
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024

author:Cloud view of Lingchuan
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024

On June 26, Hu Huanzhong, secretary of the county party committee, presided over the fourth study meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the county party committee in 2024. Chen Wenbin, county magistrate, Wang Changfa, director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, and Liang Zhiming, chairman of the county CPPCC, attended the meeting. Tang Li, director of the Municipal Civilization Office, attended the meeting as an observer for guidance.

[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024

At the meeting, Hu Huanzhong received the "Notice on Conscientiously Studying and Comprehending General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Expositions on Comprehensively Strengthening the Party's Discipline Construction and Solidly Carrying Out Party Discipline Study and Education" and "Xi Jinping presided over the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era, emphasizing: further form a new pattern of large-scale protection, large-scale opening-up, and high-quality development, and strive to write a new chapter in the large-scale development of the western region".

Hu Huanzhong demanded

[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024

▶ The whole county should thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on financial work and the development of new quality productivity, conscientiously study and do a good job in financial work, strengthen financial services to promote the real economy, protect financial security with steady and effective risk prevention and control, improve the ability level of financial services for people's livelihood and economic and social development, and strive to promote the high-quality economic and social development of Lingchuan.

▶ It is necessary to organically combine the study and education of party discipline with the continuous deepening of the rectification of formalism, ensure the implementation of the work of reducing the burden on the grassroots level with strict discipline, and take the rectification of formalism as an important political task for the grassroots level.

▶ It is necessary to firmly guard the lifeline of statistical data quality, serve high-quality development with high-quality statistics, tighten the string of statistical authenticity, do the work in a down-to-earth manner, and make every effort to grasp the economic indicators in the first half of the year.

▶ It is necessary to conscientiously implement the "Rules for the Study of the Central Group for Theoretical Study of the Party Committee (Party Group) of the Communist Party of China", promote the party's innovative theoretical arming to go deeper and more practical, take solving practical problems as the starting point and end point, adhere to the problem-oriented and practice-oriented, go deep into the grassroots and the masses, and earnestly transform the results of study into concrete actions to change the work style, improve the ability to perform duties, and enhance responsibility.

▶ It is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on administrative reconsideration work, leading cadres should take the lead in strengthening the improvement of the theoretical level of administrative law enforcement, and the departments in charge should pay attention to administrative law enforcement, pay attention to the procedures and methods of administrative law enforcement, and continuously improve the ability to use rule of law thinking and rule of law methods to perform their duties, and strive to standardize law enforcement behavior from the source, reduce administrative disputes, and promote the construction of a rule of law government with administrative reconsideration to improve quality and efficiency.

[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024

At the meeting, Chen Wenbin, the county magistrate, and Liao Minghao, deputy secretary of the county party committee, focused on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, in-depth study and comprehension of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on promoting Chinese-style modernization, promoting high-quality financial development, and developing new quality productivity, and made exchange speeches in combination with work and ideological reality.

[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024
[New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause] Lingchuan: Hu Huanzhong presided over the fourth study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center Group of the County Party Committee in 2024

County leaders Liao Minghao, Lu Qihui, Zhu Juan, Liu Bing, and Tang Linhong respectively learned the spirit of the relevant documents of the superiors. The meeting also studied the relevant content in writing.

Huang Feng, Li Yun, Zhang Zhigang and other leaders of the four county teams at home attended the meeting.

Produced by | Lingchuan County Rong Media Center

Reporter | Huang Shehui Yang Haixiang

Edit | Luo Huijun

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