
On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

author:Shine an investment perspective

  Focus on the daily blockbuster news of the A-share market! Before reading the text, you must know one thing: there are not a few main funds that will be stupid enough to pull the stock price straight up to the limit as soon as the good news comes out, so please be patient and let the good fly for a while, maybe you will find different investment opportunities!

  【Domestic and foreign financial news/A-share market】

  Surprise 1: The manufacturing PMI in June was 49.5%, the same as the previous month!

  Event: According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in June, the manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) was 49.5%, the same as the previous month, and the prosperity of the manufacturing industry was basically stable. In June, the non-manufacturing business activity index was 50.5%, down 0.6 percentage points from the previous month, higher than the critical point, and the non-manufacturing industry continued to expand.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Comments: The performance of the manufacturing PMI in June was flat and basically in expectations, but the sharp decline in the non-manufacturing PMI was significantly lower than expected. Although the manufacturing PMI has been below the 50% boom and bust line for two consecutive months, the A-share market has seen a continuous correction in the past month or so, reflecting the bearish in advance. Therefore, the manufacturing PMI was the same as last month, which will not have much impact on the A-share market in the short term.

  Fierce material two: Argentina will increase lithium production, and the annual production capacity will increase by 79%!

  Event: Four new lithium projects in Argentina will come on stream in the coming weeks to months, which will increase Argentina's annual lithium production capacity by 79% to 202,000 metric tons of equivalent.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Comments: The news is bearish for the lithium battery sector, and it is also one of the most important bearishness this weekend! As Argentina is a major country in the world's lithium reserves, the proven lithium reserves are nearly 19 million tons, accounting for about 21% of the world's total reserves. Therefore, Argentina's significant expansion of lithium production will inevitably have an impact on the price of lithium resources. On the A-share market, the total market value of the lithium battery industry chain is large, and if the entire sector continues to weaken under the bearish raid next week, it will undoubtedly drag down the market. It is worth noting that the negative is not a short-term negative and will last for a long time, so the lithium battery sector still cannot be touched in the short and medium term.

  Market forecast: The weekend news is mixed, and there are many positives before Sunday, such as the central bank will strictly prevent the RMB exchange rate from overshooting, but the bearish on Sunday is more intensive. Fortunately, the market has fallen a lot in the past period and has responded to the macro bearishness. It is expected that the broader market will fluctuate in a narrow range between the 5-day line and the 10-day line at the beginning of next week, and the direction choice will be made in the middle of the week. If the 10-day line is broken upward, then the unilateral downward channel in the early stage will be broken, and the market will turn into a shock channel. On the contrary, if it falls below the 5-day line, there is still a new low risk. Judging from the recent news and funds, the probability of the market changing upward in the middle of the week is greater.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  【Industry/Sector/Theme Concept Positive Comments】

  Fierce material three: the State Council announced the "Regulations on the Management of Rare Earths", and the supply and demand of the industrial chain are basically upward!

  Event: This weekend, the State Council announced the "Regulations on the Management of Rare Earths", which will come into force on October 1, 2024. The "Regulations" stipulate that equal attention should be paid to the protection of resources and the development and utilization of rare earth resources, and the state shall implement protective mining of rare earth resources.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Comments: The news is good for the rare earth sector! The general idea of the "Rare Earth Management Regulations" is to pay equal attention to resource protection and development and utilization, and the price of rare earth will definitely increase in the future. At present, the price of rare earth has approached the cost line of enterprises, and in the future, under the pressure of warm supply and demand fundamentals and reduced inventory, the rare earth sector will also usher in investment opportunities from the bottom up. In terms of the A-share market, the rare earth sector is a typical strong cyclical sector, and the stock price fluctuates with the price of rare earth. Therefore, the increase in rare earth prices will provide conditions for all kinds of funds to enter the market. However, there are no institutions lurking in the sector in the near future, and the short- and medium-term performance of the sector is also relatively weak.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Hype cycle: short-term

  Explosive strength: ★★★

  Trading strategy: The impact on the plate ultimately depends on whether the price of rare earth can be raised. Operationally, on the first day of landing, it is best to stay on the sidelines in order to prevent high opening and low walking, and if there are signs of institutional entry on the trading data side thereafter, you can consider following up. If the bottom of rare earth prices stabilizes, medium-term latent can be considered.

