
【Today's Chenping July 1st Activity】Xiaoping Community, Chenping Street: Four "One" Celebrate "July 1st"

author:Chen Ping's family

In the past few days, the Xiaoping Community of Chenping Street has celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China by carrying out four "one" series of activities, further enhancing the sense of honor and mission of party members, and stimulating the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress.

"One" condolences show true feelings. "May you recover soon and continue to care about and support the party's cause." The main leaders of the street and the person in charge of the community went deep into the jurisdiction to visit and comfort the party members in difficulty, extended holiday greetings to the party members in difficulty, and listened carefully to the demands, suggestions and needs, encouraged them to face life positively, and truly cared for them ideologically, life, and spiritually, and effectively sent the care and warmth of the party organization to the heart.

"One" reading material spreads the voice of the party. The branch secretary "sent the school to the door", closely combined the content of the book on the comprehensive and strict governance of the party with the study of the new content of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and patiently explained the importance of the party discipline study and education to the old party members who were incapacitated, so as to ensure that they "did not miss classes" in party discipline study, "did not miss learning" in theoretical study, and "did not fall behind" in spirit. Retired party members said that the retirement of Communist Party members will not fade, resolutely listen to the party, follow the party, implement the party's principles and policies with practical actions, and continue to contribute to the party's cause.

【Today's Chenping July 1st Activity】Xiaoping Community, Chenping Street: Four "One" Celebrate "July 1st"

"One" honor and faith. The community party committee awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members in the form of door-to-door visits, and expressed high respect and cordial condolences to them. At the home of veteran party member Liu Zongliang, the secretary of the third branch was concerned about his physical condition and living conditions, and told him to take care of his health and report to the community in time if he had difficulties. Comrade Liu Zongliang expressed his pride in being a party member from the bottom of his heart, and sent a message to young party members and cadres to carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle and maintain a realistic and pragmatic work style.

【Today's Chenping July 1st Activity】Xiaoping Community, Chenping Street: Four "One" Celebrate "July 1st"

"One" greeting card recalls the original intention. The small political birthday card, short and long, strengthens the sense of identity, responsibility and mission of the party members' political identity, carries the community's greetings and care for the party members in the jurisdiction, encourages the party members to always maintain their purity and progressiveness, and makes greater contributions to community governance and development. Everyone said, "As party members and cadres, we must always establish a lofty sense of dedication, fulfill our duties, implement various guarantee policies, and actively gather people's feelings, do practical things, and solve problems." ”

【Today's Chenping July 1st Activity】Xiaoping Community, Chenping Street: Four "One" Celebrate "July 1st"

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