
Journey to the West: Where did the Seven Fairies who messed up the Queen Mother's errand go?

author:History Bunny

"Journey to the West" is broad and profound, many details in it are worth recalling, the story of the Seven Fairies is actually in many mythological novels, and their stories are also recorded in Journey to the West, the Queen Mother's peach will be held soon, and they were ordered to go to the peach orchard to pick peaches, but the big peaches were eaten by Sun Wukong, so it can be said that they did not complete the task of the Queen Mother. So where did they go? Let's talk about this topic.

Journey to the West: Where did the Seven Fairies who messed up the Queen Mother's errand go?

Seven fairies

The Legend of the Seven Fairies I don't know what legends you have heard about the Seven Fairies. What I heard is the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, the legend is that the Seven Fairies are the daughters of the Jade Emperor, they often go to a pond in the mortal world to bathe, this time they go down to the mortal world to take a bath, and the result is that the Cowherd found that the clothes of the most beautiful Seven Fairies were taken away at the suggestion of the old cow, and the time came, the other fairies all flew up to the sky, only the old seven were naked in the river and did not dare to move, and the Cowherd appeared at the right time, this time the two were born and matured, and the two were together.

When the queen mother heard about it, she was very angry, so she ordered someone to separate the two and take away the seven fairies, the cowherd was sad and indignant, at this time the old cow exerted her magic power to take the cowherd to soar, and after being discovered by the queen mother, the queen mother pulled out a hosta and drew a heavenly river, separating the two again. Later, the magpies heard the story of the two and built a magpie bridge on the seventh day of the seventh month of July every year to let the two meet. About the story of the Seven Fairies, I've only heard of this one before, if you have heard of others, please write to the comment area, let me also increase my knowledge.

And Journey to the West, the Seven Fairies are also sad, but they are no longer the daughters of the Jade Emperor, but just the maids of the Queen Mother. Because Sun Wukong guarded and stole himself, he ate a lot of big peaches, so the big peaches in the peach orchard were very difficult to find, and they found that there was a peach that was very abrupt, so they reached out to pick it, and the peach turned out to be changed by Sun Wukong, so there was a dispute between the two sides. When Sun Wukong heard that the Pan Tao Society did not invite him, he was furious, and used the immobilization to hold the Seven Fairies, and then went to make a big fuss about the Pan Tao Festival.

Queen Mother Later, after the Seven Fairies regained their freedom, they went to report to the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother heard that Sun Wukong was so rude and discussed with the Jade Emperor, and then everyone knew about the later things, and the Jade Emperor sent the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to crusade against Sun Wukong again, this time inviting Erlang God to go over to subdue the demon. The follow-up story will not be repeated, because whether it is a TV series or the original book, everyone has seen it, and we will mainly talk about what happened to the Seven Fairies later. And what happened to the Seven Fairies is related to the Queen Mother, so it is necessary to talk about the Queen Mother.

Journey to the West: Where did the Seven Fairies who messed up the Queen Mother's errand go?

Queen, Mother, Daughter

In fact, whether it is Journey to the West or mythological novels, the evaluation of the Queen Mother is not very high. For example, in the story of the Seven Fairies introduced earlier, the reason why the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl could not be together was because of the obstruction of the Queen Mother, and it seems that she is a mean woman. However, in the Journey to the West, the Queen Mother is not likable. Let's start with the analysis of a few small details, and we can see how terrible the Queen Mother is in the Journey to the West.

Maybe the evidence is not very sufficient, but if you look back carefully, you can feel that it is the same thing. One is the matter of Zhu Bajie's descent to earth, everyone generally thinks that the old pig went down to earth because he molested Chang'e, but in fact, the old pig did three major things, each of which is comparable to making trouble in the heavenly palace, the original text is like this:

Just because he was drunk and played Gong'e, he sold the hero at that time. A mouth arched down the bullfighting palace and ate the queen mother's lingzhi dish. The Jade Emperor personally hit two thousand hammers and demoted me to the three-day realm.

