
Jujube strong team: sing the feelings of loving the party and walking out of a healthy life

author:Jujube strong publicity
Jujube strong team: sing the feelings of loving the party and walking out of a healthy life

Singing and dancing to praise the party's grace, national fitness to celebrate "July 1st". On June 30, the Zaoqiangfang team of Hengshui Pattern Queue Fitness Association held the "Celebration of July 1st and Ode to the Party" activity in Dongzi Park, celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in the form of pattern queue walking and art performances.

Jujube strong team: sing the feelings of loving the party and walking out of a healthy life

The Zaoqiangfang team of Hengshui Fancy Queue Fitness Association was established on July 1, 2023, with the purpose of "national fitness, simple and happy", and scientific fitness in the form of synchronized hiking. Since its establishment, the team has attracted the participation of many hiking enthusiasts, and now the scale has grown to more than 300 people, 5 teams, distributed in various squares and parks in our county to carry out activities.

Jujube strong team: sing the feelings of loving the party and walking out of a healthy life

Walking 100 cadences is the main theme of walking and trick movements in the process of implementing health and wellness of the Zao Qiangfang team, because the frequency is very similar to our heart rate pulsation, giving people psychological comfort and auditory enjoyment and making each team member more acceptable and loved.

Jujube strong team: sing the feelings of loving the party and walking out of a healthy life

During the activity, the Zaoqiang team carried out a neat and uniform queue display, and then the team members took vigorous steps and began to hike, everyone was full of energy and highly consistent movements, fully demonstrating the healthy, optimistic and harmonious spiritual outlook. The climax of the art show was repeated, and the program forms were diverse, such as the chorus "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", the dance "Singing the Motherland", and the excerpt of the Peking Opera "Red Lantern" "Glory Shines Forever Forward", etc., which showed the self-confidence of the team members, and expressed their infinite love for the party and the country and their yearning for a better life.

Jujube strong team: sing the feelings of loving the party and walking out of a healthy life

Gu Wenmin, a member of the Zaoqiang team, said: "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China, we held the 'Celebration of July 1st and Praise the Party' activity today with great excitement and gratitude. ”

(Source: Zaoqiang Rong Media)

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