
Drinking camel milk every day, will it get hot?

author:Yang Jian, a manufacturer of goat milk powder and camel milk powder
Drinking camel milk every day, will it get hot?

"Drinking and Eating" records: "Camel milk, warm in nature, sweet in taste, nourishing and invigorating, strengthening muscles and bones, making people not hungry." ”

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Camel milk, cold, non-toxic, nourishing and invigorating, strengthening muscles and bones, making people not hungry." ”

"Uygur Common Medicinal Materials" records: "Camel milk, sweet and mellow, no viscous feeling, slightly pungent, great tonic qi, tonify the five internal organs and seven damages, strengthen muscles and bones, fill the essence, resist hunger, quench thirst." ”

It can be seen that camel milk itself is warm, not hot. After consumption, it will not directly cause fire.

Drinking camel milk every day, will it get hot?

Camel milk contains a variety of active proteins, such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, and immunoglobulins. It is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids, iron, 18 amino acids and a variety of vitamins. Camel milk has a lower fat and lactose content than cow's milk and is low in allergenicity, making it a good choice for lactose intolerant people.

Drinking camel milk every day, will it get hot?

Some people drink camel milk to "get angry", the possible reason is that they are in a state of lack of water, lack of immunity or gastrointestinal discomfort when they drink camel milk, and mistakenly think that camel milk causes "fire".

Therefore, it is recommended that these friends drink camel milk to reduce the amount appropriately, so that the stomach and intestines can slowly adapt to camel milk, and then gradually increase to a normal amount.

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