
INVISTA and Huafeng price adjustment letters are coming! Hexamethylenediamine action is frequent! PA66 is going to fall back to the price of cabbage?

author:Plastic mesh
INVISTA and Huafeng price adjustment letters are coming! Hexamethylenediamine action is frequent! PA66 is going to fall back to the price of cabbage?

On June 25, INVISTA (China) announced that from 7 a.m. on July 1, 2024, the spot trading price of hexamethylenediamine (HMD) will be executed at 24,000 yuan/mt. Compared with June, the price of hexamethylenediamine fell by 1,000 yuan per ton, while compared with May, it decreased by 2,500 yuan/ton.

INVISTA and Huafeng price adjustment letters are coming! Hexamethylenediamine action is frequent! PA66 is going to fall back to the price of cabbage?

On the same day as the announcement of the hexamethylenediamine price cut, INVISTA (China) announced that the spot trading price of nylon 6,6 polymer ("U4800") will be implemented at RMB 21,000/mt from 7 a.m. on July 1, 2024, a decrease of RMB 1,000/mt from June.

INVISTA and Huafeng price adjustment letters are coming! Hexamethylenediamine action is frequent! PA66 is going to fall back to the price of cabbage?

In addition, on June 27, Chongqing Huafeng Polyamide Co., Ltd. announced that the guide price of hexamethylenediamine bulk water will be reduced by 1,000 yuan to 24,000 yuan/ton from July 2024, which is also 2,500 yuan/ton lower than in May.

The following is the price trend of INVISTA and Huafeng hexamethylenediamine from January to June 2024:

INVISTA and Huafeng hexamethylenediamine price trends from January to June 2024

INVISTA and Huafeng price adjustment letters are coming! Hexamethylenediamine action is frequent! PA66 is going to fall back to the price of cabbage?

Although INVISTA and Huafeng lowered the price of hexamethylenediamine, Longzhong Information reported on June 12 that the price of Tianchen Qixiang hexamethylenediamine rose by 1,500 yuan/ton, because Tianchen Qixiang adiponitrile plant is planned to be upgraded in the third quarter, and it is planned to stop for 1 month.

Recently, domestic hexamethylenediamine actions have been frequent, such as Ascend's annual production capacity of 200,000 tons of hexamethylenediamine is about to enter the trial production stage, and is currently being fully debugged by water intermodal transportation; On June 5, Huashen New Materials (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 180,000 tons of hexamethylenediamine project was put into operation, the company is a joint venture of Wanhua and Heping Coal Shenma, and Wanhua's 180,000 tons of annual hexamethylenediamine project is to provide hexamethylenediamine raw materials for self-produced HDI units. The source of raw materials for the hexamethylenediamine project should be INVISTA's Shanghai plant.

With the localization of hexamethylenediamine getting higher and higher, the price gap between PA66 and some high-end PA6 has been shortened, and those downstream who replace PA66 with PA6 can return to the embrace of PA66!