
China pistachio industry market research report

author:Research Reports

According to the pistachio market research report of Bergers Consulting, in 2023, the global pistachio market will reach 100 million yuan (RMB), and the Chinese pistachio market will reach 100 million yuan. The report predicts that by 2029, the global pistachio market will reach 100 million yuan, and will grow at a compound annual growth rate of % during the forecast period. At the same time, the report also gives an analysis of the import and export value of China's pistachio market and the development of different segments.

At the segmentation level, the report analyzes the segmentation by product type, end application and region, and the research scope includes the market share, market size and growth trend of each segment. By species, the pistachio industry can be subdivided into shelled and non-shelled. By end use, pistachios can be used in other fields, pistachio products, everyday food, etc.

The leading companies in the domestic pistachio industry include Blue Diamand Growers, Emerald Nuts, Good Value, Kirkland, Nut Harvest, Planters, Trader Joe's, and Wonderful. The report focuses on the analysis of the main products and services, market performance (pistachio sales volume, sales revenue, price, gross profit, gross margin, etc.), market share and competitive strategy of each major company.

The market research report on the pistachio industry has conducted an in-depth analysis of the industry from the aspects of the development process, market size and growth rate, industry development environment and policies, supply and demand of the upstream and downstream industrial chains, as well as the future development direction and trend of the industry. The report investigates the market size, end-user landscape, market opportunities and challenges of different types of products, as well as the market distribution of each region, according to three dimensions: type, application field and region. The report also analyzes in detail the current competitive landscape of the entire industry, as well as the market performance, market share and development advantages and disadvantages of each major company in combination with the main competitors in the pistachio industry.

Major Players:

Blue Diamand Growers

Emerald Nuts

Good Value


Nut Harvest


Trader Joe's


Product Categories:

There is a shell

There is no shell



Pistachio products

Everyday food

At the regional level, the report lists key regions such as North China, Central China, South China, and East China, covering the analysis of the development overview and policy interpretation of the pistachio industry in key regions, and at the same time analyzes the development advantages and disadvantages of the pistachio industry in each region, so as to help enterprises grasp the development characteristics of each region and formulate business strategies in line with the laws of regional development.

The core content of each chapter of the pistachio industry report:

Chapter 1: Overview of the pistachio industry, market size and development of domestic and foreign industries;

Chapter 2: Analysis of Industrial Competition Pattern, Concentration, and Ecological Layout of Domestic and Foreign Enterprises;

Chapter 3: Analysis of the import and export status, influencing factors, challenges and countermeasures of China's pistachio industry;

Chapter 4: Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in North, Central, South and East China and interpretation of major policies;

Chapters 5 & 6: Market sales, sales and growth rate of pistachios by subdivision type and pistachio in each subdivision application field;

Chapter 7: Analysis of the development overview, core business, market layout, operating conditions, market share changes, products and services, financing and cooperation dynamics of key enterprises in the pistachio industry;

Chapters 8 & 9: China Pistachio Market Volume, Sales and Growth Rate Forecast by Segment Type and Pistachio in Each Segment Application Field;

Chapter 10: Analysis of Macroeconomic Situation, Policy Trends and Foreseeable Risks;

Chapter 11 & 12: China Pistachio Market Size Forecast, Challenges and Opportunities, Problems and Development Suggestions.

Publisher: Hunan Beijiesi Information Consulting Co., Ltd


Chapter 1 Overview of the development of the pistachio industry

1.1 Overview of the Pistachio Industry

1.1.1 Definition and characteristics of pistachios

1.1.2 Types of pistachios

1.1.3 Application of pistachios

1.2 Market size of China's pistachio industry from 2019 to 2024

1.3 Overview of the development of pistachio industry at home and abroad

1.3.1 Industry development history

1.3.2 Industry Drivers

1.3.3 Analysis of industrial chain structure

1.3.4 Technological development

1.3.5 Industry acquisition dynamics

Chapter 2 Analysis of Industrial Competition Pattern

2.1 Analysis of industrial competition structure

2.1.1 Competition among existing enterprises

2.1.2 Potential Entrant Analysis

2.1.3 Alternative Threat Analysis

2.1.4 Bargaining power of suppliers

2.1.5 Customer bargaining power

2.2 Industrial concentration analysis

2.2.1 Market concentration analysis

2.2.2 Regional concentration analysis

2.3 The ecological layout of pistachios of key enterprises at home and abroad

2.3.1 The current situation of enterprise competition

2.3.2 Industry distribution

Chapter 3 Analysis of the import and export situation of China's pistachio industry

