
Measles vaccination is the most effective means of preventing and controlling measles

author:Dongxiang County Rong Media Center

Measles is one of the most contagious infectious diseases.

Measles vaccination is the most effective means of preventing and controlling measles
Measles vaccination is the most effective means of preventing and controlling measles

Mode of transmission:

The measles virus is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract and can also be transmitted through close contact in daily life.


The initial manifestations of measles are fever, conjunctivitis, runny nose, cough, etc., and a red rash begins to appear on the 3rd ~ 7th day, first on the face, and then throughout the body, lasting 4~7 days, and is more contagious within 5 days before and after the rash.

Susceptible population:

Humans are the only reservoir of the measles virus and are generally susceptible to the measles virus.

Measles vaccination is the most effective means of preventing and controlling measles

About vaccines

Measles vaccination is the most effective means of preventing and controlling measles.

Before measles vaccination, almost every child was not immune to infection. After the widespread use of vaccines on the mainland, the incidence and mortality of measles have dropped significantly. However, there are still outbreaks of measles cases in some areas.

From birth, the baby needs to be vaccinated with 2 doses of MMR vaccine free of charge according to the national immunization schedule, the initial age is 8 months old, and the second vaccination is 18-24 months old (the best vaccination time is 18 months old). Timely and full vaccination of measles-containing vaccines can effectively prevent measles infection.

Therefore, for the safety of the baby, parents must take the baby to be vaccinated on time.

Source: Internet