
Don't wait for the leader to arrange your work!

author:Lean consulting teacher Liu Zhi
Don't wait for the leader to arrange your work!

There are always some people in the company who are often idle and have nothing to do, and the leader walks over to ask the reason, and he says, "The things you arranged are done, it's okay." ”

Such people exist in every company, and they think that it is very good to do what the boss has arranged.

However, in a business, while it is important to follow orders, it is even more important to be proactive.

In the new economic era, the employees who "obey orders" in the past have lost their competitive advantage, and today's enterprises appreciate the kind of people who automatically go to work without the boss's explanation.

Dale Carnegie, the world-famous American steel magnate, said: "There are two kinds of people who are destined to achieve nothing, one is the person who will never take the initiative to do things unless others ask him to do it; The other kind of person is the one who can't do things well even if others ask him to do it. Those who do not need to be urged by others, will take the initiative to do what should be done, and will not give up halfway, will succeed, this kind of people know how to ask themselves to work harder and pay more, and more than others expect. ”

When the famous professional manager Wei Zhe first entered the workplace, there was a good story. In 1992, when Wei Zhe was still studying at Shanghai Wai Chinese University, he went to Wanguo Securities for a work-study program. One of the annual reports he translated was affirmed by Guan Jinsheng, president of the world, who said that he must meet this young man. It was this meeting that made Wei Zhe the secretary of Guan Jinsheng, the "father of Chinese securities".

Different from ordinary secretaries, Wei Zhe is very proactive in his work, thinking about what his boss thinks and what his boss is anxious about. At the beginning, Guan Jinsheng just asked Wei Zhe to translate the annual report and cut the newspaper, which was a trivial matter for ordinary people, but Wei Zhe regarded it as a big thing and did enough work.

Wei Zhe paid great attention to which of the so many newspaper clippings the boss had read, and then guided him. The boss didn't ask him to do these things. Later, Guan Jinsheng couldn't eat at noon without reading the newspaper clippings.

Don't wait for the leader to arrange your work!

As a secretary, Wei Zhe has to do such a trivial thing as serving tea and pouring water for the boss, and he has also figured out a lot of skills. For example, when to pour tea during a meeting, so as not to interrupt the passion of the boss's speech; When to pour water without adding tea leaves, and when to bring tea leaves in; The boss has a habit of smoking, and when the oil in the lighter runs out, he should change the lighter, Wei Zhe has a very measured grasp.

After a period of observation, Guan Jinsheng realized that if Wei Zhe was asked to do things such as copying, pouring water, and clippings, it would be Qu Cai. As a result, the 24-year-old Wei Zhe became the deputy general manager of the asset management headquarters of Shanghai Wanguo Securities Company, becoming the youngest vice president in the domestic securities industry at that time.

Don't think that as long as you get to and from work on time, don't be late, and don't leave early, you are doing your duty, and you can go to receive your salary with peace of mind. What the work needs is a kind of automatic and spontaneous spirit, and employees who work automatically and spontaneously will be rewarded more by their work.

One of the essences of Microsoft's corporate culture is that employees find their own things to do. Every employee should give full play to their own initiative, not only have a strong sense of responsibility, but also have passion. To put it simply, Microsoft's way of working is to "give you an abstract task to be done concretely".

Mao Yonggang, manager of the desktop application department of Microsoft's China R&D center, has a deep understanding of this. When he was first recruited to Microsoft in 1997, he was in charge of Word, and at that time he only had a general understanding, and no one told him what to do and what tools to use.

He communicated with the US headquarters and received the reply that he had to do everything on his own. In this way, employees can take the most initiative to design the most satisfying products. In the end, Mao Yonggang completed the task assigned to him by the company through his own efforts.

Don't wait for the leader to arrange your work!

However, in real life, how many people are motivated in their jobs? Frankly, many young people nowadays, most of the time, are at a loss. In fact, "work" is a word that encompasses things like wisdom, passion, faith, imagination and creativity. No one is going to tell you what you need to do, it's up to you to think about it.

Behind the automatic and spontaneous work, you need to pay much more wisdom, enthusiasm and responsibility than others. When you have a clear understanding of the company's development plan and your job responsibilities, you will be able to predict what to do and act immediately without the need for your boss to tell you.

We should understand that those who go out early and return late every day are not necessarily serious people, those who are busy every day are not necessarily people who have done their jobs well, and those who clock in and out on time every day are not necessarily conscientious people.

For them, work is just a simple transaction, and for every company and every boss, what they need is not the kind of employee who just follows the rules, but lacks enthusiasm and responsibility, and is not able to work proactively, automatically.

When you understand this, please take the initiative to do what you have to do! Don't wait for your boss and boss to arrange your work, make your own decisions, and you will be rewarded the most when you do your best to do your job well.



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