
Chen Shaoyan|The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

author:Abundant spring and autumn

The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

Written by Chen Shaoyan

He does not reproduce what is seen with the naked eye, but gives a sense of not being strange in a unique visual form.

He said: "I was born in Guangdong, grew up in Hainan, and spent my whole life in farming. Since childhood, he has been fond of studying books and ink, and has been self-taught without a teacher in his spare time, but it is difficult to grow. In this year, I have the courage to compile the words into a book, self-appreciation, and masturbation. ”

"A good man has a safe life" has its name.

The work depends on the character, and the character depends on the work. The beauty of his "two products" is good and ordinary, ordinary and extraordinary, giving people insight.

Chen Shaoyan|The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

Dancing life

There are many ways to live in life, and so does he. What I want to talk about is his calligraphy. His focused eyes and strong feelings hide his love for calligraphy.

His calligraphy study is bright and heart-warming, blooming with the light of the glue forest of "Xilian Treasure Island Southern Pearl", carrying the emotional activities of the glue workers in the "Jiaolin Morning Song", and praising the ambition of "there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb".

His "dragon and tiger leap" of the official character and cursive character are the opposite of his name "Haoping", with dragon veins, tiger might, three-dimensional sense, and a strong sense of strength. Its vivid beauty, rhythmic beauty, and rhythmic beauty are not blown by the wind, but are the natural expression of his "quiet observation of the flow of water, cold eyes to see the state of the world"; The golden sentence "natural rubber will not be completely replaced, the demand for rubber in the mainland is large, its development situation is very good, and agricultural reclamation must develop the rubber industry".

I still remember the comments of the people around him on his expression. Looking up at the rubber forest, he walked into the distance, his mood was calm, his attitude was peaceful, and his pace was steady.

Chen Shaoyan|The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

Selected works of his calligraphy study, Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring. Changsha", "Lang Tao Shao. Beidaihe", Ye Jianying's "Hainan Island", not only has the identity of him and his colleagues in the organs and rubber gardens to grasp the "trade union affairs", but also grasps the details of people's livelihood, we have no reason not to respect life, cherish the good, and there is no reason not to love life, treat ourselves well, and forget the gains and losses.

His subordinate characters." Life is only in a moment", "the right way in the world", the taste is long, reminding people of the founding of the party, the army, the founding of the country, reform and opening up, targeted poverty alleviation, wisdom on the sky, wisdom in the deep sea, the magnificent picture scroll of the times, the symphony of the times; In modern society, we must have a normal heart that does not like things, does not feel sad about ourselves, handles them calmly, and is not shocked by honor and disgrace; Optimistic and open-minded, positive and enterprising; For the love of companionship, the spring blossoming of gratitude.

Chen Shaoyan|The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

A favorite of all people

Tan Bingguang, a comrade-in-arms from Jiangmen who participated in the war, looked at the ink treasure that was sent to my hometown in WeChat, and even said, "Great." When he learned that the ink dancer was not a calligrapher, he earnestly hoped to get the ink fragrance of "amateur calligraphy enthusiast and professional calligrapher", and Haoping agreed. The comrades-in-arms gathered at his house to admire the hanging "Tranquility and Prosperity" and "The Purple Qi of the East Gate Meets Jiang Yang's Achievements Are All Based on Inspirational Ang The Village Mouth Has Left a Painful Seal and a Hymn to Record My Hometown." When asked how much compensation would be given, Bingguang said that this "fire reconnaissance" was wrong, and that there was no need for "explosives packs" and that people would not take a penny.

The comrades-in-arms said that Wen Biao is basically not a problem, and today, with the continuous improvement of academic qualifications, the "spiritual highland" is more precious, and more and more people love calligraphy is a natural gift from the times. Bingguang said that sitting alone in a quiet and warm home, appreciating calligraphy loses its narrowness, superficiality, and ignorance...... Humorous, he actually talked and gained a lot.

