
Prosecutor General Hu Ye went deep into Hulong Town to investigate and supervise the work of party building and rural revitalization

author:Anyue Procuratorate

Recently, Hu Ye, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the People's Procuratorate of Anyue County, went deep into Hulong Town to investigate and supervise the progress of party building to promote rural revitalization, party discipline learning and education, cultivate and reserve village-level reserve forces, and upgrade village-level positions.

Prosecutor General Hu Ye went deep into Hulong Town to investigate and supervise the work of party building and rural revitalization

Hu also had a collective heart-to-heart conversation with the members of the Hulong Town team, focusing on the cultivation and reserve of village-level reserve forces, the operation and analysis of the teams of the two village committees, and at the same time investigating and understanding the study and education of party discipline, the construction of village-level positions, and the development of the collective economy. In-depth field investigation and supervision of weak and sloppy party organizations in Wanqiao Village to promote rural revitalization of party building, and put forward specific requirements for doing a good job in related work.

Prosecutor General Hu Ye went deep into Hulong Town to investigate and supervise the work of party building and rural revitalization

First, strengthen organizational leadership. It is necessary to deeply understand the importance of grasping party building to promote rural revitalization, insist on the main leaders personally grasping it, and the leaders in charge of specific work, clarify the division of responsibilities, do a good job of implementation at all levels, and insist on grasping both party building and promoting development.

The second is to reserve and train good village party organization leaders. It is necessary to comprehensively benchmark the deployment requirements of the superiors for the cultivation of reserve leaders of grass-roots party organizations, and strictly control all aspects of research and planning, task decomposition, promotion of implementation, audit and control, and effectiveness inspection, improve the quality and effectiveness of work, coordinate and cooperate to dredge the difficulties and blockages in the work, and promote the implementation of tasks.

The third is to do a solid job in the village collective economy. It is necessary to closely focus on the key work such as the operation analysis of the village-level team, the upgrading of the village-level position, and the rectification of weak and sloppy party organizations, complete and strengthen the two village committees, formulate a good "one village, one policy", and urge the two village committees to play a leading and exemplary role, focus on the current urgent, difficult, and anxious things of the masses, coordinate and solve them in a timely manner, and develop the rural collective economy in accordance with local conditions.

Prosecutor General Hu Ye went deep into Hulong Town to investigate and supervise the work of party building and rural revitalization

Source: Anyue County People's Procuratorate WeChat public account


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