
【Speed through a wave of new tablet S08】

author:Attack on the Guy Eight
【Speed through a wave of new tablet S08】
【Speed through a wave of new tablet S08】

Shuoer this brand,There are often some "uncompromising models in quality",For burners who only like gentle tuning,The slot is easy to find,For example, the previous S15、Cadenza4Some friends will feel that its high frequency is a little sharp、The vocal graininess is biased。 And for the just-released S08,These are not enough to pose a threat,Who would have thought that this 13MM flat unit,The sound that came out was actually related to "Wenrun"?

【Speed through a wave of new tablet S08】
【Speed through a wave of new tablet S08】

The most important thing is the mid-frequency band,I compared a variety of circles、Iron、Flat earbuds,Macroscopically speaking,S08The human voice does not belong to"Calm","Mean"The kind,Its vocal proportion in the entire frequency band is larger,The vocal mouth shape is slightly wider,At first, I thought it was a "pop charm" plug,I thought it was also a flat unitSIVGA nightingale,The result is a very big difference in comparison。 The nightingale's vocal complex seems to be front and centered, and has a slight depth. And S08 is more close to the face, denser, and the timbre is actually more neutral than the nightingale, and it must be mentioned that although S08 is a popular tuning, its "mush" is not particularly strong.

【Speed through a wave of new tablet S08】

There is no lag in the high-frequency,The amount of information in the whole high-frequency can be viewed according to the thousand-yuan level,I noticed that the official introduction said that this 13mmFlat diaphragm is deeply customized,It is to improve"The pain point of the flat unit",It can make the sound more stable。 At present, S08's high-frequency sharpness is indeed not as "sharp" as other models in its own model, and it sounds more peaceful, but its toughness and micro-dynamics are still excellent in the dynamic ranks, but it is not so aggressive compared to the "typical flat sound". In addition, although the sound field is very stretched, the marginal feeling is smaller than I imagined, not so wide and open, and it can only be said that the state of the knot image with the sound field will not give people a sense of tension.

【Speed through a wave of new tablet S08】

Low frequency,The elasticity is not so fast,I think it doesn't pay much attention to the transient impact,The extension of the very low frequency is more obvious than most flat units,More flexible and loose,The overall sense of volume is in the flat plate or even the dynamic system,It's a relatively plump low frequency,The atmosphere is OK。 In short, the people who are suitable for this plug should be those who want to "taste" the special tablet flavor, especially the users who turn from the warm dynamic can almost seamlessly, and on this basis, they can also enjoy the better details and micro-dynamics of the tablet.