
From "0" to "1"! The collective economy of Wenchuan village "broke into a butterfly"

author:Beautiful Aba

On June 26, Lehuo Village, Sanjiang Town, was a busy scene, and the members of the "two committees" of the village became the "salesmen" of the village collective economy and were working in an orderly manner. "In 2023, the collective economic income of our village will reach 560,000 yuan, and 139,000 yuan in cash will be distributed to 99 poverty alleviation households and monitoring households in the town, and this year, our village collective economic income is expected to exceed 800,000 yuan." Zhao Yong, secretary of the party branch of Lehuo Village, said.

From "0" to "1"! The collective economy of Wenchuan village "broke into a butterfly"

As a characteristic village of ethnic minorities in Wenchuan County, Lehuo Village is backed by the Giant Panda National Park, which is a veritable summer paradise and health resort, and has the reputation of "the homeland of pandas and the hometown of dove trees". Under such superior natural conditions, Lohas Village was once a well-known "shell village" of the county's village collective economy.

The butterfly change of the "shell village" originated in 2022. Zhao Yong introduced that in the process of rural revitalization, Lehuo Village focuses on the overall idea of "Nanlin Beiguo, Green Industry + Health Tourism" in Wenchuan County, based on its location advantages and resource endowment, and strives to build a slow life resort village, mobilize the party members of the whole village, lead the people to expand their ideas, develop farm tourism, and vigorously develop characteristic cattle and sheep breeding, and strengthen the village collective economy through the breeding industry.

In the beef cattle breeding base of Lehuo Village, rows of standardized cowsheds are spacious and neat, and the beef cattle in the cowshed are enjoying fresh forage with relish, and make "moo" sounds from time to time. "Last year, after a year of experimental breeding, the first batch of cattle was sold, ushering in the 'first pot of gold' of the village's collective income." Zhao Yong told reporters that in the future, the scale of the beef cattle breeding base will be gradually expanded to 500 heads, achieving an annual income of more than 1 million yuan, and leading the people of the village to get rich together.

From "0" to "1"! The collective economy of Wenchuan village "broke into a butterfly"

In order to develop and expand the collective economy of the village and drive the villagers to increase their income in health tourism, the "two committees" of the village relied on the funds of the construction project of the village with ethnic minority characteristics to start the collective economic construction project of the "Tonglu Courtyard" village.

"The construction of the 'Tonglu Courtyard' started this year, and the villagers of the whole village can participate through investment, investment, and material shares, and they can enjoy dividends after the completion of the project." Zhao Yong said, "Tonglu Courtyard" is a set of leisure, vacation, outdoor sports as one of the innovative rural tourism homestay, has entered the final stage of construction, is expected to be put into use in the middle of next month, will expand the pillar industry of agricultural tourism, drive the village in the middle and lower reaches of the service industry to upgrade, continue to increase the village collective economic industry income, so that Lehuo Village has become a favored place for tourists to come to Wenchuan County.

At the same time, in order to strengthen the collective economy of the village in a multi-pronged manner, Lehuo Village has developed the Chinese herbal medicine industry according to local conditions after sufficient market research and combined with the actual geographical environment. "Murakami has now started to grow Chinese medicinal herbs." Zhao Yong said that Lehuo Village will also actively cultivate and develop more characteristic industries, continue to explore new paths for the development of the village's collective economy, and help farmers increase their income and become rich.

From "0" to "1"! The collective economy of Wenchuan village "broke into a butterfly"

The development and expansion of village-level collective economy is an important measure to strengthen agriculture, beautify rural areas, and enrich farmers, and it is also the key to achieving rural revitalization. In recent years, Wenchuan County has actively explored the innovative development model, further promoted the action of "three products and one standard", accelerated the cultivation of agricultural varieties, quality improvement, brand building and standardized production, and cultivated the echelon of "one square and one park", and promoted the high-quality development of industrial integration.

Nowadays, various characteristic industries in Wenchuan County have sprung up, which not only brings up rural tourism, but also drives the villagers to increase their income. In 2023, the total income of the county's village collective economy will reach 19.65 million yuan, and the average village income will exceed 250,000 yuan, realizing the resonance of "strong villages" and "enriching the people" at the same frequency, and the development of the village collective economy has embarked on the "fast lane".

Wenchuan Fusions

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