3.1 Analysis of the export situation of the pistachio industry

3.2 Analysis of the import situation of the pistachio industry

3.3 Factors affecting the import and export of the pistachio industry

3.3.1 The impact of trade frictions on imports and exports

3.3.2 Impact of the pandemic on imports and exports

3.3.3 Impact of the events in Russia and Ukraine on imports and exports

3.4 Challenges and countermeasures for the import and export of pistachio industry

Chapter 4 Analysis of the development of the pistachio industry in key areas of China

4.1 Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in North China from 2019 to 2024

4.1.1 Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in North China from 2019 to 2024

4.1.2 Interpretation of the main policies of the pistachio industry in North China from 2019 to 2024

4.2 Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in Central China from 2019 to 2024

4.2.1 Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in Central China from 2019 to 2024

4.2.2 Interpretation of the main policies of the pistachio industry in Central China from 2019 to 2024

4.3 Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in South China from 2019 to 2024

4.3.1 Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in South China from 2019 to 2024

4.3.2 Interpretation of the main policies of the pistachio industry in South China from 2019 to 2024

4.4 Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in East China from 2019 to 2024

4.4.1 Analysis of the development status of the pistachio industry in East China from 2019 to 2024

4.4.2 Interpretation of the main policies of the pistachio industry in East China from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 5 2019-2024 China Pistachio Market Segment Market Operation Analysis

5.1 Pistachio Industry Product Classification Standards

5.2 Price trend of major types of pistachios in the Chinese market from 2019 to 2024

5.3 Factors influencing the price fluctuation of products in China's pistachio industry

5.4 Sales volume and sales of main types of pistachios in the Chinese market

5.5 Analysis of sales volume of major types of pistachios in the Chinese market from 2019 to 2024

5.5.1 Analysis of sales volume of shell market from 2019 to 2024

5.5.2 There is no shell market sales volume analysis from 2019 to 2024

5.6 Analysis of sales of major types of pistachios in the Chinese market from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 6 2019-2024 China Pistachio Terminal Application Market Operation Analysis

6.1 Downstream client analysis in the terminal application field

6.2 Analysis of the market potential of the main end-use application areas of pistachio in the Chinese market

6.3 Sales volume and sales value of pistachio nuts in the Chinese market

6.4 Analysis of sales volume of pistachio in the Chinese market from 2019 to 2024

6.4.1 Analysis of sales volume in other markets from 2019 to 2024

6.4.2 Analysis of market sales volume of pistachio products from 2019 to 2024

6.4.3 Analysis of sales volume of the daily food market from 2019 to 2024

6.5 Sales analysis of pistachio in the Chinese market by main end application fields from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 7 Analysis of Key Enterprises in Pistachio Industry

7.1 Blue Diamand Growers

7.1.1 Blue Diamand Growers发展概况

7.1.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.1.3 Blue Diamand Growers 开心果领域布局

7.1.4 Blue Diamand Growers业务经营分析

7.1.5 Introduction of pistachio products and services

7.1.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.2 Emerald Nuts

7.2.1 Emerald Nuts发展概况

7.2.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.2.3 Emerald Nuts 开心果领域布局

7.2.4 Emerald Nuts业务经营分析

7.2.5 Introduction of pistachio products and services

7.2.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.3 Good Value

7.3.1 Good Value发展概况

7.3.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.3.3 Good Value 开心果领域布局

7.3.4 Good Value业务经营分析

7.3.5 Introduction of pistachio products and services

7.3.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.4 Kirkland

7.4.1 Kirkland

7.4.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.4.3 Kirkland Pistachio Sector Layout

