
Want to build a second Sierra Madre? The Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Chinese coast guard immediately dispatched

author:Horses and chariots

After the Philippines provoked Ren'ai Jiao and Xianbin Jiao one after another, it began to make trouble on Scarborough Shoal again! The Philippine Maritime Self-Defense Force announced on June 30 that the engine of a Philippine fishing boat exploded near the waters off Scarborough Shoal, and two crew members on board suffered third-degree burns.

Want to build a second Sierra Madre? The Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Chinese coast guard immediately dispatched

What happened to the exploding fishing boat in the Philippines? Did the Chinese Coast Guard Really Stop the Philippines from Carrying Out a Rescue? Was the Philippine Fishing Boat Accident Really an Accident?

The Chinese Coast Guard's handling of the Philippines is pure slander

The Philippine fishing boat incident occurred on the afternoon of June 29, and it is also a fact that the engine of the Philippine fishing boat exploded, of course, we have no way of knowing whether it was an accident or human manipulation, but from the perspective of the burns of the Philippine fishermen, it is likely that the Philippine fishing boat is in disrepair and too old!

What is strange after the accident is that the Philippine patrol boat "Sindangan" rushed to the area where the accident occurred very short after the accident and entered the waters near Huangyan Island to rescue without any notice, and the 3302 and 3105 ships of the Chinese Coast Guard on duty at Huangyan Island were immediately dispatched.

Want to build a second Sierra Madre? The Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Chinese coast guard immediately dispatched

In order to prevent the Philippines from doing anything by taking advantage of this incident, the Chinese coast guard also sent a speedboat to film the process of the Philippine rescue and the transfer of the wounded.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Filipinos, the Chinese Coast Guard did not help them rescue the fishermen, and it has become the duty of the Chinese Coast Guard to help the Philippines rescue fishermen?

In fact, if it were not the Filipino fishermen who appeared in the waters of Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard would definitely lend a helping hand to them out of humanitarianism, at least for the crew and the injured who fell into the water, the Chinese coast guard would have generously helped to rescue, after all, China, as a country of etiquette, has never been criticized for its conduct in the world!

Want to build a second Sierra Madre? The Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Chinese coast guard immediately dispatched

However, after discovering that the other party was a Philippine fishing boat, and the Philippine coast guard rescuers arrived at the first time, the Chinese coast guard gave up the plan to save people, and then turned on the video mode as soon as possible!

The reason why the Chinese coast guard did not participate in the rescue was not because of the current confrontation between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, nor because of the frequent provocations by the Philippines in the South China Sea, but because it was afraid that the Philippines would once again use the fishing boat explosion incident to create an incident at Scarborough Shoal!

Don't think this is alarmist, didn't the Philippines take advantage of China's benevolence to forcibly run the Sierra Madre on Ren'ai Jiao illegally? China is full of enthusiasm to help the Philippines, but in exchange for the other party's wolf heart and dog's lungs and scheming!

Want to build a second Sierra Madre? The Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Chinese coast guard immediately dispatched

Therefore, China should not have any mercy on the Philippine country, whether it is fishermen or coast guard patrol vessels.

Moreover, after the Philippine rescue ship entered the waters of Scarborough Shoal, it rushed in the direction of the fishing boat without making any announcement, and without saying a word, to be honest, in the face of such an impudent move, the Chinese coast guard did not forcibly stop it, which is very conscientious!

The incident subsided and the Philippine side towed the boat away

Although the Philippine fishing boat is now in a semi-sunken state, the Philippines still dispatched a boat to forcibly tow it away, and in turn extrapolated from the results of this incident.

Of course, under the reasonable, legal and compliant handling of the Chinese Coast Guard, the Philippine patrol boats and fishing boats have not made any trouble, but no one knows what the Philippines originally planned!

Want to build a second Sierra Madre? The Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Chinese coast guard immediately dispatched

If there is no coast guard ship to track and monitor the whole process, or there are no Chinese coast guard ships in the waters of Scarborough Shoal, I believe that the Philippines is afraid that even if this fishing boat is damaged by accident, the Philippine Coast Guard will tow it to Scarborough Shoal and run it aground illegally, after all, the Philippines has been provoking in this area for a long time, and they will not give up any opportunity to take Scarborough Shoal as their own!

The Chinese Coast Guard has always allowed Filipino fishermen to fish in the waters around Scarborough Shoal based on the principle of peaceful coexistence, but these Filipino fishermen and the Philippine government are not at all grateful, not only fishing here for a long time, but also often creating marine garbage in the area, and the Philippine maritime law enforcement forces have used this as an excuse to frequently invade Scarborough Shoal!

Want to build a second Sierra Madre? The Philippine fishing boat exploded, and the Chinese coast guard immediately dispatched

In the face of such a country with no quality and inch by inch, any mercy given to them by the Chinese coast guard is cruel to themselves! In fact, this time, the Philippine "Sindangan" patrol boat was able to tow away the fishing boat so neatly, most likely because of the aftermath left by China's attack on Ren'ai Jiao not long ago!

In fact, for a small country in the South China Sea like the Philippines, China must come up with tough measures to beat them up, otherwise let these clowns kick their noses in the face, and they really think that China has nothing to do with them!

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