
One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

author:The lone ranger speaks vernacular
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In this fast-paced, high-stress modern society, people are increasingly eager to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and find a place of tranquility for themselves.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

Documentary, as an art form that can truly reflect the world and convey emotions and thoughts, is gradually becoming an important window for people to explore the unknown and relax their minds.

If you also like documentaries, then today, I want to recommend to you this masterpiece with a score of 9.4 points - "Essays on the Siege", which will not disappoint you.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

This documentary, independently filmed and produced by "Aaron in the Distance", with its unique shooting techniques, deep-rooted copywriting and far-reaching significance, makes people fall into the pit and can't stop.


One man's travels, one man's films

"Essays on the Siege" is best known for its unique shooting techniques.

In this documentary, Arun uses a first-person perspective to document his experiences traveling around China by car.

Whether it's a bustling city or a remote countryside; Whether it is the magnificent natural scenery or the profound cultural landscape, he has captured it with extreme delicacy and professionalism.

Aaron's approach to filming not only ensures the high quality of the images, but also gives the film a strong personal touch.

Under his lens, every landscape and every character seems to have come to life, they are no longer cold pictures, but full of emotions and stories.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

This method of filming not only allows the audience to feel the bits and pieces of the journey immersively, but also invisibly has a deep emotional resonance with the creator.

Especially in the first two episodes of the documentary, Alun filmed his hometown of Chongqing, as a native of Chongqing, his commentary is also in Chongqing dialect, which sounds very down-to-earth.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

In addition, Aaron also skillfully used a variety of means such as aerial photography and ground shooting to form a unique visual language.

Under his aerial photography, the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas show a majestic momentum; Ground shooting, on the other hand, pays more attention to capturing the details and warmth of life.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing
One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

This diversified shooting technique makes "Essays on the Siege" highly valuable in terms of visual effects.

After watching the opening, many viewers were deeply shocked, and it is definitely a master-level visual language.


The copywriting is interesting and vivid, and it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

In addition to the excellent filming techniques, the copywriting of "Essays on the Siege" is also impressive.

Aaron's copy is concise and powerful, and each episode revolves around the characteristics and cultural customs of the travel destination, through delicate brushstrokes and vivid language, the audience is brought into a fascinating story.

When describing the landscapes of various places, Aaron does not pile up too much rhetoric, but uses unpretentious language to describe the scenery vividly.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

For example, when describing the starry sky of the Great Khing'an Mountains, he wrote: "Under this vast universe, we seem so small, but it is this insignificance that makes us cherish every moment even more." ”

Such words not only make people feel the magnificence of the starry sky, but also provoke people to think deeply about the meaning of life.

And when it comes to telling humanistic stories, Aaron shows keen insight and deep understanding.

He is able to accurately capture the sparkle and emotional entanglement of the characters, and bring the audience into the inner world of the characters through vivid narration.

This kind of in-depth and simple expression makes "Essays on the Siege of the City" not only highly ornamental, but also highly ideological.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

Of course, in addition to seriousness, Aaron is also humorous in his copywriting, often inadvertently making you laugh or smile.

For example, in the third episode, when he was faced with the simple accommodation conditions, he said that the simple room he lived in was in the Nordic minimalist style, which made people feel his casualness and good attitude.


Record the small people of the big country and inherit the cultural memory

As a humanistic travel documentary, "Essays on the Siege" has far-reaching significance that goes far beyond the enjoyment of visuals and words.

Its more important value lies in the fact that it records the rich and colorful cultural heritage and people's living conditions on the land of China.

Through Aaron's lens, we see the customs and historical changes of different regions, as well as people's pursuit and yearning for a better life.

These precious images not only provide us with a window into the customs of different parts of China, but also give us a deep understanding of the diversity and inclusiveness of the country.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

As Aaron said: "Wandering mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, recording large countries and small people, is still precious and meaningful in this era of entertainment and fashion." ”

It is this sense of responsibility and mission for cultural inheritance that makes "Essays on the Siege" a documentary with profound connotations.

When watching this documentary, many viewers sent out a barrage and said: "It turns out that someone is really living my ideal life." ”

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

Watching this documentary, people can often slow down in their anxious mood and realize that the meaning of life is not only to achieve success in the worldly sense.

Standing even for a moment in the midst of a stunning scenery is enough to soothe the tired soul in the reinforced concrete cage.


Write at the end

The success of "Essays on the Siege" lies not only in Aaron's personal talent and efforts, but also in the fact that it has touched the deep emotional resonance of countless audiences.

I think the most commendable thing about this documentary is that there is such a young person who is willing to stop and record the most ordinary and greatest life itself in this era of pursuing fame and fortune and making quick money.

In this way, we can see the beauty of life and the vastness of the world, and also make us more determined to pursue freedom and dreams.

One episode entered the pit, Douban scored 9.4 points to seal the gods, and the documentary "Essays on the Siege" is absolutely amazing

I have to say that in this era full of challenges and opportunities, we need more "Aaron" to stand up and record the wonderful moments of this world with their lenses and brushstrokes.

Pay attention to the precious corners and corners that have been forgotten by civilization.

In conclusion, I would like to say that "Essays on the Siege" is not just a documentary, but also a symbol of the spirit. It represents a pursuit of freedom and dreams, a sense of responsibility and mission for cultural inheritance.

Let's salute each and every one of them for bringing us such a beautiful visual and spiritual enjoyment.