7.4.4 Kirkland's Business Operations Analysis

7.4.5 Introduction of pistachio products and services

7.4.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.5 Nut Harvest

7.5.1 Overview of Nut Harvest's development

7.5.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.5.3 Nut Harvest 开心果领域布局

7.5.4 Nut Harvest Business Operation Analysis

7.5.5 Introduction of pistachio products and services

7.5.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.6 Planters

7.6.1 Overview of the development of Planters

7.6.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.6.3 Planters 开心果领域布局

7.6.4 Analysis of Planters' business operations

7.6.5 Introduction of pistachio products and services

7.6.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.7 Trader Joe's

7.7.1 Trader Joe's发展概况

7.7.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.7.3 Trader Joe's 开心果领域布局

7.7.4 Trader Joe's业务经营分析

7.7.5 Introduction of pistachio products and services

7.7.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

7.8 Wonderful

7.8.1 Overview of Wonderful's Development

7.8.2 Core business of the enterprise

7.8.3 Wonderful 开心果领域布局

7.8.4 Wonderful业务经营分析

7.8.5 Introduction of pistachio products and services

7.8.6 Financing status and cooperation dynamics of enterprises

Chapter 8 2024-2029 China Pistachio Market Segment Market Sales Trend Forecast Analysis

8.1 Sales volume and sales forecast of major types of pistachio market in China

8.2 Sales volume forecast of major types of pistachios in the Chinese market from 2024 to 2029

8.3 Sales forecast of major types of pistachios in the Chinese market from 2024 to 2029

8.3.1 Shell market sales forecast for 2024-2029

8.3.2 There is no shell market sales forecast for 2024-2029

8.4 Price trend forecast of major types of pistachio market in China from 2024 to 2029

Chapter 9 2024-2029 China Pistachio Terminal Application Market Sales Trend Forecast Analysis

9.1 Sales volume and sales forecast of pistachio in the Chinese market in the main end-use application areas

9.2 2024-2029 sales volume forecast of pistachio in the Chinese market by main end application areas

9.3 2024-2029 China market pistachio sales forecast analysis of major end-use applications

9.3.1 Sales forecast analysis for other markets from 2024 to 2029

9.3.2 Pistachio Products Market Sales Forecast Analysis 2024-2029

9.3.3 Forecast analysis of daily food market sales from 2024 to 2029

Chapter 10 Forecast of the development environment of China's pistachio industry

10.1 Analysis of the macroeconomic situation

10.2 Policy Trend Analysis

10.3 Analysis of foreseeable risks in the development of the pistachio industry

Chapter 11 Under the influence of the epidemic, the development prospects of the pistachio industry

11.1 China Pistachio Industry Market Size Forecast 2024-2029

11.2 Coronavirus situation

11.3 Development Challenges

11.4 Opportunities in Challenges

11.5 Development Strategy Recommendations

11.6 Related Action Items

Chapter 12 Development Issues and Related Suggestions for the Pistachio Industry in China

12.1 Analysis of Main Issues

12.2 Bottlenecks in industrial development

12.3 Industry Development Recommendations

Based on the data of the pistachio industry, combined with expert views and suggestions, supplemented by intuitive and clear chart data and thorough text analysis, the report analyzes and predicts the industry dynamics and development prospects. The report covers not only historical data, but also the market panorama forecast and growth potential in the next few years, through visual analysis to help target users such as enterprises and relevant departments in the industry accurately understand the current market situation and the future environment of the industry, grasp the development trend of the industry, gain insight into the industry competition pattern, and make correct strategic decisions.

The data in this research report comes from the industry data compiled by analysts and combined with authoritative databases, as well as the public information of various industry associations and enterprises. By analyzing the current environmental situation, the development trend of the pistachio market and the current industry hotspots, the report predicts the future development direction, market space, and technology trends of the industry.

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