
Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, carried out the party discipline study and education of "Fresh Wind Heirloom and Honest Heart" on July 1st

author:Sichuan people's livelihood information

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the glorious traditions and fine style of the party, further strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era, and establish a good family style. On June 26, the Party Committee of Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, Lizhou District, organized community party members to visit and study the family style and family training hall in Laolin Village, Lianghekou, Zengjia Town, around the theme of "Fresh Breeze Heirloom and Honest Heart".


Visit the Red Education Base

Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, carried out the party discipline study and education of "Fresh Wind Heirloom and Honest Heart" on July 1st

In the visit and study activities, the community party members actively communicated with the staff, and had an in-depth understanding of the secretary of the Laolin Village Family Style and Family Training Hall He Wenming from 1984 to 1991, for more than 10 years, he was honest and conscientious, and solved the lighting problem of the whole village in 1978, and every household in Laolin Village has an electric light since then.

Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, carried out the party discipline study and education of "Fresh Wind Heirloom and Honest Heart" on July 1st
Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, carried out the party discipline study and education of "Fresh Wind Heirloom and Honest Heart" on July 1st


Concentrate on studying the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China"

Xia Yuhai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, and comrades of the community Party members studied the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" together. Leading cadres should strengthen their ideals and beliefs, set an example, master the skills of diligent and honest government, live with integrity, establish their careers with diligence, always maintain the background of diligence and honesty, and inherit the style of hard work.

Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, carried out the party discipline study and education of "Fresh Wind Heirloom and Honest Heart" on July 1st
Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, carried out the party discipline study and education of "Fresh Wind Heirloom and Honest Heart" on July 1st


Review the oath of joining the party

Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, carried out the party discipline study and education of "Fresh Wind Heirloom and Honest Heart" on July 1st

Facing the bright red flag of the Communist Party of China, all party members clenched their right fists and reviewed the oath of joining the party.


Commemorative medals are awarded

Shimaba Community, Nanhe Street, carried out the party discipline study and education of "Fresh Wind Heirloom and Honest Heart" on July 1st

A heavy medal, commemorating an extraordinary period of time, is the highest praise and praise for the old Communist Party members, the eventful years of 50 years, they are the builders and witnesses of the new era, keep in mind the oath to keep the original intention, they use the unrepentant youth to create extraordinary stories, the medal is dedicated to the old party members, live up to the glory.

"The family style is not stained with dust, and the incorruptibility is eternal." Through this visit and study, in the next step, the Shimaba community of Nanhe Street will continue to educate on integrity, promote the culture of integrity, pass on the positive energy of "integrity", guide the community party members to play a leading role in the construction of a clean and honest family style, cultivate a good family style in the new era, and let the clean breeze pass on the family and be honest.

Source: Nanhe Street, Lizhou District - Yang Ying

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