
A loss of liver and blood, shallow sleep is easy to wake up and dream more, 1 medicine nourishes liver and blood, calms the nerves and helps sleep

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Li Mengyang

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when people lie down, the blood will be returned to the liver, simply put, when people are sleeping, the blood of our whole body needs to be stored in the liver, "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" records that the soul is stored by the blood, by the liver, the liver does not hide the blood, the blood does not give up the soul, the soul is delusional, causing sleep disorders, the liver hides the blood, the blood gives up the soul, the liver and blood soul are normal, and sleep can be guaranteed.

Therefore, once the liver and blood are lost, it is easy to have insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, dreaming too much, and sleeping shallow and easy to wake up! So today, let's learn about the characteristics of insomnia with liver and blood loss, and share 1 Chinese patent medicine to nourish the liver and regulate the liver, replenish the liver and blood, and relieve the troubles caused by insomnia.

A loss of liver and blood, shallow sleep is easy to wake up and dream more, 1 medicine nourishes liver and blood, calms the nerves and helps sleep

What are the specific symptoms of insomnia with liver and blood deficiency? In fact, people with liver and blood deficiency will first have the manifestation of blood deficiency, the same as most people with blood deficiency, there is no blood on the face, the color of the lips is lighter, and there is weakness all day long, accompanied by dizziness, lack of breath and lazy speech, palpitations, fatigue and fatigue, etc., in addition to the symptoms of blood deficiency, many symptoms are often related to the liver, because the liver is the main tendon, open to the eyes, and its splendor is in the claws, so people with liver and blood deficiency will have specific eyes and small problems on the nails. For example, vision loss, dry eyes, blurred vision, numbness of hands and feet, crisp claws and nails, etc.

A loss of liver and blood, shallow sleep is easy to wake up and dream more, 1 medicine nourishes liver and blood, calms the nerves and helps sleep

In this case, we need to refer to some Chinese patent medicines that can nourish the liver and blood, such as Ah Zhen Yangxue Oral Liquid, which is composed of pearl, Ejiao, angelica, rehman, Chuanxiong, white peony, astragalus, codonopsis, red dates, ligustrum, and polygonatum japonica, which is mainly used to nourish liver and blood, and has a positive effect on dizziness, palpitations, dry skin, and poor blood color caused by insufficient liver blood.

A loss of liver and blood, shallow sleep is easy to wake up and dream more, 1 medicine nourishes liver and blood, calms the nerves and helps sleep

There are many drugs on the market to replenish qi and blood, such as the familiar Bazhen granules, Gui Spleen pills, Qi and blood nourishing oral liquid, etc., these drugs have the effect of replenishing qi and blood, but the syndrome types are different, so you will find that the same is poor qi and blood, and the effect may not be ideal after some people use it, this is because Chinese medicine pays attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, and only the symptomatic can have a better effect. Moreover, there are many causes of insomnia, and some types are very complex, so it is recommended that you do not blindly use drugs, but seek medical treatment offline, and under the guidance of doctors.

That's the end of today's sharing, I'm Li Mengyang, a Chinese medicine practitioner.