  Related companies: China Rare Earth (000831), Northern Rare Earth (600111), Northern Rare Earth (600111), Shenghe Resources (600392), etc.

  Surprise 4: SK hynix makes a big move, planning to invest 430 billion in HBM memory chips!

  Event: This weekend, South Korean memory chip giant SK hynix issued a statement that it plans to invest 103 trillion won to bet on AI artificial intelligence by 2028, of which about 80%, or 82 trillion won (currently about 432.55 billion yuan), will be used for HBM memory chips.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Comments: The news is good for the memory chip sector. Recently, the memory chip sector has been positive, especially the two giants in South Korea, and there are constantly reports of insufficient production capacity and price increases. In the A-share market, the semiconductor industry chain is also the main line of the recent market, among which memory chips, advanced packaging, PCB, photoresists, etc. have traces of institutional participation in the near future. However, since last week, institutions have slowed down their position increases. Judging from the trend of the plate, the memory chip is still oscillating near the moving average harness, and it is a sideways shock trend in the short and medium term. Although there was no large-scale main rising wave, the performance was resistant to decline and was still stronger than the broader market in the same period.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Hype cycle: midline

  Explosive strength: ★★★★

  Trading strategy: Although the recent institutional intervention has slowed down, the upward trend of the semiconductor industry chain contains medium-term opportunities, and the sustainability will be relatively strong. You can still consider a light position layout.

  Related companies: BIWIN Storage (688525), Allwinner Technology (300458), Wanrun Technology (002654), Guoke Micro (300672), etc.

  Fierce material five: the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel will drive a 9 trillion market, and many companies will benefit!

  Event: At 3 p.m. on June 30, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will be officially opened, a "super project" across the Lingding Ocean, which will usher in a historic leap in the industrial integration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Comments: The news is good for local stocks in Zhongshan. As an important node city on the west bank of the Pearl River of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor will bring huge development opportunities to Zhongshan City and Zhongshan-related enterprises, covering a huge market space of nearly 9 trillion yuan on the east and west banks. In the A-share market, the news was mentioned in Jingyang last Friday, but the market did not make much performance on Friday, and the news on the weekend was greatly fermented, and I don't know if there will be any changes in Zhongshan local stocks on Monday. Judging from the past institutional position adjustment data, relatively little attention is paid to the regional sector, and the overall change in the regional sector is mostly due to the action of floating capital.

  Hype cycle: short-term

  Explosive strength: ★★★

  Trading strategy: the heavyweight is good to land, if there is no institutional participation, only the intervention of free capital, then I am afraid that only the front row stocks in the sector will have abnormal movements, and it is difficult for the middle and back rows to keep up. So after confirming that there is no risk of a big high and low on Monday, either snipe the front row or stay on the sidelines.

  Related companies: Zhongshan Public Utility (000685), Dayang Electric (002249), Zhongju High-tech (600872), Huali Group (300979), etc.

  Fierce material six: Shenzhen North Railway Station can fly, and the low-altitude economy will be dense and good on the weekend!

  Event: Recently, China's first "low-altitude + rail" air-rail intermodal transport project jointly built by Shenzhen Railway Group and Eastern General Aviation was officially launched in the East Square of Shenzhen North Railway Station. It is understood that the charter flight of Shenzhen North Suixin starts at 9,800 yuan, can seat 6 people, and can fly to various districts of Shenzhen and Zhongshan City. Citizens can go to the apron of the East Square of Shenzhen North Railway Station to take a flight.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Comments: The news is good for the economic sector. It is worth noting that this weekend, the news of the low-altitude economic sector is more intensive, such as the country's first low-altitude airspace coordination and operation service platform was officially launched in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province; The Civil Aviation Administration of China stated that it is necessary to actively promote the solution of industry, technical and basic problems that restrict the expansion of low-altitude economic commercial application scenarios. The low-altitude economy was written into the government work report for the first time at the beginning of this year, so the policy will not stop during the year. In the A-share market, the sector has stepped out of a major upward wave in the first quarter of this year, and was in a state of sideways volatility at a high level in the second quarter. So far, institutional funds have not returned to a large area, but most of them will have one or two rounds of main rises within half a year.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Hype cycle: midline

  Explosive strength: ★★★

  Trading strategy: The short-term explosiveness of the low-altitude economy is not strong, but under the repeated stimulation of favorable policies, coupled with the broad market space of the industry, it is only a matter of time before institutional funds return. Patient investors can already consider lurking on the left.

