
The general section of Haidong Highway is actively preparing for the race around the lake

author:Qinghai road network

In order to do a solid job in the transportation service guarantee of the 23rd Tour of Qinghai Lake International Road Cycling Race, since May, the general section of Haidong Highway has been riveting and full of strings, comprehensively promoting the planning and deployment of the road sections involved in the race, daily maintenance, environmental remediation and other work, and fully entering the state of preparation for the smooth road of the Lake Race.

The first is to strengthen deployment and consolidate work responsibilities. A working meeting was held to arrange and deploy the 293.445 km section of the 23rd Round the Lake Race through the general section of Haidong Highway, and make overall planning. Combined with the actual maintenance work, the "Haidong Highway General Section of the 23rd Qinghai Lake International Road Cycling Race Traffic Service Guarantee Work Plan" was formulated and issued, dividing the responsible road sections, clarifying the work requirements, and improving the Baotong plan. The heads of all units, work areas and departments are required to strictly grasp the details of the work, form a responsibility system and work pattern that is implemented at all levels, responsible at all levels, vertically to the edge, and horizontally to the end, and effectively arrange the work in practice and implement it in detail.

The general section of Haidong Highway is actively preparing for the race around the lake

The second is to strengthen the rectification and optimize the road appearance. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the event and the safe and smooth flow of the highway as the starting point, integrate manpower, material resources, machinery and equipment, concentrate on increasing the continuous cleaning of the environment of the whole line area, do a good job in the restoration and construction of highway safety protection facilities, and sink the personnel of the agency to the front line, and rectify the environment of the whole line in the way of assigning to individuals, so as to effectively achieve the clean and tidy environment, beautiful environment and intact facilities of the whole line of the highway under its jurisdiction. At the same time, the use of vehicle players along the way to improve the awareness of the people along the road to protect the road, create a good atmosphere of road environment improvement, and improve the quality of highway traffic. Strive to do a good job in various services for the race around the lake with the best road appearance and the best road traffic conditions.

The general section of Haidong Highway is actively preparing for the race around the lake

Third, it is necessary to strengthen flood prevention and improve emergency response capabilities. In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice on Flood Control and Passage Protection of National and Provincial Trunk Roads in 2024", all units will be organized to speed up the cleaning and dredging of drainage facilities such as side ditches, culverts, bridge drainage holes, expansion joints and the accumulation of piles on the top of the retaining walls along the line, so as to achieve smooth drainage along the whole line. Strengthen the frequency of highway inspections, on-duty duty and information reporting, inventory and replenishment of emergency supplies, do a good job of monitoring and early warning, and ensure that during the critical period of highway flood control, machinery is in good condition, materials are sufficient, information is accurate, and highway emergencies are handled efficiently.

The general section of Haidong Highway is actively preparing for the race around the lake

Fourth, strengthen investigation and build a strong line of defense. Continue to increase highway inspections, conduct comprehensive investigation and supervision of accident-frequent, complex terrain and steep mountain sections, and road sections prone to collapse and water damage, do a good job in investigation and rectification accounts, and timely discover and solve potential safety hazards such as rockfalls and landslides on the road; Replenish the righting milestones, 100-meter piles, maintain and repair tunnel lighting, fire extinguishers and other traffic safety facilities, timely fill the shoulder deficit, fill the pavement potholes, repair curbs, etc., so as to maintain the safety and smoothness of the whole line.

The general section of Haidong Highway is actively preparing for the race around the lake

Fifth, strengthen cooperation and improve the level of road conditions. Strengthen the contact with the road administration, traffic police, meteorological and other departments, pay close attention to meteorological information, keep an eye on the highway conditions, continue to do a good job in emergency duty and information reporting, and ensure that emergencies and emergencies can be responded to in a timely manner and dealt with scientifically. Communicate and coordinate with the road administration and local governments to carry out centralized rectification of polluted roads, vehicle throwing and dumping garbage along the route, so as to create a good road environment for the race around the lake.

The general section of Haidong Highway is actively preparing for the race around the lake

The horn of the decisive battle of the round the lake race has been sounded, and the general section of Haidong Highway will be more full of work enthusiasm, pragmatic work style, and high spirits to solidly promote the smooth work of the section of the race around the lake, and make every effort to create a smooth, safe, comfortable and beautiful road environment to ensure that the event is held smoothly as scheduled.


(Source: Haidong Highway Section)

The general section of Haidong Highway is actively preparing for the race around the lake
The general section of Haidong Highway is actively preparing for the race around the lake