
"My child was admitted to a good university, but it was the beginning of my nightmare!"

author:I am not Confucius V


"My child was admitted to a good university, but it was the beginning of my nightmare!"

"My child was admitted to a good university, but it was the beginning of my nightmare!"

"Children don't have to study too well, learn too well, get admitted to a good university, go abroad, they are no longer your children, they are no longer your children, that is, they are other people's children!"

Every year during the college entrance examination, the lonely teacher Li always comforts the parents whose children do not do well in the exam. Every time Mr. Li spoke, he would have tears in his eyes. Ms. Li is over 80 years old, and her wife has passed more than ten years ago, and now she is the only one left at home. She always said that this lonely life was too boring, and life had no meaning to her or in her heart. She is not afraid of death, she always says that she is quietly looking forward to the arrival of that moment, hoping to be with her old wife over there, and for the son who once made him extremely proud, there is only a sigh left......

"My child was admitted to a good university, but it was the beginning of my nightmare!"

When it comes to Mr. Li's son, it was really the pride of Mr. Li, the pride of our village, and the pride of our town! Mr. Li's son, your one-year college entrance examination is the top student in our county's college entrance examination, and it became the focus of discussion on the streets and alleys of our town at that time. Mr. Li's son also successfully went to a prestigious university.

Later, Mr. Li's son naturally became the first international student in our town to study in the United States, and then became the first American in our town. Later, Mr. Li's son settled in the United States! Teacher Li back then was really infinitely beautiful, and it was really enviable. Whenever Mr. Li's son is mentioned, Mr. Li is extremely proud.

But later, later...... Mr. Li's son rarely returns to China, and Mr. Li set up a lonely old man!

Now whenever he mentions this son in the United States, Mr. Li will say to everyone, "Children don't have to learn too well, if they learn too well, they will be other people's children, and your family will be reunited during the New Year's holidays." But when did you see my American son coming back? Even when his father dies, when his father dies! Hi! I can't see the last side......"

"My child was admitted to a good university, but it was the beginning of my nightmare!"

It was more than ten years ago, Mr. Li's wife was terminally ill, and at the last moment, he was looking forward to seeing his American son, but he couldn't breathe, but in the end, he couldn't wait for that moment. The American son said that his company was very busy, and he couldn't get out of it, until the last moment, Mr. Li's wife didn't close her eyes and left this world with too many regrets!

"What can my American son do but mail me some money during the holidays? What else can you do? But there are some things that money can't buy or buy....... ”

Teacher Li's son studied in the United States after graduating from a university, and at the beginning life was very hard, in order to save money for the family, but on the evening of the Chinese New Year's Eve, Teacher Li and his family went to school to wait for the child to call. Really, at that time, for Mr. and Mrs. Li, a transatlantic phone call from my son was considered the Chinese New Year, but Mr. and Mrs. Li were still very happy at that time, thinking that their children were promising.

Later, one year during the Spring Festival, the son led the American daughter-in-law back once, and Mr. Li was very happy that year, but since then, the son has never come back, even when Mr. Li's wife died, the son never came back, and he couldn't even see the last one.

Later, Mr. Li thought that his wife was gone, and his son became his only support......

"My child was admitted to a good university, but it was the beginning of my nightmare!"

Later, Mr. Li himself retired, so he sold all his family property and all his savings. Defected to the United States. After living in the United States for a few days, the daughter-in-law of the United States did not understand and asked why she didn't leave? Do you want to live forever? Why live with them? Why does your mother come to interfere with our private lives? We, your mother, want to destroy the harmony of our family? Why did your mother go back to China? Why does your mom stay in our house? ……

This foreign daughter-in-law did not welcome Mr. Li's arrival at all, thinking that Mr. Li's arrival had affected the normal life of others, and asked Mr. Li's son to give a reasonable explanation.

In order not to embarrass his son, Mr. Li returned to China, returned to the town, and never went to the United States again, and never wanted to go to the United States again. The son was also very guilty and mailed back $50,000 to Mr. Li. But Mr. Li didn't accept it, and wrote to tell his son, you have a lot of money, why do I want so much money alone? Money doesn't mean anything to me, I'm alone, everything is fine, don't worry, as long as you live well.

Although Mr. Li said this, every year during the Spring Festival, at the head of the town, the snowflakes fluttered, and as the New Year approached, there was always a white-haired old man in the snowflakes in the sky. Again and again he stood there at the entrance of the village and looked at it, looked at the ......, looked and looked, and looked and looked, and then shook his head, sighed, and muttered to himself, "My son, my son! Can you come back? Can you come back? ”

"My child was admitted to a good university, but it was the beginning of my nightmare!"