
After 20 years of working as a technical worker, I realized that the leader is definitely not the most skilled, but mostly half-witted

author:Drifting pony Vlog

If you can be a leader for skilled workers, he must know some technology!

It's true that a good leader needs to have some knowledge of technology, but to say that their level of technology can surpass that of front-line workers?

After 20 years of working as a technical worker, I realized that the leader is definitely not the most skilled, but mostly half-witted

Workers hold meetings

That's a big mistake. While some leaders may be highly skilled in a particular area, they will never have the full grasp of all the technical details as the frontline workers.

Because a leader's job isn't about being skilled, they need the ability to coordinate resources, motivate their teams, and have a mouthful of words.

From time to time, a few professional terms are thrown out, such as "proofing and eye-catching", "plastic deformation", and "Hardness", does it sound like a leader is particularly professional?

But in fact, the real technical masters are often hidden in the depths of the workshop, and they are the ones who really grasp the essence of technology.

After 20 years of working as a technical worker, I realized that the leader is definitely not the most skilled, but mostly half-witted

However, these technical gurus rarely have the opportunity to become leaders.

Why? Because if they all go to be leaders, then who will do the technical work on the workshop?

After all, a well-functioning workshop requires not only commanding leaders, but also technical experts who can solve practical problems on the front line.

So, the next time you see the leaders talking endlessly in the meeting, you might as well think about it, maybe they have only mastered some superficial knowledge, and the real masters may be around you and me, silently sweating in the workshop.

This division of labor is actually a way to operate efficiently, and everyone plays the biggest role in their respective areas of expertise.

That's why we always say that the real masters are in the folk. They may not have flashy titles, they may not have lofty positions, but their skills and experience are unmatched.

After 20 years of working as a technical worker, I realized that the leader is definitely not the most skilled, but mostly half-witted

In this deceptively simple world of technology, everyone has their place and value, doesn't they?

So, the next time you hear the professional jargon of the leader, don't forget that the real technical power may be silently dedicated by your side.

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