
Please rest assured that the party has me to strengthen the army

author:Chinese military horn

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily, China Military Trumpet


On the eve of 1 July, all grassroots units carried out various forms of themed party day activities to guide officers and men to keep in mind their original aspirations and missions and to temper their passionate fighting spirit in striving to strengthen the army. The resolute eyes and sonorous oaths expressed the infinite affection and heartfelt love of the officers and men for the party.

Please rest assured that the party has me to strengthen the army

Figure (1): The party branch of the "Heroic White Horse Company" of a certain unit of the Xinjiang Military Region took advantage of the patrol to carry out themed party day activities to stimulate the pride of party members and backbones.

Special photographer: Duan Jie, a corporal

Please rest assured that the party has me to strengthen the army

Picture (2): A party member of a certain station of the Air Force Aviation raised his right fist and solemnly swore in the face of the bright red party flag.

Special photographer: First Class Sergeant Zhang Weizha

Please rest assured that the party has me to strengthen the army

Figure (3): The instructor of the "Mass Work Model Company" of a brigade of the 71st Group Army wore a party member badge for Liu Yutao, a soldier who became a formal party member as scheduled, and instructed him to always demand himself according to the standards of party members, make persistent efforts, and make contributions to his post.

Special Photographer: Second Sergeant Geng Li


chose and chosen, and finally selected these three among the many photos related to "July 1st"-

A distant view, a back, and a close-up.

These three photographs have one thing in common, that is, they cannot see or cannot see the faces of officers and soldiers.

The reason for this election is very simple, because it is difficult to find a concrete face that can cover or represent all Communist Party members on the day of "July 1st."

On the other hand, it can be said that all party members are the same - in the face of difficulties, they firmly raise their fists; Take the lead, charge bravely and fearlessly......

In fact, behind these three photos, there is a grander narrative and a more magnificent picture - forever pure and glorious, and a hundred years of building the army.

"Please rest assured that the party has me!" This is the eternal oath and unchanging commitment of all officers and men.

(Produced by the People's Liberation Army Daily, China Military Horn)