
Before the prospective in-laws meet, inquire about the three secrets of the other family, which is for the happiness of the children

author:ALEX Talks about Growth

When the prospective in-laws meet, they are going to talk about marriage.

At this time, in fact, we should first inquire about the 3 "secrets" of the other party's family.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to snoop on your privacy and be an inquirer.

Rather, the marriage of children is a lifelong event, and you must understand it clearly. Don't take the other person's word for it.

When the prospective in-laws meet, it must be the result of careful dressing.

With this channel, you can't help it, you really know the good and bad of a person.

That's why we need you to inquire from the side and have one more information channel. When it is passed, you can give your children to them.

Some things are big things that have a lifelong impact on your children's marriage, don't be sloppy.

Before the prospective in-laws meet, inquire about the three secrets of the other family, which is for the happiness of the children

01 Is there anything weird?

In reality, it is very important to inquire about the prospective in-laws' family and whether anything strange has happened.

We don't want to chase each other and force each other to be gregarious, we can only follow the crowd, not have personality.

It's some strange things, which will expose the character and character of the other party's family, and there are quite a few problems.

This finding is very important.

For example, some prospective in-laws look enthusiastic and graceful.

But if you inquire about it, you will find that their family is not harmonious, and they often beat and scold. There have even been some conflicts.

Honestly, it's a bit hasty not to understand this, isn't it?

There are some things that are very clear to the acquaintances, neighbors, and relatives of the prospective in-laws.

These things will not be shown at the dinner table where your in-laws meet, and you need to collect them privately.

In order to eliminate the hidden danger of children's marriage. Isn't it important?

Before the prospective in-laws meet, inquire about the three secrets of the other family, which is for the happiness of the children

02 In terms of family style, what is it?

If a child wants to get married, he must marry a faithful man. Otherwise, after marriage, the torture continues.

And this one is very influenced by family style.

If your prospective in-law's family has some romantic affairs, it means that his family may not be stable. His view of marriage is unfaithful.

When your children get married, it can also trigger these potential problems.

For example, your prospective in-laws are having affairs by themselves, and they are constantly in various ways.

Several children in the family are also not in order. Both men and women have a lot of scandals.

So, are you sure you want your children to marry this kind of family?

The influence of family style is enormous.

This affects the way they behave and is a deep-rooted influence. Don't ignore it.

Before the prospective in-laws meet, inquire about the three secrets of the other family, which is for the happiness of the children

03 Health problems

In reality, if your children want to get married, you must have a thorough understanding of the health of the other party's family.

You must know that hereditary diseases, or some hidden diseases, can affect future marriages.

Some families, in order to facilitate the marriage of their children, will deliberately conceal it and will not be honest.

For example, some families, in order to facilitate marriage, will hide the fact that their children are taking medicine and pretend that their children are healthy.

The other party may also have some diseases that are not suitable for having children.

If we are not careful, we may let our children have children with diseases. Spend a lot of money on medicine.

The children's own health is also endangered.

It's painful.

When we marry each other, we are equivalent to partners in life.

It is necessary to have a very thorough understanding of the other party and eliminate several major hidden dangers.

Otherwise, this marriage may be as short as a one-day trip. It will also leave deep pain for children. Are you right?

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