
Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

author:Chinese military horn

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

Wang Yujing

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, a certain unit of Unit 61623 organized a series of activities of "Striving to Celebrate the Party's July 1st and Setting Sail for a New Journey" to send the most sincere blessings to the party's birthday.

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

Don't forget the glory of suffering and live up to the mission - go to the Memorial Hall of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to carry out themed party day activities

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

Lugou Bridge is the place where the Anti-Japanese War began. In the memorial hall, a photo, a piece of cultural relics, and a scene all tell people about the touching deeds of the revolutionary martyrs who fought bloodily and would rather die during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The officers and men marched all the way along the tour route, and the shock of history slowly unfolded in front of their eyes, and everyone seemed to have stepped into the long river of history and personally experienced the Chinese Communists who went forward and forgot their lives for the great righteousness of their family and country.

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

Where the party flag goes, what I mean in my heart - revisit the oath of joining the party and never forget the original mission

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

Under the party flag, party members raise their right hands and swear an oath to the party flag. The clenched fists express the courageous loyalty of the officers and soldiers who will always listen to the party and follow the party; The solemn oath expresses the firm ideals and beliefs of the officers and men and the mission of dedicating themselves to the practice of strengthening the army. On the party's 103rd birthday, it is of great significance to review the oath of joining the party.

Words can speak, pay tribute to the years of lead - read the red classics, forge ahead

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

Knowing where he came from, Fang Ming went, crossed the years in the red book, felt the unswerving and selfless dedication of the revolutionary martyrs, the fine style of modesty and prudence, and the fine style of hard work, relived the magnificent centennial history of the Communist Party of China, and witnessed the glorious imprint of the party. Today, although the martyrs have traveled far away, the history is tireless, and the heart-pounding stories of faith in the book, those shining footprints of faith, have become the source of the spirit for everyone to continue to move forward. Private Liu Kuiyao was immersed in the "A Brief History of the Communist Party of China" brought her touch, she told her comrades-in-arms: "With the in-depth understanding of the development process of the Communist Party of China, I also have new thoughts about my military career, and we must actively play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members." Contribute to the new journey of reforming and strengthening the army with hard work and struggle. ”

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

Comrade-in-arms, why do you want to join the Communist Party of China? -- Organize exchanges and discussions to clarify the direction of progress

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

"Why did you want to join the Chinese Communist Party?" This is a phrase that instructors often ask everyone. During the exchange and discussion, everyone said a word to me, telling their original intention of joining the party.

"A spark can start a prairie fire. I believe that with my small strength, I can lead the infection of my comrades-in-arms and let everyone follow the pace of the party all the way. ”

"My grandfather was an excellent Communist Party member, and if I joined the party, I could become an excellent person like my grandfather."

"It is my dream to be a soldier and join the party, and it is my original intention and mission to protect the happiness of the country and the people."

"I am willing to be like my revolutionary ancestors, striving to be the vanguard and become a retrograde."


Why join the party, everyone's answer is different, but everyone knows that practicing the original mission with practical actions and continuing the red blood is the best answer to the original intention of joining the party.

Concentric to the party to celebrate "July 1st" and set sail for a new journey

Concentric to the party to celebrate the "July 1st", and set sail for a new journey. Through this activity, the officers and men profoundly realized their original aspiration and mission as a member of the Communist Party. Everyone said that in the future work and life, we should follow the footsteps of our ancestors, constantly improve the cultivation of party spirit, truly implement absolute loyalty to the party to the work of performing their duties, and practice the solemn oath of "strengthening the army with me" with practical actions.