, and it can be said that it had reached the dangerous situation of "the annihilation of the whole army".

At that time, ZPCON was still the most advanced R&D base for automation control technology in China, and if the R&D was delayed due to the impact, the consequences would be "unimaginable".

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

In the end, the incident was not resolved until 2017, and after the trial, Chu Jian was listed as using his position to embezzle public funds and destroy accounting books.

He directly pronounced the verdict in court on the outcome of the case of Chu Jian's embezzlement and intentional destruction of accounting vouchers and account books, and decided to enforce a fixed-term imprisonment of three years and three months, impose a fine of 10,000 yuan, and recover Chu Jian's property obtained from embezzlement during this period.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

Because he had been detained for a long time, Chu Jian had already served his sentence and regained his freedom on the third day after the verdict was announced.

After returning from prison, Chu Jian quickly took back the shares from his friends, took power again, and sent a letter to the employees, pointing directly to the future plan, saying that what was going to be implemented was the "Agni Plan", to create a greater central control, it seems that during the detention, Chu Jian did not waste time in vain.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

In May of the second year when Chu Jian regained his freedom, the relevant state departments announced on the official website that the country's key scientific research projects, this time the heavy responsibility fell on Chu Jian's shoulders again.

It is reported that the project has received a total of 27.58 million yuan from the central government, and the project implementation period is 3 years, which has become the first major scientific research project at the international level after Chu Jian was released from prison.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

According to an article published by the Observer on May 8, 2018, after the Chu Jian incident, some people speculated that Chu Jian's situation may have been played by foreign forces and domestic comprador forces.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

But fortunately, Chu Jian has survived this catastrophe and continues to forge ahead with the central control!

According to the article published by Southern Plus on April 24, 2024, in the third session of the China International Software Development Conference held at the Beijing National Convention Center, in order to commend experts and scholars who have made outstanding contributions to China's software industry, the "40 years of meritorious figures in China's software industry" were specially selected, and Chu Jian was one of the electees.

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

It also made many people happy for him, looking back on Chu Jian's life, it was full of thorns, but fortunately, he spent it peacefully, it can be said that he ran away for half a life, and he was still a teenager when he returned, and he always kept the original intention of his youth.

Chu Jian continues to shine on the road of scientific research in the mainland, and has made great contributions, and people with real skills, no matter what they encounter, have the courage to start again!

He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?


Overseas Network - "Chu Jian, Vice President of Zhejiang University, was arrested on suspicion of embezzling hundreds of millions of yuan of state-owned assets [2]", 2014-1-22
He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?
Daily Economic News - "After being arrested and imprisoned for 3 years at the age of 50: the former vice president of Zhejiang University returned to the road of entrepreneurship and received 27.58 million central funds" 2018-5-17
He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?
Sina Finance - "Chu Jian's "Corruption" Past and "Roller Coaster" Life" 2020-6-3
He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?
Observer Network - "Chu Jian, former vice president of Zhejiang University, was supported by the National Key R&D Program after being released from prison"2018-5-8
He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?
Southern Plus - "The List of "40 Years of Meritorious Figures in China's Software Industry" was announced, and 32 people including Ni Guangnan were selected"2024-4-24
He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?


He was sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzlement and deception of public funds, why did he receive 27.58 million yuan of national support for the project after he was released from prison?

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