
The only one in the province! Dragon Media, a new revision 🥁

author:Longnan release

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June 30th

Jiangxi Rong Media Brain Platform was launched

and the establishment ceremony of Jiangxi Rongmei Brain Technology Company

Held in Nanchang

Longnan Rong Media Center as

The only pilot county (city, district) in the province

The "Dragon Media" client was the first to be used

Jiangxi Rongmei Brain was revised and upgraded

Completely revised

"Dragon Media" client

Also made a wonderful appearance at the conference

The only one in the province! Dragon Media, a new revision 🥁

I'm going to take you with me now

Get to know this treasure app

The only one in the province! Dragon Media, a new revision 🥁

PART01 What is the "Dragon Media" client?

"Dragon Media" client is the only official APP on behalf of the Longnan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, hosted by the Longnan Rong Media Center, a comprehensive mobile client integrating news releases, government services, people's livelihood applications and other functions. It has set up columns such as recommendation, current affairs, information, township, video, and dragon live broadcast, which can provide users with authoritative, fast and comprehensive news information and convenient services, so that the general public can "know Longnan at one end".

PART02 How to download the "Dragon Media" client

☞ Download from the app market

On the Android App Store or Apple App Store

Search for "Dragon Media" and download and install

for a quick download

Introduction to the new features of the "Dragon Media" client

Integrate intelligent media, innovation leads

Innovation and integration of "news +" strong combination

Rong Longnan, Rong Hakka, Rong Tianxia

This is the "Dragon Media" client

Let's go, follow the editor to get to know it again!

Wonderful channel information is non-stop

The new version of the "Dragon Media" client optimizes the interface of each channel to allow users to better browse news and information

The only one in the province! Dragon Media, a new revision 🥁

Channel introduction

Recommended channel: Real-time release of hot news and news in Longnan.

Current Affairs Channel: It is divided into three sub-columns: graphics, videos, and superior media watching Longnan. The graphic column mainly pushes Longnan current political news releases; The video column publishes each issue of "Longnan News"; The higher-level media look at Longnan's column, which mainly pushes the news reports of the higher-level media on Longnan.

Information channel: divided into two sub-columns: dynamic and convenient. Dynamic release of Longnan information; Convenient people publish various convenient service information.

Township Channel: Publish all kinds of news and information carried out by various towns and villages in Longnan.

Video channel: It mainly pushes videos of local government affairs, people's livelihood, enterprises, cultural tourism, food, and beautiful scenery in Longnan.

Education Channel: Publish theme activities, educational announcements and related information of various schools in Longnan.

Eye Color Longnan Channel: It mainly pushes literary graphic manuscripts such as related works and collection creations of Longnan writers.

Dragon Live Channel: Live broadcast various activities in Longnan and generate live playbacks.

Optimized the interface for a smooth experience

The "Dragon Media" client optimizes the design of the homepage, and adds a number of new functions, including core news, convenient services, weather forecasts, wonderful columns, etc., to meet the needs of users, intimate and thoughtful

The only one in the province! Dragon Media, a new revision 🥁

Client building in the building

Open the "Dragon Media" client, slide down to the end, you can use the "building in the building" function applied for the first time in the province, swipe to understand the recent wonderful activities, and quickly enter the points mall and submission platform

The only one in the province! Dragon Media, a new revision 🥁

(Some mobile phones cannot be pulled down, you can try to re-enter the software)

Wonderful videos are non-stop

Local videos, popular science, delicious food, beautiful scenery......

On the homepage of the "Dragon Media" client, click the video button below to watch a large number of videos

The only one in the province! Dragon Media, a new revision 🥁

Great beauty township display

Optimize the interface of the township section, display the panoramic view of each township and enter each township section, so that users can understand the township dynamics in real time

The only one in the province! Dragon Media, a new revision 🥁

5 major benefits of Dragon Media Client

Benefit 1: Watch the news and redeem prizes

Log in to the "Dragon Media" client every day, watch the news, complete the corresponding tasks, etc., you can get the corresponding points, up to 62 points a day, and you can redeem the corresponding prizes in the points mall through the points.

Welfare 2: Do government affairs, do not go out of the house

There are more than 20 government affairs applications linked to the dragon media client, click "more" on the home page, you can query and understand the relevant policy information and service guidelines of various departments, so that the majority of users can do things online without leaving home, avoid the cumbersome process of waiting in line offline, and improve the efficiency.

Welfare 3: If you have a demand, come to ask the government

If you encounter worries, worries, and worries in Longnan, please log in to the "Dragon Media" client to find "Ask Politics"; We will serve you wholeheartedly, help you reflect your questions and demands to the relevant departments in a timely manner, and give you a timely reply.

Benefit 4: Watch videos and go to the streets

The "Dragon Media" client adds videos and communities, and users can swipe videos on the Dragon Media client just like Douyin, create topics in the community, and share new things in Longnan.

Benefit 5: Watch live broadcasts and enjoy life

Through the "Dragon Media" client, you can watch the live broadcast of major festivals and culture, cultural tourism activities and other social activities to meet your spiritual and cultural needs, and you can also grab lucky bags and win prizes. What are you waiting for, update and download this awesome client, and there will be new and more ways to play in the future, so stay tuned and forwarded

Let more people know about this treasure APP

Source: Longnan Rong Media Center Editor: Zhou Haoyan First Trial: Cai Wei

Second trial and second proofreading: Tang Xialing

Three trials and three proofreadings: Ye Weixian, Ling Hong

➤ You are welcome to download and install the "Dragon Media" client & follow the "Longnan Release" Weibo!