In fact, it is not a big crime to flirt with Gong E, because this Gong E is a merry fairy, and later appeared to meet with Lao Zhu, and the two actually had a personal relationship. Therefore, the real reason why the old pig went down to earth is most likely to eat the queen mother's Ganoderma lucidum dish. There is also a similar tragedy, the fate of the family of the Dragon King of All Saints is extremely tragic, the princess of all saints, the son of the dragon and the grandson of the dragon including the dragon king were destroyed, and the only surviving dragon woman was also locked in the lock cylinder pillar of a pagoda in the mortal world, starving for 8 meals in three days. I'm afraid the miserable level of Jinghe Dragon King can't be compared. So why is this happening? In fact, it is essentially because the Princess of All Saints once sneaked into the heavenly court and stole the nine-leaf lingzhi grass planted by the Queen Mother.

Journey to the West: Where did the Seven Fairies who messed up the Queen Mother's errand go?

Princess of All Saints

And the Seven Fairies were originally going to pick peaches at the behest of the Queen Mother, but the peaches were not picked, and they were also controlled by the monkeys.

The Seven Fairies Therefore, I think the end of the Seven Fairies is very sad. It is very likely that they will be deprived of their immortal status, demoted to the mortal world, and will not be able to return until they have made meritorious contributions. In fact, this is also the case, from some details we can see that these seven fairies have indeed gone down to earth.

After they were deprived of their immortal status, they were reincarnated as demons, followed a very powerful master, and finally turned into human form. In fact, speaking of this, you may have guessed it, that's right, after the seven fairies arrived in the mortal world, they became seven spider spirits, hindering Tang Seng from learning scriptures, and were killed by Sun Wukong with a trick. So is there a reason why they are spider spirits? There are some details to prove it. For example, their godson once said something like this:

The strange said: "I am the son of the Seven Immortal Gu." You have bullied my mother, and you dare to be ignorant and knock on my door! Don't go! Carefully! "What a monster! The dance of each hand, the dance of the foot, and the fight in the future.

This monster is the godson of the spider spirit, and from this passage we can guess that the spider spirit is actually reincarnated from the seven fairies. There is also a small detail, the pond where these seven spider spirits bathed is called the Dirt Spring, which used to be the place where the seven fairies went down to the earth to bathe. The original text reads:

The land said: "The little divine power is thin and short, I don't know how much means he has, but I know that it is just south, three miles away from here, there is a dirty spring, which is the natural hot water, which was originally the bath of the seven immortals above." Since the goblins have lived here, they have occupied his dirty spring, and the fairy girl has never competed with him, so she gave him up to him plainly. I see that the immortals don't mess with demons and monsters, and the elves must have great powers. ”

Journey to the West: Where did the Seven Fairies who messed up the Queen Mother's errand go?

Spider Spirit

You must know that the status of the goblins in the Journey to the West world is very low, if they are just ordinary goblins and occupy the resources of the immortal family, then they will definitely send troops to encircle and suppress them. However, after these seven spider spirits occupied the pond, the seven fairies did not even show their faces, so it is very possible that these seven spider spirits are the previous lives of the seven fairies. Because he did not complete the task of the queen mother, he was punished by the queen mother as a demon in the lower realm. But after all, they are the queen mother's maids, and the queen mother just wants to punish them. 、

When they were killed by Sun Wukong, they could go to heaven again to continue to be immortals. Why? Because you can recall that the goblins on the way to learn the scriptures are actually invited by the Buddhist sect with various connections, and these seven spider spirits are actually the same, and the Queen Mother is not really punishing them for making such mistakes, but just to help Rulai make up for these 81 difficulties. When the difficulty of the tribulation is over, of course they can return to heaven, and this is a great merit, although the protagonist of the tribulation cannot be compared with the person who learns the scriptures, but there are also certain benefits.

Summary To sum up, I think that the difficulty of the spider spirit was designed by the queen mother in order to thank Rulai for subduing Sun Wukong, and the seven fairies becoming spider spirits are not only the queen mother's punishment for them, but also the need for calamity. After they were killed, of course, they returned to Heaven and returned to the Queen Mother's side.

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, it is not easy to be original, welcome to forward and promote, thank you for your company, see you in the next issue, and finally hope that you will pay attention, thank you again!