  Related companies: Shenzhen Chengjiao (301091), Lucky Technology (002965), Shanggong Shenbei (600843), Wanfeng Aowei (002085), etc.

  【Northbound Funds/Tourist Capital Trends/Institutional Seats】

  Northbound capital trends: net purchases of 4.948 billion yuan on June 28. China Shipbuilding, Industrial Fortune Union and Zijin Mining received net purchases of 458 million yuan, 372 million yuan and 299 million yuan respectively. Wanhua Chemical ranked first in net selling, at 318 million yuan.

  Key snipers of the bigwigs of the tour capital: Shangtang Road: 68.0875 million for Lingyi Zhizao, 12.8351 million for Mankun Technology, and 98.8049 million for Wall Nuclear Materials.

  Institutional funds bought in a single day (10 million +): high-tech development 000628, smart city + computing power, 3 institutions bought and 1 institution sold, and institutions bought 103.08 million, which was the largest net purchase of individual stocks by institutions on the previous trading day. Xinte Electric 301120, energy equipment + energy storage, 2 institutions bought 25.75 million, accounting for 10.64%, which was the largest net purchase of individual stocks in the previous trading day.

  Institutional funds bought continuously within 10 days (10 million+): Genvict 002869, Internet of Vehicles, from June 18 to June 28, institutional funds bought 4 times, and on June 28, the net purchase volume of institutional funds was 14.71 million, which was significantly lower than before.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Overall rebalancing of institutional funds: On June 28, institutions bought 8 stocks with a net purchase of more than 10 million and sold 8 stocks with a net sale of more than 10 million. On Friday, the A-share market fluctuated upward, and the trading volume returned to more than 700 billion, and the market broke through the 5-day line pressure level, but failed to hit the 10-day line. Institutional seat buying and selling orders were released simultaneously, but more selling orders were released, institutional capital inflows and outflows were basically flat, and market trading activity increased significantly.

On July 1, A-share fierce news: the State Council issued important documents! The good 4 plate will sing a big drama on Monday!

  Institutional capital sector adjustment: from the perspective of plate capital flow, the main line of hot spots (the main direction of recent institutions), the recent main line of hot spots still have no traces of institutional funds, only a sector of the Internet of Vehicles, a small number of differences in institutions, buying and selling are not large, and the inflow of funds is flat. In several sectors of semiconductors, institutional funds have not adjusted their positions.

  In terms of non-mainline hotspots (a small number of institutions have recently participated), communication equipment has been moderately increased, and AI computing power, copper high-speed links, energy storage, lithium batteries, etc. have been added to a small amount; The AI model, which rose on Wednesday, was sold sharply by institutions on Friday, and it seems that it is difficult to become the main line in the later stage. Consumer electronics, which was moderately increased by institutions on Thursday, increased the institutional divergence on Friday.

  Overall, although the market rebounded on Thursday and stood on the 5-day line, institutional buying and selling orders were released simultaneously, which is much better than the previous reduction of institutional positions as long as it rose. However, there is still not much to see in the capital flow of the sector, one is the recent decline in the participation of the main line hot institutions, and the other is that the main institutions have not opened up a new battlefield. If there is still no new battlefield next week, then the market hot spot may still revolve around semiconductors and the Internet of Vehicles.

  [News Change/Fund Change]

  In the past week, Jingyang's "A-share fierce material" abnormal stock highlights:

  Last Friday's "A-share fierce news": Jindun shares, Sichuan University outwitted, strong skyrocketing!

  Last Thursday's "A-share fierce news": Xinwei Communication, a strong surge!

  Last Tuesday's "A-share fierce news": Kaiwang Technology, Maxim Technology, Jinlu Electronics, and Kinwong Electronics soared strongly!

  Last Monday's "A-share fierce news": Mankun Technology, Kinwong Electronics, and high-tech development soared strongly!


  This article is from Jingyang's financial self-media matrix, released before 6 o'clock in the morning every trading day, I hope you can keep abreast of the latest news of the A-share market industry, sectors and listed companies through this article, as well as the latest position adjustment trends of various main funds. In the choice of direction, try to achieve the resonance of news and funds, so as to greatly improve the winning rate!

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