
Extreme speech on the Internet has long become a major danger to society

author:Youyu Finance

Recently, Weibo, Douyin, Tencent, Phoenix, Baidu, NetEase, Bilibili and other major platforms have announced that they will deal with illegal content related to inciting confrontation between China and Japan and inciting ultra-nationalist sentiments.

Extreme speech on the Internet has long become a major danger to society

The incident originated from a knife wounding incident in Suzhou High-tech Zone. I believe that anyone with humanity and conscience will highly praise that heroine. Because her heroic deeds reflect the kindness and courage of the Chinese people, and reflect the spirit of the Chinese people who are brave in doing justice and courageously helping others.

However, on the Internet, some users took advantage of the incident to incite ultra-nationalist sentiments, distort and exaggerate the facts, and even fabricate content to make inappropriate remarks.

For example, some people spread slanderous remarks such as questioning that the heroine who saved and died in Suzhou was "a Japanese spy". Some people even preach "anti-Japanese traitors", clamoring for the establishment of the "contemporary Boxer Rebellion", and concocting extreme populist remarks such as "it is better for all of Japan to sink the islands and commit genocide at an early date".

It should be said that such remarks have far exceeded the bottom line of human nature, and every time they are disseminated, they will bring more serious harm, which will not only affect the country's image and development environment, but also cause a tear in social cognition and affect public order and good customs.

Therefore, Weibo, Douyin, Tencent, Phoenix, Baidu, NetEase, Bilibili and other major platforms to crack down on and clean up relevant illegal and bad information are conducive to jointly maintaining a good order in the dissemination of online information content and creating a clear cyberspace.

In recent years, extreme speech on the Internet has long become a major harm to society.

In October 2012, Mo Yan became the first Chinese Nobel Prize winner in literature. But on the Internet, Mo Yan has been slandered by some people for a long time. Some people didn't even understand Mo Yan's works, so they continued to attack and slander Mo Yan on the Internet.

Extreme speech on the Internet has long become a major danger to society

If attacking and denigrating Mo Yan is only culturally influential, then maliciously attacking Chinese companies will cause real and serious harm.

On June 8, the relevant departments issued an announcement to guide website platforms to strengthen the management of online information content related to enterprises, deal with a number of violations of laws and regulations that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs in accordance with laws and agreements, and close a large number of countless self-media accounts.

Since the beginning of reform and opening up, various enterprises on the mainland have developed rapidly, making positive contributions to economic and social development, scientific and technological progress, and improving people's livelihood, and have also greatly enhanced China's comprehensive strength. However, on the Internet, it is not uncommon to publish false information about enterprises, spread rumors, and maliciously slander the image of enterprises and entrepreneurs.

Some time ago, there were a large number of voices on the Internet that boycotted Nongfu Spring and let Nongfu Spring go out of business, wanting to get rid of it quickly and completely defeat it. This time it was Nongfu Spring and Zhong Sui, which company and entrepreneur will be attacked next time?

Extreme speech on the Internet has long become a major danger to society

There are many netizens who want to bring down this company today and that company tomorrow, and it seems that he is satisfied after all Chinese companies are defeated. If these enterprises are brought down, won't it be a self-destruction of the Great Wall of the economy?

It can be said that the handling of the relevant departments has effectively created a clear business network environment and boosted the economic development of the mainland. Back to the knife wounding incident in Suzhou High-tech Zone, may the deceased rest in peace, and may there be less and less extreme remarks on our Internet.

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