Chen Shaoyan|The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

It was a hot day in June, but I shared the passion for the selection of calligraphy exercises. I participated in the theme propaganda film "For the National Strategy" filmed to commemorate the 60th anniversary of Hainan Agricultural Reclamation, and listened to the heroic feats of several generations of meritorious figures, "No firm faith, no firm confidence", "I can't give up a few inks and sweat, I can't bear to lose a few catties of meat", "I don't dedicate my youth to my children and grandchildren", I feel deeply, the times are different, the mission is the same, and the responsibility is the same. Haoping is the second generation of reclamation, I asked him to write the title of the film, and he answered my kindness with a smile and hand, saying that it is better to wave the pen of a calligrapher with a national name.

In 2017, my old house was renovated, and I agreed to write a couplet presented by Wang Jianqiang, a master of poetry.

Chen Shaoyan|The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

The work of unknown people

Haoping's Lizi "The sword is sharpened from the sharpening, and the fragrance of flowers comes from the bitter cold", which is a true portrayal of growing up and recuperating based on oneself.

He glanced at the millennium, looked at the ancient calligraphy, thought about Wang Xi's masterpieces, read the post, the post, waved the pen to imitate, such as a few years, comprehended the calligraphy style of the sage, the beauty of the pen rhyme. Calligraphy is a unique art in China, he tried his best to appreciate the artistic connotation of calligraphy, official calligraphy, cursive script, regular script, and calligraphy, and the calligraphy of various schools of calligraphy is broad and profound, and calligraphy moistens the heart.

He adheres to the principle of "the paper is shallow, and he never knows that he has to bow down", and does not give up taking his own path, the rubber garden is paper, the rubber leaf is paper, the rubber knife is the pen, the rubber branch is the pen, the ground is written, the palm of the hand is practiced, the leg is drawn, more hands, more practice, the pen is not stopped, the pen is torn, the tear is written, and the "order" is not to live up to himself, not to live up to the world of the Jiaolin forest. Colleague congratulated "When the mountains are full of flowers, he laughs in the bushes." ”

He broadened his horizons and was diligent in reflection. Ni Junyu, director of the Chinese Prose Poetry Society who came out of the Jiaoyuan, Wu Dilin and Han Qin, members of the Chinese Artists Association, Ye Shidao and Liu Chenglian, members of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, and Chen Hanliang, a member of the Hainan Provincial Calligraphy Association, etc., have long set an example, unwilling to be the queen of good peace, "with people with liver and gallbladder, from the place where there are no words and sentences", the garage is a practice room, and his calligraphy practice has given the farmer a long face.

Chen Shaoyan|The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

The heart has no clouds, and it is as still as water. Concentrate on the spirit, in order to understand the spirit. He has been consistent, and we have made several appointments to see the Green Wind Poetry Society, and he has already entered the state, integrated with the work, and should not even shout three times, and go crazy into the calligraphy journey.

I also love calligraphy, in addition to giving me paper, pen, ink, but also enthusiastic to teach, but the mud can not be painted on the wall, we are "unfinished building", no place to embarrass themselves.

Poetry, calligraphy and painting. Haoping's poems, calligraphy, couplets, fine arts, and photography are obvious to all, and his works have participated in the poetry, calligraphy, painting and film exhibitions, which have attracted people's attention and won awards.

In 2008, he went to China Pudong Executive Leadership Academy for training, while studying, while tasting the ink treasures in the corridor of the hall, and his masterpieces entered the journal of the institute. He has been the initiator, convener, host, and spokesperson, but he has become a security guard and a confidential officer. I wrote it into the "Tour Leader Diary" and "Training Briefing".

In my heart, "Selected Calligraphy Works of Zou Haoping" has a certain value of "archiving" and "leaving history".

(23 June 2024)

Chen Shaoyan|The beauty of the "two products" selected for calligraphy exercises

About author:Chen Shaoyan, born in Singapore, grew up in New China, served in the army for 20 years, and then transferred to work in the local area, and is now retired. He is a member of the Hainan Provincial Writers Association and a member of the Hainan Provincial Poetry Association, and his works have been entered and published in the People's Daily "Earth", Xinhua Monthly, People's Digest compilation of "Innovation and Development", "Chinese Poetry", and was selected into the Guangming Daily, "Poetry Magazine" magazine, and the Chinese Poetry Society's "Centennial Huafangdan Heart to the Party" poetry collection, published a collection of prose essays "Jiaoyuan Heart", and co-authored the poetry collection "Green Field Song".

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