
Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

author:Lejiaxing foreign trade

Sightseeing, travel, vacation, if you can clearly feel the difference between these three words, then you are likely to be a frequent traveler.

With the improvement of the quality of life, many people like to travel abroad or travel domestically. Moreover, many wealthy people also like to go on vacation.

So, where are the most expensive resorts in the world that the rich like to go to?

10. Monte Carlo / per capita per day / 5600 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

In 10th place is Monte Carlo, the capital of Monaco, which has the highest percentage of millionaires in the world.

The average daily accommodation fee in Monte Carlo is about 3,600 yuan, and the daily cost of food is about 1,050 yuan. In addition, it costs about 160 yuan a day for public transportation.

If a family of four goes to Monte Carlo for a week's vacation, it needs to spend about 150,000 yuan.

9. Cayman Islands / per capita per day / 6500 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

In 9th place is the Cayman Islands, which is known as a tax haven. The exact location here is from Florida in the United States, a little further down the Bahamas and Cuba, a little further down is Jamaica, and there is a very small island between Cuba and Jamaica, which is the Cayman Islands.

It is a British territory, and there is no corporate tax, income tax, or inheritance tax, making it a veritable tax haven.

There are as many as 10,000 hedge fund companies in this small land, and even Tencent, Alibaba, Meituan,, etc., which have a market value of more than 860 billion, are also registered in the Cayman Islands.

For example, if a company with an annual income of 10 billion yuan needs to pay 2 billion tax if the corporate tax is 20%, but if the company is located in the Cayman Islands, it does not need to pay this 2 billion tax.

For these rich people, spending tens of thousands of dollars a day is nothing at all. But if a family of four comes to the Cayman Islands for a week's vacation, it should be about 180,000 yuan.

8. Maon / per capita per day / 6800 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

8th place is a bit of an unfamiliar country, an unfamiliar region. This is a city located in the northern part of Botswana, Africa. It's a place where you can get a real feel for African nature.

In fact, the more truly wealthy people are, the more they prefer nature without dirt. From this point of view, Maon is a very attractive place for wealthy people.

You can see nature that can only be seen in The Lion King. In order to meet the needs of the wealthy, the cost of high-end accommodation here is also very expensive. Where you can see elephants and giraffes in the morning, if a family of four comes to Mahon, it will cost about 190,000 yuan a week.

7. Kokola Island / per capita per day / 7000 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

Just by hearing the name, Corcora Island is a place with a resort atmosphere. This is one of the most beautiful places in the beautiful underwater environment of the Maldives. There's really not much to do here, just play, eat, and rest in a beautiful underwater environment.

However, if a family of four enjoys a one-week luxury vacation in Kokola Island, it will need to spend about 190,000 yuan.

6. London / per person per day / 7100 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

In fact, London's presence in this ranking is a bit of a surprise. London is more of a touristy and sightseeing place that is difficult to classify as a holiday destination.

But London ...... It's really not cheap. I've been in London for a week, but I've had to bite the bullet. However, the cost of accommodation revealed by the survey was not so high.

Probably selected based on the criteria for enjoying a superlative hotel holiday in London. Top hotels such as London's Savoy Hotel can cost more than $5,000 a day. If you are traveling in London, the cost of accommodation for one day is about 2,000 yuan.

5. Maui / per person per day / 7470 RMB

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

In fifth place is another place that takes your breath away – Maui, Hawaii. Many of my friends have been to many countries, but they also think Maui is very beautiful.

Although I haven't been there yet, I've always heard from them that Maui is very good and would really like to go there once if I have the chance. I heard that the cost of accommodation in Maui is very high, and the cost of food is not low.

The U.S. tipping system, known as "tip inflation," also played a role. Shopping in the average supermarket is more expensive in Maui than in Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, and 1.5 times higher than in supermarkets in the continental United States. If a family of four comes to Maui for a vacation, it needs to spend about 210,000 yuan a week.

4. Park City / per capita per day / 10,300 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

Fourth place is Park City, located in Utah, USA. It's about an hour's drive outside of Salt Lake City, where the Winter Olympics were held, and is known as a winter ski town.

The ski slopes and the small but beautiful view of the city are very charming. Even the famous Sundance Film Festival is held in Park City. In the winter, there are ski resorts, but in the summer, the snow-capped mountains turn into ziplines, mountain coasters, mountain bikes, golf, and more, making it a city that is perfect for vacation at any time.

It's good whenever you go, but it's expensive whenever you go. It is reported that if a family of four comes to Park City for a vacation, it needs to spend about 290,000 yuan a week.

3. Aspen / per capita per day / 10,700 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

The third place is Aspen, Colorado, USA. Like Park City, it's a beautiful ski town and the most expensive ski town in the world.

I thought that the Swiss Alps would be more expensive, but I didn't expect Aspen in Colorado to be the most expensive. In addition to the ski slopes in Aspen, there is also a brown lake known as the Colorado Screensaver.

It's also home to the U.S. National Ski Team, and the city center is home to many designer shops and galleries, as well as high-end restaurants that rival Michelin. If a family of four comes to Aspen for a vacation, it needs to spend about 300,000 yuan a week.

2. Gstaad / per capita per day / 11,300 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

Second in the list is Gstaad, the most attractive town in the Swiss Alps. The town is also a popular holiday destination for the wealthy, as well as a high-class retreat for European royalty and movie stars.

You can enjoy a variety of activities such as skiing, hiking, and rafting. The town is also known as a foodie paradise and has plenty of high-end restaurants.

In addition, a food festival is held in July, attracting famous chefs from all over the world. It is reported that a family of four needs to spend about 310,000 yuan a week when they come here for a vacation.

1. Gustavia / per capita per day / 12,800 yuan

Ranking of the top vacation destinations favored by the rich, how much does it cost to spend a vacation to these places?

The last first place is probably the first time many people have heard of it for the first time - Gustavia on the island of Saint Barthélemy, also a small island in the Caribbean.

It's hard to find the island without zooming in on the map. But in the 1950s, when Rockefeller discovered the island and built villas there, it became a secret vacation destination for the wealthy.

Jay-Z and Beyoncé are regulars here, and Leonardo DiCaprio has been photographed vacationing here with young models.

It is reported that the Kim Kardashian family also often comes here, and Russian tycoon Roman Arkadyvich Abramovich often holds parties on his yacht here.

Due to the fact that there are so many celebrities, there are even paparazzi stationed here. If a family of four comes here for a vacation, it needs to spend about 360,000 yuan a week.

These are the top 10 most expensive holiday destinations in the world. What is the most desirable holiday destination?

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