
Red Story Painting - Strong Army Cause|Today's recommended comic book "Missile Commander

author:Beijing Municipal Center of Culture

Red story painted

New China's 75 years of strong military greatness

Red Story Painting - Strong Army Cause|Today's recommended comic book "Missile Commander

Yang Yegong (1945-2004), a native of Yingcheng, Hubei, enlisted in the army in August 1963 and joined the Communist Party of China in February 1966. In 1993, Yang Yegong participated in the preparation for the establishment of our army's first conventional missile brigade, and led the troops to start from scratch to tackle key problems and overcome difficulties under the conditions of a shortage of talents, lack of equipment, and no existing positions, and explored and summed up the construction ideas, training models, and management methods of the conventional missile brigade, thus making outstanding contributions to the rapid formation of combat effectiveness of our army's new-type missile units and to military reform with Chinese characteristics. In 2019, Yang Yegong was selected into the list of "The Most Beautiful Strivers".

The comic book "Missile Commander Yang Yegong" reproduces many touching deeds of Yang Yegong during his lifetime through the memories of Yang Yegong's comrades-in-arms and relatives and friends.


Red Story Painting - Strong Army Cause|Today's recommended comic book "Missile Commander
Red Story Painting - Strong Army Cause|Today's recommended comic book "Missile Commander

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